What's your Minecraft Username?: TheEz8Fury
What's the title of your suggestion?: Creating More Diverse Gang RP Options
What's your suggestion?:
So, I want to make it clear that I'm very happy with the recent direction that the staff team has been taking this server; the regular updates have been very positive as of late. That being said, I recently had a conversation that had rather inspired me to toss this idea out there: normalize non-violent criminal events. I would like for all of us to accept that not every crime event has to end in a catastrophic explosion or destruction in its wake.
The fact of the matter is, a vast bulk of organized criminal organizations in the real world aren't just pursuing "chaos" or a vague notion of "havoc". The majority of them have concrete goals in mind that, in actuality, align with BUILDING something as opposed to DESTROYING something. I feel like normalizing this sentiment is key to creating more grounded and enjoyable events for groups that aren't street gangs or delinquent groups.
To put it very simply, we should encourage groups that pursue event ideas outside the traditional line of thinking. For argument's sake, let's look at Immertreu's last UVG event: a demolition job of the beach parking lot on account of it being Masahiko's "side of the city". This was motivated by a long standing feud between the two syndicates, which was a result of multiple fights, arguments, and other dramatic plot points that led up to the event.
Sticking with the idea of a territorial mindset, as most gangs actually do, let's entertain another idea hypothetically. Take, for instance, a mob family that claims business park as its territory. However, a large portion of the city doesn't KNOW that this part of the city is claimed by the mob hypothetically, as a Black Dragons spray currently exists in the back alleyway and has existed for months. The mob family, wishing to keep its neighborhood clean as the mafia historically did (generally, anyway), as well as impose its authority, proceeds to clean up the back alleyway and power wash the old Black Dragons sprays away. They also make improvements to the homeless shelters in the area, providing new stools to sit in, cleaning the garbage up, sweeping the dirt off, and providing new blankets.
Makes sense, right? Not only is it an original idea that deviates far off from the existing mindset of chaos and destruction, it's also a fitting theme for the gang's premise in question. This event will also alter the map and make said gang's influence known.
However, due to the fact that the current criteria for an official crime event seems to be largely limited to delinquent/violent activity (like spraying, smashing stuff up, etc.), this idea is not feasible. Due to the fact that some kind of delinquent activity is basically required to go through with this event, a gang that disapproves of delinquency cannot actually do this reasonable and very feasible event. This criteria for what constitutes as a crime event, as a result, would be better for every gang (established or brand new), if it were more lenient and flexible. By simply shifting the goal posts, so many more event ideas could be accepted and made with ease.
TL;DR: What I'm suggesting isn't just to normalize non-violent gang RP events, it's to also grant gangs that deviate from delinquency or extremely destructive tendencies the chance to give crime RP, as a whole, more opportunities.
Minor Disclaimer: I am not saying that delinquent events or violent events are bad. They're fantastic. But I wish that we weren't all limited to them.
Clarification: What I'm asking for is a policy change as to what makes a crime event eligible to be worthy of being an "official" event, which basically comes down to delinquency if you want to do something that is more uniquely aligned with your gang's morality or concept.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This suggestion will benefit the crime community quite a bit in my opinion; it'll normalize gangs influencing the server in more ways than just "I'll hit you in the face with a bat if you cross me", as well making their presence ultimately known for their actual specialties with server events. The past trends and precedents set by gangs like Valhalla and BD will no longer HAVE to bind gangs that want to propose an official event to staff. Don't get me wrong, Valhalla and BD were absolutely fantastic gangs as someone who once co-led the former and worked very closely with the latter's leaders (luv u zai and nookski if ur reading this). However, something as simple as leaving a mark on a territory (as I gave an example for prior) can make a gang's presence known and feared, without them needing to be overly violent, excessively hostile, or engage in delinquent activity!
What's the title of your suggestion?: Creating More Diverse Gang RP Options
What's your suggestion?:
So, I want to make it clear that I'm very happy with the recent direction that the staff team has been taking this server; the regular updates have been very positive as of late. That being said, I recently had a conversation that had rather inspired me to toss this idea out there: normalize non-violent criminal events. I would like for all of us to accept that not every crime event has to end in a catastrophic explosion or destruction in its wake.
The fact of the matter is, a vast bulk of organized criminal organizations in the real world aren't just pursuing "chaos" or a vague notion of "havoc". The majority of them have concrete goals in mind that, in actuality, align with BUILDING something as opposed to DESTROYING something. I feel like normalizing this sentiment is key to creating more grounded and enjoyable events for groups that aren't street gangs or delinquent groups.
To put it very simply, we should encourage groups that pursue event ideas outside the traditional line of thinking. For argument's sake, let's look at Immertreu's last UVG event: a demolition job of the beach parking lot on account of it being Masahiko's "side of the city". This was motivated by a long standing feud between the two syndicates, which was a result of multiple fights, arguments, and other dramatic plot points that led up to the event.
Sticking with the idea of a territorial mindset, as most gangs actually do, let's entertain another idea hypothetically. Take, for instance, a mob family that claims business park as its territory. However, a large portion of the city doesn't KNOW that this part of the city is claimed by the mob hypothetically, as a Black Dragons spray currently exists in the back alleyway and has existed for months. The mob family, wishing to keep its neighborhood clean as the mafia historically did (generally, anyway), as well as impose its authority, proceeds to clean up the back alleyway and power wash the old Black Dragons sprays away. They also make improvements to the homeless shelters in the area, providing new stools to sit in, cleaning the garbage up, sweeping the dirt off, and providing new blankets.
Makes sense, right? Not only is it an original idea that deviates far off from the existing mindset of chaos and destruction, it's also a fitting theme for the gang's premise in question. This event will also alter the map and make said gang's influence known.
However, due to the fact that the current criteria for an official crime event seems to be largely limited to delinquent/violent activity (like spraying, smashing stuff up, etc.), this idea is not feasible. Due to the fact that some kind of delinquent activity is basically required to go through with this event, a gang that disapproves of delinquency cannot actually do this reasonable and very feasible event. This criteria for what constitutes as a crime event, as a result, would be better for every gang (established or brand new), if it were more lenient and flexible. By simply shifting the goal posts, so many more event ideas could be accepted and made with ease.
TL;DR: What I'm suggesting isn't just to normalize non-violent gang RP events, it's to also grant gangs that deviate from delinquency or extremely destructive tendencies the chance to give crime RP, as a whole, more opportunities.
Minor Disclaimer: I am not saying that delinquent events or violent events are bad. They're fantastic. But I wish that we weren't all limited to them.
Clarification: What I'm asking for is a policy change as to what makes a crime event eligible to be worthy of being an "official" event, which basically comes down to delinquency if you want to do something that is more uniquely aligned with your gang's morality or concept.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This suggestion will benefit the crime community quite a bit in my opinion; it'll normalize gangs influencing the server in more ways than just "I'll hit you in the face with a bat if you cross me", as well making their presence ultimately known for their actual specialties with server events. The past trends and precedents set by gangs like Valhalla and BD will no longer HAVE to bind gangs that want to propose an official event to staff. Don't get me wrong, Valhalla and BD were absolutely fantastic gangs as someone who once co-led the former and worked very closely with the latter's leaders (luv u zai and nookski if ur reading this). However, something as simple as leaving a mark on a territory (as I gave an example for prior) can make a gang's presence known and feared, without them needing to be overly violent, excessively hostile, or engage in delinquent activity!
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