Level 21
What's your Minecraft Username?: yozb
What's the title of your suggestion?: Bring Back Hit by Water Gun Messages
What's your suggestion?:
At some point, either by bug or intention, the chat prompt that indicated you've been hit by a water gun has disappeared. (The player shooting can see it upon hitting someone, but the receiver cannot.)
The message indicator should be brought back, and possibly a command similar to /togglesnowballs should be available for players who prefer not to see it.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
Brings back the fun of the water gun items, as a lot of the enjoyment comes from the player being aware that they've been hit.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Bring Back Hit by Water Gun Messages
What's your suggestion?:
At some point, either by bug or intention, the chat prompt that indicated you've been hit by a water gun has disappeared. (The player shooting can see it upon hitting someone, but the receiver cannot.)
The message indicator should be brought back, and possibly a command similar to /togglesnowballs should be available for players who prefer not to see it.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
Brings back the fun of the water gun items, as a lot of the enjoyment comes from the player being aware that they've been hit.