Level 9
Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
SilusOOF (Applying on an ALT account! My main is SillySilus)
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, I do have discord: SillySilus. (With the . )
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity within SRP is reasonable, due to involving myself with several forms of roleplay genres, my (currently) most often one being YakuzaRP. Therefore, for that alone I'm online once a day for at least 4 hours, it will certainly increase depending on if I get accepted. So, if I had to put my activity on a rate scale, I’d settle for a 7/10. Reasoning behind it not being any higher is due to OOC commitment's that I simply just can't drop: College / Family.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Unfortunately – Yes, I have been banned before, twice. The first time were due to an incident with Yonio, we had a dispute over roleplay, but its concluded and settled, we are chill again and have been for a long time. The second were back when I’d first joined SRP, I were new to the server as was most, and understand, at this time i had no concept of roleplay, so I understood nothing. That is 2 bans over a course of nearly 5 years now, I’m happy to say I’ve had none since nor come close to getting one, nor do I have plans to get banned in the future.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course, activity is a huge dependant factor with anything you want to dedicate yourself too. It should be no different here.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the Caretaker role!
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The main aspect of being a caretaker is: Maintaining and securing a school premises. They handle various tasks and duties, including (possibly) building maintenance, groundskeeping, health and safety inspections, security monitoring and cleaning. Depending on where they work, the role of school caretakers may include opening and locking the school building, assisting teaching staff with setting up facilities, controlling access to the premises, performing security checks, maintaining security and reporting incidents such as vandalism and school fights to the Dean / Head of School.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Over the course of (mostly) four years, I've come to hold a great amount of experience within roleplay. When I first started it were more just a thing I did to pass the time, but now I've come to take it more seriously and take a hobby in. Throughout nearly 5 years, I’ve delved into various genres of roleplay, GangRP, CrimeRP, DelinquentRP, JockRP, YakuzaRP. . . Out of them all, I’ve never had the chance to roleplay in a faction. Therefore, I'm making this application to gain new experiences and roleplay out new scenarios.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
As stated above previously; I'd like to join the School Employee Faction because it's something I've never had the chance to explore nor enjoy properly. Since its VERY common to be in a faction, and I've never had the chance, I thought it’d be a great time to do so, considering my timetable IRL has opened up significantly.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Due to having LOTS of different applications within the server; I couldn't get all of them except for the most significant.
(My reporter application was NOT AI-Generated, to clarify – I spent nearly a week on it, thus why it was much more detailed than my writing would look like on the spot, this application has taken me about an hour or so. I was merely accused).
(This was my first attempt at applying for council! Which was denied, but I got in the second time )
Those are all my SIGNIFICANT applications!
(Also, I could have reapplied for reporter if I wanted – After I explained to Aania that it wasn't AI generated, she said i could reapply if I wanted, but I chose this instead (DM for proof if needed)
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Currently, my roles are:
High School [Grade 12] Daiki Igarashi – SilusOOF (Alt Account)
College [Bachelor] Vasuki Ani – SillySilus (Main Account – I would transfer him over to my Alt, if accepted for the Caretaker role)
High School [Grade 11] Ani Matsumoto – SillySilus (Main account)
/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift, a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Vasuki Ani itched his cheek, standing by the stairs to the front reception corridor-way. His gaze pierced around the surrounding area, as if an eagle hunting for its prey; the prey being any incessant children and misbehaviour; with nothing in sight, Ani were about to return to his Caretaking Duties, until, in a spontaneous outbreak, a student made their way in front of him, cursing an unfortunate amount. His gaze scrunching as his actions were followed with a slow exhale, his foot tapping against the floorboards, waiting for the opportunity to butt in.
“Must I inform the Dean of your actions, hm? Or maybe relay it to your parents?”
Vasuki waited, arms crossing underneath his chest, waiting for a reply from the student-at-hand; an eyebrow furrowing upwards as nothing but silence echoed from their lips.
“Thats what I thought, now I’ll let you off with a warning this time, but, watch your manners.”
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Vasuki Ani were leant beside the bench, a pot of ramen noodles in-hand, the chopsticks slowly clasping onto anything it could grasp onto, eventually dragging the half-delicious beverage into his mouth, a soft gurgle escaping as he gulped it down, most distracted by his food, he quickly turned an eye; finding from the corner of it, were two students, one older than the next engaging in a physical misconduct. Though only seeing one throw hands, he planted the cardboard box (filled with noodles) down onto the bench, stepping over to the children before he’d take out a radio, just in case – His words fell out in a sharp tone, laced with irritation.
