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Accepted TheGmanSam's Geography Professor Application


What is your Minecraft username?:

What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server: - Librarian Application - Other Application - Language Application - Language Application

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I have been playing SchoolRP Since late April 2024. Since then I have played the server frequently and intend to continue doing so for the foreseeable future. Obviously this does not mean I am on the server all of the time but I am comfortable saying I play the server frequently and can be classed as an active player. As for specifics, I cannot predict exactly how long I will be on the server and when that period of time Will be, but I can give a rough estimate on the hours I am most likely to be online for my time zone GMT+0.
Monday - 4:00pm - 9:45pm
Tuesday - 4:30pm - 10:00pm
Wednesday - 4:00pm - 9:45pm
Thursday - 4:00pm - 9:45pm
Friday - 4:00pm - 10:15pm
Saturday - 10:00am - 10:15pm
Sunday - 10:00am - 9:45pm

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have had nearly a year of experience playing SchoolRP and smaller experiences of roleplay on other servers. In this time I have engaged in many forms of roleplay on the server like GangRP and DetailRP as well as other forms practiced whilst casually playing the server, each of these helping me to develop effective roleplay skills that allow for me to perform engaging roleplay whilst on the server. While I do see my skills as greatly improved over this time, I still acknowledge they can be better, which is why I chose to apply as it seems like a good opportunity to learn how to better improve my roleplay and engage in more exciting and important parts of the server than casual roles are able to offer. So to summarise, yes I have good skills in roleplay which I believe makes me capable of performing the role of a professor.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[College][B] Yuko Watcher-Kageyama
[Grade-12] Elizabeth Blake
What is the subject you want to teach?:

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My primary motivation for becoming a professor is as stated earlier to develop my roleplay skills and knowledge further. A role in a faction is a great opportunity to engage in new forms of roleplay and learn from the responsibilities of the role. I have had the desire for a while to push myself further in SchoolRP with the responsibilities of a faction role since it would help to push myself out of my comfort zone and really test my abilities in an important position. In addition to this, another reason I wish to become a professor is that the subject I am applying for, geography I am deeply interested in and already have much knowledge about. This would not only make it easier for me to teach the subject in game as I already know enough to preform classes without needing to do much research, but it would also create opportunities to involve geography more into my online activity which would be beneficial to myself to engrain it into my memory for upcoming tests. Aside from my own benefits, I think that the role of a professor would allow me to benefit other members of the server. By creating roleplay other players can engage in through classes and activates I could create for them. This would mean a lot to know I am able to provide other server members with an enjoyable experience. Its a combination of these reasons of my own benefit and experiences I can provide to others which is why I would like to become a professor.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


The class would involve an initial explanation of renewable and non renewable energy sources, their benefits and their flaws. Then the class would be divided into two groups, one to argue non renewable energy sources should be used and the other to argue for renewables. Each group will pick a leader and have a certain amount of time to develop arguments for their points. At the end the winning team will be decided by which argument sounds more convincing to the teacher.
This class would involve a multiple choice quiz on modern nation borders and geopolitics. It would contain around 10-15 questions (Example of a question: What is a country that Switzerland borders?) The students would have until the end of the class to complete the quiz. At the end of the lesson, The tests would be marked and the highest score would receive a reward of some kind from the Professor.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A field trip I would like to conduct would be to bring the students to the forest, taking them to the base of the mountain within the forest. The teacher would show the students some examples of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, then instructing the students to collect one of each rock type from the mountain. After collecting the rocks, the students would then be tasked with observing their properties and writing down the qualities of the various rocks and whether they think the rocks they had collected (example granite) was igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary.

