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Allowing Council members access to the school time bot channel on Discord.


Level 104
What's your Minecraft Username?:

What's the title of your suggestion?:
Allowing Council members access to the school time bot channel on Discord.

What's your suggestion?:
Allowing council members access to the bot channel that pings faculty when it is school time.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It's quite difficult constantly having to do /time in the academics discord when faculty have a much simpler way of knowing when school begins. I believe council members should have access to this so it'll be easier to know when school has started.


Level 11
Community Team
Event Team
What role?
The role that pings for school time! You can DM one of the leads for it, you’ll get access to a channel that pings every 7:30. You usually just have to ask for it because not everyone wants to deal with the spam ping that may follow


Level 104
Thread starter
The role that pings for school time! You can DM one of the leads for it, you’ll get access to a channel that pings every 7:30. You usually just have to ask for it because not everyone wants to deal with the spam ping that may follow


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
I do not think that it is needed for council as much as faculty need it. As to my knowledge, Council doesn't need to set up for classes and make announcments, dont need to use the start shift command. Alternatively you can always check the SchoolRP Bot as the time and day should match up fairly equally to the server if not a few minuets off


Level 163
As a councillor if I’m not on the server I’d rather get a simple ping when school starts then scrolling all the way down the player list just to look at the SRP time bot- and sometimes that bot breaks and the time is sometimes wrong.

If anything I suggest making a channel specifically for student council members to ping us when school time is starting soon. I understand that we don’t host classes or plan assignments but we help around the school whether that’s patrolling, handing out detention slips, helping newer students with the new buddy-system, attending classes and helping teachers or professors if they need it, or even planning events icly for the school with another council member through roleplay.


Level 95
I don't know if you guys know this but you can actually just DM the SchoolRP bot and do /time it tells you the time! I know its not the same as being pinged but you can at least then get a small idea of when school opens and such.


Level 163
I don't know if you guys know this but you can actually just DM the SchoolRP bot and do /time it tells you the time! I know it’s not the same as being pinged but you can at least then get a small idea of when school opens and such.
I’m aware of that but sometimes the bot breaks which causes the time to be wrong. I know it doesn’t happen often, however, I still feel like student council members should be allowed to get a ping whether in the corresponding ping channel where the bot sends messages or the student council has their own channel for this. I also feel like adding this will help increase activity for the student council as well.


Level 66
Just do /time command on discord, but sure why not, +1. Although, for the councillors - school time its not the only time when you should rp, develop ur chars guys, rping outside school is also fun! Just saying, since usually I see councillors online only during school time :p


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to implement it.


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