"You’ve interrupted my lunch, now I’v gotta deal with you pair, now, separate. Now!”
Ani clicked his tongue a slight amount, waiting for them both to separate at once; which thankfully, they did. Only seeing one throw hands, he quickly spoke up once more, dedicated to get to the bottom of this situation.
“Knuckles, show ‘em! Now.”
Vasuki Ani scoffed, shaking his head in disappointment as he checked their fists and knuckles, nodding slightly as he found bruise marks on both. . . Good thing he check them BOTH! He slipped out two detention slips, handing one to each child.
“Well done, you won detention! Now, school ends in 15 minutes, run along. Make sure you go to em, or it’ll be upscaled. You hear?”
He walked away, leaving it at that – Picking back up his pot of noodles, completing his lunchtime endeavour.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Vasuki Ani stood by the open-floored reception of the front end of the building; muffled rambling escaping his semi-parted lips as he spoke with another faculty member, most significantly, a receptionist. As they stood, chatting; the muffled yelling and cursing snapped their attention away, at first sense, the belief that it were a student gradually washed away. His eyes widening briefly as he began to stroll up to the Librarian, clearly acting inappropriately, he stood there for a moment in silence, before shifting his weight onto one foot, clicking his tongue before he'd speak.
"I'm sorry, since when is that how we deal with students?"
Nevertheless, whether the faculty tried to argue back or not; Ani wouldn't let it slide, shushing the man as his finger sat on his lips, his actions pretty mediocre as he gave the man a significant lesson.
"Of course, you clearly dont enjoy being treated like this, so don't do it to the children, no matter how much they got on your nerves. I will be reporting this to higher authority"
Vasuki Ani shook his head in disbelief, pivoting on his heel as he strolled back to the person on the desk, continuing their conversation, half of it about the gossip of what just occurred!
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Vasuki Ani would stumble into the Break Room, the doors opening wide as he shut it, careful not to make the a thud noise as it closed. A flashy smile curled upon his lips as he scanned the room, greeting anyone who were here with a respectful bow of the head, straightening his posture before heading to the fridge, opening it as he grabbed some sandwiches he previously left there this following morning. The fridge door closed shut, sitting beside one of the Faculty Members on the couch, munching away into his food.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
Felt the cool breeze pass by, his hair shifting in the wind, a faculty radio in-hand. He leant his weight onto one foot as it tapped against the concrete floor, his gaze scanning the surrounding area. He squinted forth, was it students misbehaving? Or a fight breaking out! Nope. . . It was birds rummaging the bin. Ani audibly exhaled, the boredom that came with the job were as if never-ending, until there were actually a form of mis-conductivity at least.
Stood by the coffee machine, the faculty lounge silent as adults mingled in their own groups and marked work. His gaze side-eying the room, lingering before it shifted back onto the coffee machine, taking the now boiling water and pouring it into the cup of coffee beans. Ani would slip a teaspoon between his index finger, swirling it around in the cup before placing it on the side, holding the mug with two hands as he took a sip. Mmm! Refreshing.
Dragged his hand through his hair, walking away from a previous situation. His gaze unsettled as he planted himself by the Nurse’s office, a bench that littered the corridor. He sat on the arm of it, his phone pulled out his pocket, scrolling through unseen notifications before he’d send a few replies, pocketing it afterwards. Audible sounds of irritancy cascaded from the Nurse’s ward, his head snapped up, watching as two students hounded the woman. He shook his head, ashamed; quickly strolling up to deal with the situation.
In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
Full Name (First & Last only):
Vasuki, Ani.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
Health & Safety Management
Environmental Safety
Operations Research
Vasuki Ani were had a heritage of pure Japanese.
