What's your Minecraft Username?: GuestGuest9
What's the title of your suggestion?: Alcohol Rework / Drunkness Reduction
What's your suggestion?:
One thing I've started to do in SRP, is buy alcohol yet never drink it, or I pretend drink it through /me. This is simply because I believe the drunk effect is WAY too strong. If I take a sip of a 5%, Monaco ****tail Can on my 20 year old char, trying to say:
"Hello! I'm a very sober person right now"
Turns into (at 1% Drunk):
"Helloh!! I'm avery sohber person right nohw"
Then the text effects remains similar from 1% through to 29% before you begin to get dizzy effects and more speech slurring.
I believe that this is too much drunkess for a mere 1% drunk level and there should be a small grace period, from 1-10% where the effects are almost unnoticeable. This will mirror real life where having just a single sip of alcohol won't make you drunk. This will let people slowly sip alcohol, managing their drink and remaining sober whilst also being able to actually drink their drinks without embarrassing themselves ICly by getting drunk off the tiniest sip.
This leads me onto my other suggestion which takes this further. Perhaps for College and Adult chars only, there could be a tolerancy attribute. Perhaps even linked to Endurance. Where the higher your tolerancy is, the less effect alcohol has on you, and the effect boundaries are increased. So instead of dizziness appearing at 30%, it appears at 40% and so on. Then also, actions like eating food, drinking water or even /lay would increase the cooldown on drunk levels, bringing you back 0% a little quicker.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I believe this could lead to some fun RP opportunities like drinking games and challenges where people can show off their alcohol tolerancy, which I'm sure some college sports teams might like. And there will actually be lightweights vs heavyweights too. It'll also let people like me, who now just don't see the benefit of drinking alcohol icly due to the annoyance it causes, to actually drink the alcohol we've bought. It's a massive part of the server already as some restaurants sell more types of alcohol than food!
What's the title of your suggestion?: Alcohol Rework / Drunkness Reduction
What's your suggestion?:
One thing I've started to do in SRP, is buy alcohol yet never drink it, or I pretend drink it through /me. This is simply because I believe the drunk effect is WAY too strong. If I take a sip of a 5%, Monaco ****tail Can on my 20 year old char, trying to say:
"Hello! I'm a very sober person right now"
Turns into (at 1% Drunk):
"Helloh!! I'm avery sohber person right nohw"
Then the text effects remains similar from 1% through to 29% before you begin to get dizzy effects and more speech slurring.
I believe that this is too much drunkess for a mere 1% drunk level and there should be a small grace period, from 1-10% where the effects are almost unnoticeable. This will mirror real life where having just a single sip of alcohol won't make you drunk. This will let people slowly sip alcohol, managing their drink and remaining sober whilst also being able to actually drink their drinks without embarrassing themselves ICly by getting drunk off the tiniest sip.
This leads me onto my other suggestion which takes this further. Perhaps for College and Adult chars only, there could be a tolerancy attribute. Perhaps even linked to Endurance. Where the higher your tolerancy is, the less effect alcohol has on you, and the effect boundaries are increased. So instead of dizziness appearing at 30%, it appears at 40% and so on. Then also, actions like eating food, drinking water or even /lay would increase the cooldown on drunk levels, bringing you back 0% a little quicker.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I believe this could lead to some fun RP opportunities like drinking games and challenges where people can show off their alcohol tolerancy, which I'm sure some college sports teams might like. And there will actually be lightweights vs heavyweights too. It'll also let people like me, who now just don't see the benefit of drinking alcohol icly due to the annoyance it causes, to actually drink the alcohol we've bought. It's a massive part of the server already as some restaurants sell more types of alcohol than food!