What's your Minecraft Username?: SnowLobo
What's the title of your suggestion?: Adding a Confirmation Prompt for Wardrobe Slot Purchases.
What's your suggestion?:
My suggestion is to add a confirmation screen for when you try to buy an extra wardrobe slot; a lot of people (including myself) have accidentally bought an extra wardrobe slot that we probably will never use while we were in editmode building with a wardrobe or when we just opened a wardrobe and happened to misclick, resulting in the loss of a ridiculous amount of money.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This would prevent players from accidentally making the purchases of the wardrobe slots, resulting in the loss of their money.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Adding a Confirmation Prompt for Wardrobe Slot Purchases.
What's your suggestion?:
My suggestion is to add a confirmation screen for when you try to buy an extra wardrobe slot; a lot of people (including myself) have accidentally bought an extra wardrobe slot that we probably will never use while we were in editmode building with a wardrobe or when we just opened a wardrobe and happened to misclick, resulting in the loss of a ridiculous amount of money.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This would prevent players from accidentally making the purchases of the wardrobe slots, resulting in the loss of their money.