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Accepted rowschew | Highschool Council Application


Level 2



What is your Minecraft Username?:

rosechu_ / rowschew / roadshoee

(Applying on @ rowschew. If accepted, my doctor tag will be moved onto my @ roadshoee account.)

What is your timezone?:
CST - Central Standard Time

Please provide your Discord tag:
@ rosechu

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
lang app #1 (spanish)
lang app #2 (russian)

maiden app | denied
doctor app | accepted

Describe your activity on the server:
As silly as it is to admit, I am online everyday from the afternoon until midnight. (3pm - 12am)
My schedule is fairly flexible since I am an unemployed student, and despite my OOC burdens, I always find time
to dedicate the server into my day. My activity is expected to stay consistent since I have a sports character on my main account, and a doctor on my
other alternative account. My activity reaches its peak especially on the weekends, and if I were to rate it overall, it'd be a painful 9.5/10.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
rosechu_ [Grade-12][Volleyball] Amore Flowers
rowschew [Doctor] Nilou Funayūrei
roadshoee [Grade-8] Ae-Cha Kyǒng

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?: Yes, I am aware of this.



What is the student council and what do they do?:

Let's put student council in the simplest terms: they are a group of students who represent the school in a tame image amongst the student body. Each person within is accountable for being a great influence, an inspiration for the community they're leading. These students work together to organize events for the school, whether the activities improve academics or bring people together as whole. They may be known for their discipline, but overall, their main duty is to make the school a better place for everyone.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
I have a few friends within the council and I’d like to say they’ve really showed off the most attractive parts of it. I can understand from an outsider's view that its a role they love partaking in. Personally, I have experience with student council in real life, so it would be cool to see if it were any different or similar in game. Let alone my character’s persona led me to believe that she’d be great for this position, and that was motivating in itself.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am aware. One of my favorite things to do is come up with projects that will bring amusement to everyone involved. I have a taste in teamwork already, since that type of environment is used in many scenarios of my everyday life ICLY and OOCLY. I also believe I am efficient in communication; the best thing I can do is discuss for hours on end.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
The President is responsible for showing an example to the student body, acting as liaison between students and school administration, leading the council in organizing activities and events. They play a key role in fostering school spirit and it's community.
The Vice-President supports the President and takes on leadership duties when the President is unavailable, or in need of assistance with something. They may even oversee specific events that the Councilors aren't able to do.
Councilor responsibilities may vary, but they mainly act as a voice for their peers, gathering feedback from students and bringing concerns or ideas to council meetings. They also look after any dispute that may occur between individuals on campus.



While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

"If we are avoiding disruption and I am noticing this behavior from afar, the first thing I'd do is warn them with a subtle gesture. Like.. non verbal cues. Similar to how you would place a finger upon your lips to hush someone, yeah? - This isn't all to my taste. Although it is easier that way, sometimes confrontation is preferred. So, if they continue to persist, that is when I will approach them or pull them away from the crowd. Then, a verbal warning would be given, and if problems remained.. well, I'd ask for a teacher's assistance."

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
"I'd look pitiful if I were chasing after them. The best way to go about this isn't to run behind, of course, I do not have the lung capacity for that. . !
Either I, or faculty, will intercom the individual and alert them to come over to the front desk. The following consequences are up to if they make an appearance again or not. I'd inform faculty of the situation, because all in all, it should be known that masks are prohibited on school grounds."

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
"I will be hearing details from the teacher first in order for me to comprehend a little bit of the situation at hand. Our collaboration would include me taking the student(s) aside, asking for their input at the pace they are comfortable with speaking in. If there seems to be any potential threats to the student and/or school's safety, the appropriate faculty and adults will be informed of such."

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
"I am not against their right to protest; I am only curious to hear about their desires of why they wish to do so. If I feel like it is suitable, then I will suggest the matter to SLT, and grant them my permission if authorized. I will not tolerate harassment of any kind, or interruptions during ongoing classes, team practices, and anything that shall follow in that criteria. By any means, if the protest eventually influences or initiates anything violent and threatening, the group will be disbanded immediately."

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
"I am not someone to be offended by constructive criticism whatsoever. If I am told that I am doing something that goes against what I've been trained for, I will take this into accountability, and use it as a lesson to learn from for future reference. Anything that I do isn't to purposefully disrespect or disregard my higher-ups; of course, we are all human and are bound to make mistakes. I would absolutely hate to be showing off the wrong example."

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
"Cool, right?"

