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_Koly | KPD application


Level 1

★ IGN (In-Game Name): <<

★ Discord Name & Tag: <<

I think I should add here that I am willing to vc and speak in them if it’s not too late for me.

★ Which timezone are you in? <<
I currently live in Europe and my timezone is none other than GMT+2 or EET (Eastern European Time)

★ List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: <<
Accepted! -> Governor Application -> Language Application -> Language Application

Denied! -> Council Application -> Language Application

★ Describe your activity on the server: <<
Speaking of activity, I want to say that I am a very active person. Sometimes I succeed even 5-7 or even 8 hours but outside my SRP life, I got one of my own, one that I adore and try to enjoy. Of course, on weekdays I have to go to school but when I am home, usually at around 2 PM (GMT+2) I can be active till around 11 PM, doing some house chores but, of course, dedicating most of my time to SRP. If I had the power to give myself a scale of how active I am then I would rate myself a 7-8/10 activity-wise. I prefer underestimating myself a little so there won’t be any problems in the future.


Currently, I have a playtime of 9 weeks. I have been playing SRP for a good 1 year now, first got in SRP around October of 2023, and I can say that I’ve enjoyed every single portion of it. I, embarrassingly, took a break and got back a couple of months ago and I decided to get involved with the government faction to try something new, but found more interest in KPD as I saw how they handle criminals, how they arrest and lock them up for the crimes they have committed. I like how KPD doesn’t resort to their Tasers at the smallest conflict. They have more gadgets that can help them, like pepper spray or even a baton which can be very helpful in some specific scenarios.

My schedule!
3 PM -> 11 PM​
3 PM -> 10:30 PM​
3 PM -> 11 PM​
3 PM -> 10:30 PM​
3 PM -> 11 PM​
All day -> 1/2 AM​
10 AM -> 10:30 AM​

★ What is your motivation for applying?: <<
I have multiple sources that motivated me to apply for this faction:

-POSITIVITY: I have heard good and only good about KPD. I believe it’s a very respectable faction and I heard that the current people that are in KPD are very sweet. Personally, I know a couple, and I must add that I have massive respect for them. I spoke with them about this faction and they only brought respect and admiration to the table. I am looking for a faction that is united, that helps each other even in the direst situations, and that keeps a high level of respect towards its own members. I want to respect it, like any other faction, because it gives off a different taste, something that is very unique, that’s why I’m interested in activities that can include raids, supporting your colleagues when the situation is dire, or just patrolling around the city.

-REAL LIFE INTEREST: Most of my family and relatives have been in the army and/or joined the police. My grandfather was in the army and spent most of his time being a prison officer and, I hope, that I can follow his footsteps because he was a big role model for me and still is. I liked how calm he approached every situation and how understanding he was. I believe I can replicate that and put this in SRP, giving myself and others more RP opportunities and quality.

-NEW RP EXPERIENCE: As I previously mentioned, I was in the government faction and now I hope to get accepted into KPD. I crave for new RP experiences and opportunities that may appear. I believe that I need some action, something to keep myself entertained and I believe KPD is the right pick for me, giving me exactly what I seek. I have watched how KPD operates very closely and I am amazed by how much coordination they have with each other and how united they are. I believe being an officer is not all about doing your job, I believe that’s only the surface. I think we can make lots and tons of different RP situations where nearly everyone can take a day off, spend it eating some junk food and talking about themselves, getting to know their co-workers better in the process.

★ What knowledge do you have of Police Work? <<
One main job of police officers is to protect the community. They patrol the city by walking or driving around to look for anything unusual or unsafe. By doing this, they help the city by preventing crime from happening and are ready to respond quickly if something happens. I believe officers also talk to people in their city, building trust and good relationships with then. Cops can also patrol the city’s power plant and sewer system to check for any criminal activity, ensuring that nothing fishy is going down below their town.

Police make sure people follow the rules that keep everyone who misbehaves in order. If someone breaks a law, officers may give a warning, a fine, or, in more serious cases, arrest them. (A great example would be if someone intervenes with an ongoing investigation, the police can arrest them for ‘obstruction of justice’.) This isn’t just about punishment, it’s also about stopping others from breaking the law and making sure everyone feels safe and secure. This specific duty can reduce the amount of criminal activity and can make them think twice before committing any sort of crime.

Police officers also spend a lot of time investigating crimes. When something bad happens, like a robbery, breaking and entry, etc. Officers collect evidence, review CCTV footage, and talk to witnesses to find out what occurred. They may work with detectives to solve crimes. Their investigations lead them to the people responsible and make sure they get thrown in jail.