Known Languages:
Japanese, Korean
/* Describe how your character ended up becoming an employee including their previous life. It's optional to include earlier life. Make sure this is over 300 words and remove this comment after posting.*/
Vasuki Ani grew up in a bustling port city known as Shimonoseki. Known for its rich seafood, historical significance and its vibrant market. The cities iconic Kanmon Bridge connects Honshu and Kyushu, symbolising the unity of two regions. In prosperity of the city, wealth came easy to the Ani Family, well known for their demanded respect and authority over various establishments, they had their claws in a lot of places – Even the non-legal kind. Of course, Vasuki Ani never partook in any of their incriminating activities, his goals remained on the right path, one of hard work and earned prosperity.
Despite their overall wealth, education never came easy to Vasuki Ani, often behind on a lot of things and suffering from the trauma of failure. Attending one of the greatest schools in the city gave no advantage, his troubled gaze often making the littlest of things seem impossible. Eventually, further on, his parents arranged a private tutor; taking up extra time every Saturday to catch up, though this didn’t come with ease, as Ani had to work day and night in his own time as a 12-year-old boy to catch up. Though eventually, with time and practice, he soon got around to the idea of social development, and even progressed in class as he grew older into his teenage years.
Vasuki Ani, now 19; grew sick of the twisted system that hollowed out the rest of society. The non-earned prosperity sickened him, though his family would never let him just make himself an absent figure in their eyes. Wanting to get away from Shimonoseki, and his family; he discreetly arranged a one-way airport ticket, and transport – Commencing his journey to a new-found Islandic City residing in the southeast of Tokyo, Japan; known as Karakura, he resided there for most of his life, even sending his angered family postcards. Hopefully, they won't come back to bite him.
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
I behold a hard-work ethic, my motivation to joining your team of brilliant faculty is purely a need to work and make something of myself, studying what I have in the past, I believe Karakura High School is the right place for me, if you will have me.
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
My unique skillset is what often sets me apart from others, taking a different approach into the world of Health and Safety. Not only that, but due to my hard-work ethic and unyielding urge to complete my work in the best way possible for everyone, I believe I’m a useful asset in the long run, I plan to stay, whereas many others may leave after a short amount of time. Trust in me that you have a long-term companion and work friend.
/*You may leave this blank*/
Vasuki Ani even joined the Journalism Club for a while back in Karakura College, though he didn't stay for long due to not really finding it his career path.
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
Upon hopefully being accepted, when would I be able to start? Immediate, I hope.
What is your Minecraft username?:
SilusOOF (Applying on an ALT account! My main is SillySilus)
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, I do have discord: SillySilus. (With the . )
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity within SRP is reasonable, due to involving myself with several forms of roleplay genres, my (currently) most often one being YakuzaRP. Therefore, for that alone I'm online once a day for at least 4 hours, it will certainly increase depending on if I get accepted. So, if I had to put my activity on a rate scale, I’d settle for a 7/10. Reasoning behind it not being any higher is due to OOC commitment's that I simply just can't drop: College / Family.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Unfortunately – Yes, I have been banned before, twice. The first time were due to an incident with Yonio, we had a dispute over roleplay, but its concluded and settled, we are chill again and have been for a long time. The second were back when I’d first joined SRP, I were new to the server as was most, and understand, at this time i had no concept of roleplay, so I understood nothing. That is 2 bans over a course of nearly 5 years now, I’m happy to say I’ve had none since nor come close to getting one, nor do I have plans to get banned in the future.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course, activity is a huge dependant factor with anything you want to dedicate yourself too. It should be no different here.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the Caretaker role!
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The main aspect of being a caretaker is: Maintaining and securing a school premises. They handle various tasks and duties, including (possibly) building maintenance, groundskeeping, health and safety inspections, security monitoring and cleaning. Depending on where they work, the role of school caretakers may include opening and locking the school building, assisting teaching staff with setting up facilities, controlling access to the premises, performing security checks, maintaining security and reporting incidents such as vandalism and school fights to the Dean / Head of School.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Over the course of (mostly) four years, I've come to hold a great amount of experience within roleplay. When I first started it were more just a thing I did to pass the time, but now I've come to take it more seriously and take a hobby in. Throughout nearly 5 years, I’ve delved into various genres of roleplay, GangRP, CrimeRP, DelinquentRP, JockRP, YakuzaRP. . . Out of them all, I’ve never had the chance to roleplay in a faction. Therefore, I'm making this application to gain new experiences and roleplay out new scenarios.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
As stated above previously; I'd like to join the School Employee Faction because it's something I've never had the chance to explore nor enjoy properly. Since its VERY common to be in a faction, and I've never had the chance, I thought it’d be a great time to do so, considering my timetable IRL has opened up significantly.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Due to having LOTS of different applications within the server; I couldn't get all of them except for the most significant.
