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do it. it's free.I’m tempted to submit one for koi….
<33Tobi I LOVE YOU
i ought to slap his bitchass like i slapped his bodyguard!!Wellll, okayokay. If you're so inclined:Icly description
MinisterFudge - Alois Tullybellton
Y'know. That one character you've NEVER had any bad experiences with at all.
5’8, coming in at 65kg. His build is lean, though usually covered up with long sleeves and a flowy black 33-button cassock. His cassock masks this lack of fitness rather well. Possessing rather pale skin, it is obvious he rarely goes outside. Both his eyes and hair are brown, with a distinct scent of coffee that comes both from his crippling caffeine addiction and the scented shampoo he applies liberally.
additional details (piercings, tattoos, etc.) / Any cat things you want! (e.g. collar, specific pattern/marking, fur length, etc.)
I suppose... It'd all be in the posing/expression. This is a character most at peace in a crowded church popping off about the injustices of his time, so perhaps:
- Consider having him stare either directly at the viewer or into the heavens
- Consider giving the cat a collar with a lil silver crucifix
- Consider utilizing the color fuchsia which is heavily associated with him and bishops generally.
- I imagine since he has brown hair, the fur would be brown?
- I imagine he would be HISSING or, alternatively, lookin' all smug. He is legit beefing/yapping with the Mayor about juries/financial barriers to justice in the reference image.
I'm not an artist. These are just ideas. Feel free to take them if you wish. I'm a firm believer in letting artists COOK.
Reference photos | reference art
i'll get back on it soon.. ! i had a little bit of an artblock but i'm getting back into drawing. i should have round 2 being actively worked on soon.yearning for them feline interpretations