They can help a lost child find their parents, assist someone homeless, or provide help to people in need. I encountered such a problem when I was hanging out ICly with an off-duty cop and he saw one of the missing kids that claimed to have left home (I think) and he only tried to help them, making sure they were safe.

Police are present at big events too, like protests, parades, or speeches. They make sure everything stays peaceful and organized. If any problems do happen, they step in to calm things down and protect everyone involved. It’s a tricky job because they have to balance keeping the peace with respecting people’s rights, making sure they won’t be sued for something they did during the events. Any sort of police brutality is against the law and they will later respond to the commissioner, waiting for their punishment.

You never know when you’ll have to sprint after someone or carry a person to safety, so staying fit is a must. Every day brings new situations, so officers have to make quick decisions. That’s why cadets go through a series of trainings and exams to make sure they are ready to roam the streets.

Training is still part of a police officer’s career. They learn new skills and stay up to date with changes in laws, technology, and ways to handle different situations. One of my family members mentioned that special teams have a private place to train or even a gym built in their station so training regularly should be a thing.

CADET - A cadet is a newcomer to the police station, training and trying their best to pass all evaluation exams and become a proper officer. They are often the first line of defense, making them do nearly all the work so they can gain experience and learn from their mistakes because they will make some mistakes, that’s how learning works. They will have around 2 weeks of preparation before they take all of their evaluation exams. But, if they fail their exam, they will have another week to prepare before they retake it. If they fail the second time, I believe they will get kicked from the faction, having the chance to reapply next wave. All the eyes will also be on the cadets, every officer giving them advice on how to do that or how to fix this. It’s overwhelming for them..

PATROL OFFICER - Finally all the hours they spent learning how everything works paid off. You are now a patrol officer. A patrol officer is a proper officer, having all the information gathered from the training, and can finally be put to use. They are not as experienced as corporals but they are finally looked up to by the cadets, making them wonder if they will reach this spot that seems untouchable. (I believe) patrol officers need permission from a higher-up to go patrol around the city, helping civilians with their questions/needs, stopping any individual that may have a mask up to search them so they don’t have any illegal weaponry, spraying the specific items with luminol or, in bat’s cases, checking for any dents.

CORPORAL - The commissioner saw the patrol officers giving all they got on the line of duty and decided to up them to the corporal rank. Corporals are more experienced, finally having a small word in what the higher-ups are discussing and assisting with whatever they can. A new rank means more responsibilities as they are given the chance to train a cadet, lifting them from the ground and helping them reach the perfect ‘patrol officer’ rank all cadets seek. I think at this rank they are awarded a crowbar will be handed to them for breaching doors when raids are happening, having the risk of someone standing inside, with a pocket knife, ready to be thrown at them. Nonetheless, it’s a big step to the big ranks.

SERGEANT - Nearly on the big ranks, sergeants are officers who have been on the force for a long period, doing their best on the front lines and training a handful of cadets so they can pass their training and exams. They have access to a new weapon which is the tranq gun, allowing them to rescue civilians from animal attacks and/or stop criminals from moving since that specific gun has a higher range than the average taser. I heard they can give punishments to patrol officers and cadets but have to talk to the commissioner about corporal behavior. They do not have a seat at the table yet but they can stand nearby, watching them and helping by giving orders in an important mission that may occur.

LIEUTENANT - Commissioner's left hand alongside the chief inspector, they finally have a seat at the table, having a proper word about what should happen in the police station and outside. Although their rank is high, they should not have the feeling they are better than everyone. At the end of the day, it’s just a rank. Not a superpower, only shows the level of commitment you have put all these years on the table to achieve this. They have all the rights and cadets with patrol officers should go to them for an emergency, not needing to disturb a higher rank or even the commissioner about a small misunderstanding.

CAPTAIN - the KPD lead’s right hand alongside the detective superintendent. The rank every officer dreams of reaching. At this rank they can coordinate raids, I believe they can patrol and answer calls all alone without feeling needed to notify the commissioner. (That does not mean they should not notify the online KPD, letting them know their routine.) At this rank, I believe overseeing the cadets and patrol officers is not really needed, having other ranks do so. They should give them tips and tricks, on how to gather pieces of evidence easily, be friendly to them, and make them relax, telling them that everything would be okay and fine. Of course, they are still needed to answer and help other officers with what they have. If the lieutenant can’t handle a situation then they should step up, taking care of it. They should also be the main ones to keep an eye out for any strange behavior amongst the officers, noticing if there is anything fishy going on.