The halls of Karakura Highschool and College are shrouded with students pacing from one class to another, worrying about their upcoming exams or perhaps ones they've already completed. The percentages are like heavy weights that their brains can only lift for so long, and with that amongst work to bring home, it begins to take a toll on their mental health. Soon, it will affect their academics, and we just cannot have that! So, what's better than a Mental Health Day?

"The intention behind this day is to give students a chance to breathe. I, or.. we understand that these courses strain the possibility of burning us out. Typically, the month of May is dedicated to raise awareness for mental health, but these early months bring a troublesome time for a lot of people due to exams and such. There're things that certain individuals have going on, and to acknowledge their hard work, we should grant them a day to ease."

"I'm glad you asked."

During the day as classes are hosted, PE teachers and professors will issue classes for meditation and yoga practices. Meditation practices help train the brain to be more present and attentive to the here and now. This can enhance someone's ability to focus and overall reduce feelings of overwhelm or distraction. Yoga is essentially a moving meditation, and it encourages others to connect with their bodies and minds. Those who take part in the activity will earn a golden sticker for their motivation. Classes that aren't related to physical education will allow students to participate in a gratitude board; where they place a sticky note on the board that states what or who they are grateful for. That activity should follow teachers and professors educating the class on why mental health is important, and how it should not be overlooked. Counselors AND Councilors will roam actively around the school, tending to those who have questions or in need of speaking to someone, whilst passing around "recognition tickets."

"What in the world is a. . recognition ticket?"
". . . I'm glad you asked."

"Recognition tickets are.. well, tickets. They are printed in the color green to represent awareness. During the month of May, this is the color that most people symbolize for mental health. The people usually present green ribbons to exhibit hope, support, and strength. So, I suppose it can be put to use here as well. That isn't all there is to it. On the empty space beside the title, we'll have to write positive affirmations to hand out. Here, I'll show you a few examples.."
/scribble. . scribble. ./

"What do you think? I believe that this can be the simplest push in order for somebody to pursue greater things. Uhm. . that might sound like a stretch, but, sometimes it just takes a bit of validation. It's okay, we all need that."


Personal Information
(in character)


“Uemara, Reiwa. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”


“I am seventeen years old.”

Phone number:
“You may contact me with this number. 030-458-0725.”

How would you describe your personality?:
“In the eyes of others, I am perceived as an honest, yet blunt individual. Polite, and gracious is what they see. My greatest strength might just be my diligent nature; if there is a task to do, then I create or find the time to complete it regardless of any conflicts that have the possibility of interfering. I persevere through any obstacle, and I mustn’t lie.. I am quite the perfectionist. I will make sure my responsibilities are dealt with in a neat, and orderly fashion, not only because it could be benefiting others.. But I just simply cannot work in a messy environment. That is not like me at all. I am an overall relaxed person, and I do not enjoy loud crowds. My tone may come off sharp, but my intentions aren’t ever to offend another, only to guide them through success.”

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
artwork not drawn by my hand!

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

“What is an easier way to say it. . ? Multitasking? To keep it short, I can withstand a workload. What makes me different from other applicants is how I can quickly process and comprehend a lot of information at a time while many others may struggle to do so. I am organized with a schedule so my availability can be arranged at any time, I do not favor nor do I need breaks, and I am capable of handling repetitive tasks without slowing down. I was previously on the female bobcat volleyball team, so I have a pretty fair idea of what interests and motivates the jocks of this school, as well as the other students.”

Why do you want this position?:
"Most people will tell you that they want to participate in the student council so that they can create a better environment for the students, but will never tell you how they're going to do it. I, for one, am not the greatest socially. However if it were up to me, I'd like to acknowledge my peers who stand out, but also reach out to the individuals who wish to obscure themselves. I want this position so I can prove to a sum of students that a comfortable environment is possible to create, and that it /does/ exist. I feel like if I am given the chance to watch over others, I will also be granted the opportunity of learning more about myself as well, not just other students. I believe that I can bring fresh ideas that are inclusive for everyone. After all, contributing to something good is. . rewarding."

What interests you the most about student council?:
"The student council's leadership is admirable. They take on the responsibility of representing the voices of all of the students, bringing positive reinforcements all around. I've worked in a team before. . but I've never really considered it collaborative work, more-so independent. So. . not a team? I think the ability to work together as a group is interesting."

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
"My attitude. How could you contribute if you're not dedicated? You will be unable to create a "safe" and "fun" environment if you aren't motivated to do such a thing."


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Level 248
Council Lead

Thank you for applying. Congratulations on your application being accepted. Please ping @[Dean] gotsnapped in ⁠#help channel in KA Discord for your roles. If you have any questions, you're welcome to message me at @jawhyla on Discord.

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