What's your Minecraft Username?: Vexosphere
What's the title of your suggestion?: Change the damn WIND
What's your suggestion?:
Do I need to say anything? Wind is TOO intense. IRL, you can easily walk through wind. Wind is just too annoying. My suggestion: change the intensity of wind, apply small slowness or remove it completely. One of these options should be considered. (Also, wind is EVEN inside buildings. For example? My DAMN penthouse... in Shopping district complex.)
How will this benefit the server and community?:
People always complain on OOC about wind, there's good reason for it. It's just annoying.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Change the damn WIND
What's your suggestion?:
Do I need to say anything? Wind is TOO intense. IRL, you can easily walk through wind. Wind is just too annoying. My suggestion: change the intensity of wind, apply small slowness or remove it completely. One of these options should be considered. (Also, wind is EVEN inside buildings. For example? My DAMN penthouse... in Shopping district complex.)
How will this benefit the server and community?:
People always complain on OOC about wind, there's good reason for it. It's just annoying.