CONSTABLE - Passed the detective training and evaluation exam and became a constable. Your undercover journey starts here, having to attend more training to be sure but nonetheless, they are nearly ready. Rank-wise they are at the same level as a patrol officer, having a little more experience than them since they took another set of training.

DETECTIVE SERGEANT - Even if the name mentions this rank as a sergeant, they are more likely to be slightly above the corporal but below the main division sergeant. They are more experienced, probably taking up a few cases, and had their first undercover mission. I believe at this ranking they are allowed to give advice or even train the officers that want to join this division.

INSPECTOR - I believe that the detective inspector does exactly what it says, inspects. I believe this is the type of rank that inspects crime scenes, collects fingerprints, and gathers blood for lab tests, you know, the stereotypical detective. I believe this also is the type of detective that trains the detective cadets, making sure they pass that exam and are prepared to start their journey. This rank is given (I think) after you do a couple of undercover missions, getting to infiltrate gangs, criminal groups, or some influential people, checking for any corruption that may happen below their nose.

CHIEF INSPECTOR - The chief inspector is surely above the inspector.. right? Well yeah. I believe the chief inspector supervises the inspectors and they supervise the rest. I believe they are the ones who are making sure that no corruption is happening, inspecting the other officers AND detectives to see if they are doing something they should not do. Investigating different factions such as the government or even the shrine, seeing if something’s out of the ordinary.

SUPERINTENDENT - Basically the captain of detectives. They are there to supervise everything. Having access to all the high-level crimes and plots that happen in the city of Karakura, I believe they are only allowed to go undercover when no lower rank can, having the responsibility to reveal some government official’s real intentions or unmask a known gang’s leader to the public, placing them in jail for countless crimes. They should also have a seat at the big table, being able to express their opinion about a specific object, giving their point of view.

COMMISSIONER - The person in charge of KPD, they are the only person who calls all the shots. Expecting the higher-ups from both divisions to report back to him for any inconvenience or problem they may have. He is mostly staying in his office but he can go out, dealing with raids most of the time, the commissioner's primary objective is to deal with the black market dealers that roam around the city and fight head-to-head with the lead of the black market dealers.

BATON - Every officer should have a baton. I have not seen any KPD officer or detective use this but I’ve read about it in the weapon profile. I believe it’s a 2 block range weapon with only 2 hits to K.O. They are most likely used in riots and/or when protests are happening.

TASER - Every officer and detective would be given this weapon, being used nearly every time there is an emergency. This blaster is meant to stun individuals when they are not following direct orders. This is the most used item in the KPD arsenal, and it is mandatory to have it on yourself while you’re on duty.

RADIO - A quick form of communication between officers, they are linked with the EMS line too, a quick switch of channels and they can call a paramedic if something tragic happens and doctors are needed.

HANDCUFFS - After an individual has done some crime and KPD arrives, handcuffs come in handy to restrain that individual’s movements, sending them to their cell after they have placed the handcuffs. Note, that the individual can roll against the handcuffs, and then dip. This action may have consequences and can get you two additional charges, resisting arrest and evading.

GAS MASK - The gas mask is typically used in raids, covering the officer’s identity but at the same time being able to navigate in the sewers more comfortably, having the mask as a line of protection from all the chemicals that may roam around.

RIOT SHIELD - The name says most of it. They are used in riots that may occur and also used in raids. The person in charge of the riot shield should go first, ensuring to take all of the hits that may be heading their way. Embarrassingly, I know that the shield has two functions, one in the main hand which does something, and one in the secondary hand, doing something else…

CROWBAR - The second person who runs the raid, they are the first one put in danger since they have the responsibility to open the door, making room for the rest to barge in and take the rest.

PEPPER SPRAY - A nonlethal way of dealing with a deranged civilian, the officer should have this carried at all times. Mostly used in riots and specific scenarios, the pepper spray can be easily unholstered, being ready to deal with anyone who dares to disturb the law.

TRANQUILIZER GUN - This tranq gun is specifically designed to deal with dangerous animals but can also be used against humans, giving both parties a 2 minute stun. This gun has a higher range than the Taser, allowing sergeants, detective inspectors, and rankings above those to be used.

BREATHALYZER - Used against individuals who seem drunk in public areas, the officer would make the individual breathe in the device, giving out a proper answer. They would be fined 10,000 yen but first, the officer has to make sure the alcohol % is higher than 50.