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

As her eyes fixated on the scene unfolding they would widen In shock. She would immediately approach the group and request to know what is going on. Her eyes darting between each of them as the group slowly explained what was going on. Suspicious of the jocks, the scene looked to her like a brawl waiting to happen. She told them to not to speak to one another unless they were going to respectfully, further adding that it was not a good idea to try and start conflict. Continuing to look between them, her facial expression and tone of voice not showing anger in the jocks, but it was clear she was being serious. After ensuring her message was made clear, she turned to leave sure that the group would not attempt any violence after the firm message she had given them.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
She would remain calm, Staring at the disobedient student with a blank expression that came off as somewhat intimidating. She would remind them that this is not the time for discussion and irrelevant questions would not be answered. That they must take this seriously if they did not want further consequences. Noticing fairly quickly that the student had ignored their words, She would approach them to speak to them in a whisper, Not wanting to disturb the rest of detention. She told the relentless student that these questions would not be answered during detention, and if they were really that desperate to know the answer that they should ask after detention was over. She would point to the detention task in front of the student and instruct them to continue working, stating that this would not be repeated should they continue a third time.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
The first time the group would begin causing trouble, she would respond mildly, determined not to let the group annoy her and disrupt her lesson. She would request that the cheerleaders stop the childish behaviour, stating that this would not be tolerated in her lesson and they must focus on the task that she had set them, Passive in her voice still, she warned them against continuing and requested they focus if they were to understand the topic. As they continued to cause the disruptions, she would find it more and more difficult to keep the other students focused on their work with this distraction. She would approach them directly this time and tell them that this would result in their removal from the class. That they needed to act mature in her lesson otherwise their actions would not be put up with anymore. Noticeably more serious and firm in her statement this time, glaring at the group as if to non verbally communicate that she would not put up with their actions any longer.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
She would panic slightly as her efforts to end the brutal brawl ended in failure. She scrambled through her pockets to find her radio, rapidly turning the radio on to contact the other members of staff to request some sort of assistance handling the situation. She would describe how there was a fight between a few students that despite her best efforts she was not able to stop, Explaining other details like specifically who was involved in the fight, where it was currently taking place and if security cameras were nearby that could be used to spot the details of how this situation had began. Continuing to monitor the situation while she waited for help from one of her colleagues or instructions of how else she might be able to handle the situation seeing as she was unable to break it up.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Elizabeth Blake, she would stand at around five feet and eight inches tall, a decent height! She would have fairly long and wavey hair, Golden blonde in its colour. She would have a pair of deep blue eyes and a few dotted freckles on her face, wearing a formal attire to suit the position of professor. She always shows people the same attitude she is given by them within reason, making someone's interpretation of her dependant on how they act towards her. Their Personality is quite calm and timid the majority of the time, often not taking strong opinions on subjects and trying to find a middle ground in terms of her outlook on subjects. Their outlook on students is more often than not positive, although she cannot help but feel a feeling of frustration and anger to those who misbehave and cause a headache. She tries her hardest to teach each student and help them find ambition for their future. With other teachers, she sees them in a positive light as her co-workers. She does feel comfortable stating if she thinks something a teacher is doing is wrong however, but not from a place of dislike, but a desire to see them improve themselves! What may set her apart is that she can be enthusiastic to talk with students, relate to them by sharing some of their interests. She tries to engage with students not just in her lessons but in casual conversations. Setting her apart as a friendly face amongst the seemingly god like staff members to the students.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Elizabeth was born in the Belgian city of Antwerp in 1991. Her parents had different backgrounds, her mother was originally from the Southern region of Belgium Wallonia, while her Father was from the Southeast of the Netherlands. This caused issues for Elizabeth in her early life as Belgium was a country heavily divided between the two language groups of French and Dutch. As such each parent placed their own expectations on Elizabeth to favour their heritage more than the other. In her earlier life however, Elizabeth cared little for the dispute between the two groups and instead enjoyed going to the park in the city each day. While other children rushed to play on the swings or run around playing tag, Elizabeth spent her time there observing the earth and trees, in awe at the beauty and complexity of nature. This obsession with nature in her early life is what drove her curiosity in the subject and eventually inspire her to focus her studies on geography. While this was going on Elizabeth's parents continued to argue over the path she should take. Antwerp was an ethnically Dutch region of Belgium, much to her mothers annoyance to see the first language Elizabeth was taught in public school was Dutch. And so when Elizabeth was 14 Years old her mother had her sent to a French boarding school in hopes it would embed a more French identity and mannerism into her. This however proved ineffective in making Elizabeth prefer French culture. The boarding school she went to contained many extreme beliefs amongst the other pupils containing ideas that either Belgium entirely or at least Wallonia should be incorporated into France due to historical and cultural ties. This alienated Elizabeth from the other students as she disliked these radical ideas. While the boarding school was overall a time Elizabeth disliked as it made her feel ashamed of her Dutch culture, It was not worthless to her enthusiasm with geography and nature. The school had many books about geography containing ideas and facts she did not learn before, and it further embedded her passion for the subject. Eventually Elizabeth would be allowed to leave the boarding school as she achieved her qualifications in chosen subjects. She soon set her sights on Karakura. A Japanese town discussed by some of the other students that she believed offered unique opportunities that sounded irresistible to pass. She was filled with ambition to become a professor in geography. It was an obvious choice for her as the subject was clearly her passion and which she specialised in academically. And so she applied to become a geography professor due to her passion and enthusiasm for the world around her and a desire to spread her interest to others.



Full Name:

Elizabeth Blake
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Gender & pronouns:
Female (She/Her)
Religious Denomination:
Atheist (Non Religious)
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Block Q Room 102
SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

3 Years
Working Experience (# of years):
9 Years
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
History, Mathematics
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Additional notes about your application (if any):
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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