(My reporter application was NOT AI-Generated, to clarify – I spent nearly a week on it, thus why it was much more detailed than my writing would look like on the spot, this application has taken me about an hour or so. I was merely accused).
(This was my first attempt at applying for council! Which was denied, but I got in the second time )
Those are all my SIGNIFICANT applications!
(Also, I could have reapplied for reporter if I wanted – After I explained to Aania that it wasn't AI generated, she said i could reapply if I wanted, but I chose this instead (DM for proof if needed)
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Currently, my roles are:
High School [Grade 12] Daiki Igarashi – SilusOOF (Alt Account)
College [Bachelor] Vasuki Ani – SillySilus (Main Account – I would transfer him over to my Alt, if accepted for the Caretaker role)
High School [Grade 11] Ani Matsumoto – SillySilus (Main account)
/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift, a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Vasuki Ani itched his cheek, standing by the stairs to the front reception corridor-way. His gaze pierced around the surrounding area, as if an eagle hunting for its prey; the prey being any incessant children and misbehaviour; with nothing in sight, Ani were about to return to his Caretaking Duties, until, in a spontaneous outbreak, a student made their way in front of him, cursing an unfortunate amount. His gaze scrunching as his actions were followed with a slow exhale, his foot tapping against the floorboards, waiting for the opportunity to butt in.
“Must I inform the Dean of your actions, hm? Or maybe relay it to your parents?”
Vasuki waited, arms crossing underneath his chest, waiting for a reply from the student-at-hand; an eyebrow furrowing upwards as nothing but silence echoed from their lips.
“Thats what I thought, now I’ll let you off with a warning this time, but, watch your manners.”
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Vasuki Ani were leant beside the bench, a pot of ramen noodles in-hand, the chopsticks slowly clasping onto anything it could grasp onto, eventually dragging the half-delicious beverage into his mouth, a soft gurgle escaping as he gulped it down, most distracted by his food, he quickly turned an eye; finding from the corner of it, were two students, one older than the next engaging in a physical misconduct. Though only seeing one throw hands, he planted the cardboard box (filled with noodles) down onto the bench, stepping over to the children before he’d take out a radio, just in case – His words fell out in a sharp tone, laced with irritation.
"You’ve interrupted my lunch, now I’v gotta deal with you pair, now, separate. Now!”
Ani clicked his tongue a slight amount, waiting for them both to separate at once; which thankfully, they did. Only seeing one throw hands, he quickly spoke up once more, dedicated to get to the bottom of this situation.
“Knuckles, show ‘em! Now.”
Vasuki Ani scoffed, shaking his head in disappointment as he checked their fists and knuckles, nodding slightly as he found bruise marks on both. . . Good thing he check them BOTH! He slipped out two detention slips, handing one to each child.
“Well done, you won detention! Now, school ends in 15 minutes, run along. Make sure you go to em, or it’ll be upscaled. You hear?”
He walked away, leaving it at that – Picking back up his pot of noodles, completing his lunchtime endeavour.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Vasuki Ani stood by the open-floored reception of the front end of the building; muffled rambling escaping his semi-parted lips as he spoke with another faculty member, most significantly, a receptionist. As they stood, chatting; the muffled yelling and cursing snapped their attention away, at first sense, the belief that it were a student gradually washed away. His eyes widening briefly as he began to stroll up to the Librarian, clearly acting inappropriately, he stood there for a moment in silence, before shifting his weight onto one foot, clicking his tongue before he'd speak.
"I'm sorry, since when is that how we deal with students?"
Nevertheless, whether the faculty tried to argue back or not; Ani wouldn't let it slide, shushing the man as his finger sat on his lips, his actions pretty mediocre as he gave the man a significant lesson.
"Of course, you clearly dont enjoy being treated like this, so don't do it to the children, no matter how much they got on your nerves. I will be reporting this to higher authority"
Vasuki Ani shook his head in disbelief, pivoting on his heel as he strolled back to the person on the desk, continuing their conversation, half of it about the gossip of what just occurred!
