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Denied Melotism's Physical Education Teacher Application


Level 20
About Me

What's your Minecraft Username?: Melotism
What's your Discord username?: itsmelody18
What's your Time Zone?: CET

Provide any link(s) to previous applications:
What are your current roles on the server?:

Why are Teachers so important to SchoolRP?:
The teacher faction helps to bring the school aspect of SchoolRP to actual reality. A school is centered around education, which teachers bring to the students of highschool, and the professors for college students. Teachers help to give the school an actual school feeling and give people the experience of the school being a school. Teachers help enhance the subject of the server, a school. A school without teachers is not a school, but rather a prison cell. Teachers make sure the students are safe inside the school as well and try to make sure that no students get into trouble. They also give students homework which allows them to graduate faster, meaning less people will be in exams so it'll be easier to host.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you may lose your role?: Yes
Do you agree to undergo teacher training if your application is successful?: Yes

In-Character Section

What's your character's full name?: Amane B. Nakazumi
What is your character's nationality?: Japanese
What is your preferred subject to teach?: Physical Education

Describe your character:
Amane B. Nakazumi is a 31-year-old, Japanese woman. Her skin would have a light sun-touched tone, reflecting onto her wavy, brown hair. Her blue eyes would always make her look sweet. She stood at 5'6 with a lean muscular figure. She would be an adventurous person, yet self-disciplined and friendly. She would also sometimes have a childish side when not being on the job. She would smell like parfume, but it was hard to place what it exactly smelled like... Her voice, often sweet and soft, would get a demanding voice if needed. Amane has a childish side, which she often shows when outside school hours. During school hours, however, she shows her professional and adult side. Her adventurous personality makes her want to explore, learn and teach. Amane always tries to help students who need it the most and teach them everything they possibly need.

What is your character's outlook on students and co-workers?:
Amane always wants to help the students see the best in them and motivate them to do anything they want to make their dreams come true. Amane would try to be everyone's favourite teacher, and be accepted into the faculty by the students. She looks at the students as a family, instead of students, wanting to protect them in every way, inside and outside the school. Amane wants to be a person that students will go to if they have something they need to talk about.

Amane's outlook on her colleagues is positive. Amane believes that teamwork is the key to success. She would try to befriend other teachers and faculty members, not wanting to be anyone's enemy or to be seen as someone who wasn't nice among the faculty. She'd respect all co-workers, help them when in need, and help them to get a hard job done, expecting this back as well.

What is your character's motivation for teaching?:
Amane has been a Police officer for over 4 years (See backstory) and wanted to do something else. As a kid, Amane always enjoyed Physical Education (which I'm applying for), and recently had a reunion with her old class and teachers, reminding her off how much she liked PE. Since Amane was jobless and searching for something new and exciting to do, she applied for the local highschool on the island where her kids lived, named Karakura. Karakura High was the only school in the region which had Physical Education applications opened, so she took her shot.

Roleplay Scenarios

A student in class is struggling to understand the content, what would your character do?:
Upon noticing a student (Let's call them Rosie!) is struggling, Amane would call out of anyone has any questions before going over to Rosie and asking them what need help with. After getting information, Amane would, instead of giving the full answer, help Rosie to answer her own question by giving her hints, so she can actively learn from it.

A student is continuously being disruptive in class, talking out of turn, and making jokes with classmates. What would your character do?:
A student (Let's call them uh.. Henry!) is being disruptive (ofcourse, since it's P.E. he'd be disrupting during a theory/classroom lesson, not a sport class) in class. Upon noticing this, Amane would give Henry non-Verbal warnings to make them stop. If Henry continued to be disruptive, Amane would verbally communicate to him to be silent. If Henry still manages to continue, he gets kicked from class using /class kick {henry's_username}

Provide at least 2 interactive class ideas related to your preferred subject:

Amane would take out a chalk and explain anatomy of the human musculare and skeletal structure. After explaining everything, Amane would compile all the concepts and definitions, and giving it out on paper to the students. The next period, Amane would play Hangman (which would also count for the "fun" class once a month) with the concepts from the lesson before. If a student guesses the word right, they have to explain what the word means.


/ic &b&l&oGOOOOOOOODMORNING &bstudents! &fToday, we'll be &oSWIMMING &fduring period 2! &6&lBe sure to bring swim clothes along!

When the class starts, Amane would welcome the children before taking them to the pool. After all the students were done changing, she'd sit them down on the grandstand. Then, Amane would go over the rules of the class to ensure safety of all students (These rules are further down). After explaining the rules, Amane would continue by telling the students what they had to do: /me 'd pace from left to right infront of the grandstand, motivatingly talking to the children: &f"Alright, so for today, I want everyone to begin at the diving boards and swim 5 laps. What is a lap you ask? One lap means you go from the right side to the pool to the left side of the pool and back to the right side. That counts as ONE lap. Any questions?"


No pushing
No "fake drowning"
Drinking is only allowed in the changing room and on the grandstand.
No Eating
No Electric Devices or Instruments
-# If any of these rules are broken, the student will get immediately kicked from class.

Have you read and understand the Teacher Application Guidance thread? Yes


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
Thank you for taking the time to apply and considering the teacher faction, but unfortunately this time around you have not been selected for this role due the following reason(s):
- Detail
Please feel free to re-apply next wave. If you have any questions, please contact @lobsterrdog on discord.​

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