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Vasuki Ani would stumble into the Break Room, the doors opening wide as he shut it, careful not to make the a thud noise as it closed. A flashy smile curled upon his lips as he scanned the room, greeting anyone who were here with a respectful bow of the head, straightening his posture before heading to the fridge, opening it as he grabbed some sandwiches he previously left there this following morning. The fridge door closed shut, sitting beside one of the Faculty Members on the couch, munching away into his food.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
Felt the cool breeze pass by, his hair shifting in the wind, a faculty radio in-hand. He leant his weight onto one foot as it tapped against the concrete floor, his gaze scanning the surrounding area. He squinted forth, was it students misbehaving? Or a fight breaking out! Nope. . . It was birds rummaging the bin. Ani audibly exhaled, the boredom that came with the job were as if never-ending, until there were actually a form of mis-conductivity at least.
Stood by the coffee machine, the faculty lounge silent as adults mingled in their own groups and marked work. His gaze side-eying the room, lingering before it shifted back onto the coffee machine, taking the now boiling water and pouring it into the cup of coffee beans. Ani would slip a teaspoon between his index finger, swirling it around in the cup before placing it on the side, holding the mug with two hands as he took a sip. Mmm! Refreshing.
Dragged his hand through his hair, walking away from a previous situation. His gaze unsettled as he planted himself by the Nurse’s office, a bench that littered the corridor. He sat on the arm of it, his phone pulled out his pocket, scrolling through unseen notifications before he’d send a few replies, pocketing it afterwards. Audible sounds of irritancy cascaded from the Nurse’s ward, his head snapped up, watching as two students hounded the woman. He shook his head, ashamed; quickly strolling up to deal with the situation.
In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
Full Name (First & Last only):
Vasuki, Ani.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
Health & Safety Management
Environmental Safety
Operations Research
Vasuki Ani were had a heritage of pure Japanese.
Known Languages:
Japanese, Korean
/* Describe how your character ended up becoming an employee including their previous life. It's optional to include earlier life. Make sure this is over 300 words and remove this comment after posting.*/
Vasuki Ani grew up in a bustling port city known as Shimonoseki. Known for its rich seafood, historical significance and its vibrant market. The cities iconic Kanmon Bridge connects Honshu and Kyushu, symbolising the unity of two regions. In prosperity of the city, wealth came easy to the Ani Family, well known for their demanded respect and authority over various establishments, they had their claws in a lot of places – Even the non-legal kind. Of course, Vasuki Ani never partook in any of their incriminating activities, his goals remained on the right path, one of hard work and earned prosperity.
Despite their overall wealth, education never came easy to Vasuki Ani, often behind on a lot of things and suffering from the trauma of failure. Attending one of the greatest schools in the city gave no advantage, his troubled gaze often making the littlest of things seem impossible. Eventually, further on, his parents arranged a private tutor; taking up extra time every Saturday to catch up, though this didn’t come with ease, as Ani had to work day and night in his own time as a 12-year-old boy to catch up. Though eventually, with time and practice, he soon got around to the idea of social development, and even progressed in class as he grew older into his teenage years.
Vasuki Ani, now 19; grew sick of the twisted system that hollowed out the rest of society. The non-earned prosperity sickened him, though his family would never let him just make himself an absent figure in their eyes. Wanting to get away from Shimonoseki, and his family; he discreetly arranged a one-way airport ticket, and transport – Commencing his journey to a new-found Islandic City residing in the southeast of Tokyo, Japan; known as Karakura, he resided there for most of his life, even sending his angered family postcards. Hopefully, they won't come back to bite him.
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
I behold a hard-work ethic, my motivation to joining your team of brilliant faculty is purely a need to work and make something of myself, studying what I have in the past, I believe Karakura High School is the right place for me, if you will have me.
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
My unique skillset is what often sets me apart from others, taking a different approach into the world of Health and Safety. Not only that, but due to my hard-work ethic and unyielding urge to complete my work in the best way possible for everyone, I believe I’m a useful asset in the long run, I plan to stay, whereas many others may leave after a short amount of time. Trust in me that you have a long-term companion and work friend.
/*You may leave this blank*/
Vasuki Ani even joined the Journalism Club for a while back in Karakura College, though he didn't stay for long due to not really finding it his career path.
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
Upon hopefully being accepted, when would I be able to start? Immediate, I hope.
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