LUMINOL SPRAY - Every officer and detective has it with them, this specific spray can show if the weapon they have on a suspect contains any signs of blood. This item is very important for every on-duty cop, ensuring that the weapons they are inspecting were not used in a crime.
There are a ton of other things that are considered ItemRP but these are the main ones I decided to list.

★ Why is Police important to SchoolRP? <<
Police, aka KPD, play a crucial role in SchoolRP merely because of the crime rate there is in it. From petty thefts to organized crime groups, who will stop those if not them? Some key reasons why KPD is important to SchoolRP are:

- KPD has to keep the balance between chaos and order. While gangs commit crimes and hurt innocent people for petty reasons, creating that thrill of what’s gonna happen next. KPD, on the other hand, they are tasked with tracking those individuals down and placing them in jail for the right crime. They can also fight some type of corruption there can be, either in the government, faculty, or business owners, we can’t let some corrupt politicians walk freely, right? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

- Putting aside the big crimes, KPD answers to other minor crimes, such as disrupting the peace, trespassing, and vandalism. The list goes on, but this shows that KPD is not only after the thrill only the big crime groups give, but they’re willing to help the community by any means, showing the community how dedicated they are.

- Let’s put all these aside and think for a second. How will Karakura look if KPD was never added? I believe every single citizen needed to wear at least one weapon and a simple mask to cover their identity. The children of this alternative city would’ve been terrified, growing up in this society or, worst comes to worst, dying in the process. The amount of crime groups there would be would affect every single job. The government would get daily threatened, and EMS would have to do a lot of work saving the lives of those who simply want an education. Without a system that can battle the dark forces of this cursed city, then things would go rogue.

★ What's your character's full name?: <<
“My name is Emilia Collazo I have been a resident of Karakura for a couple of years now, graduating college here. And well. . That’s about it.” She’d scratch the back of her head, looking at the interviewer, waiting for them to ask another question.

★ How old is your character (if accepted)?: <<
“Are you asking for my age? I am currently twenty-six years old. I spent my first years studying to become a detective before I decided to submit my application here and come for the interview.” She would make a pause, gathering all the courage that was.. well, scattered everywhere before continuing. “To be honest, I wish I had started doing my application sooner, but the second best time to apply is now so here I am!”

★ What are your character's gender and pronouns?: <<
“I am a female and I would like people to address me as she/them. I know what you’re thinking.. and yes, I’m a bit creative with what I do in my life.. hence the hair I have.” She would stop, chuckling a bit at his own comment… Yikes, she’s nervous.

★ Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
(Grade-12/Bachelors/Masters/PhD): <<

“My highest level of education? Well, I couldn’t stay a couple more years to graduate with a PhD so my highest academic role is Bachelors in Criminal Justice. I loved going to school but it just got tiring at one point and decided to do something with that degree.” After finishing her short speech, she would interlock their fingers, looking at the individual before giving them a genuine smile.

★ What languages does your character know besides Japanese?: <<
“Well, I speak english since I was born in the USA, spending most of my time there. I also know some russian, being able to travel around that country with ease and I speak a drop of romanian too since I visited that country more than a couple of times and every time I did it was very ENJOYABLE!.. Sorry-” She unclenched his fingers, reaching for the cup of water that would be sitting on the table this whole time, taking a sip from it.. awkward..

★ Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique? <<
Emilia is quite the person. Her long hair often tied in a ponytail makes her look like she’s ready to run a marathon but somehow suits her. When she enters the room everyone can see her creativity in how she dresses and.. how she makes her hair. Their hair contains a mix of a faint cotton candy mixture of pale pink and a grey-ish blue. With a pair of eyes with the color of a dull pink-brown that captivates everyone who stares at her, the female’s smile would probably melt someone’s heart if they got to know her. Standing at a height of 5’4’’, the creative girl would have a pair of wings tattooed on her back, maybe part of her creativity or maybe experimenting as a teenager? Most likely. Being sweet all the time, women, as you already know, have a sweet taste when it comes to creativity and arts. She will implement color in nearly everything she does, either writing a report or even cheering a sad child up; she’s basically a bundle of joy in a human body. Finding a special interest in paintings, Emilia can’t really paint but she likes to observe other paintings or even go up a mountain and just look at the landscape. Nature in general calms her but messy places such as abandoned places or sewers make her highly irritated.

[^This is how she likes to imagine cities^]

★ How does your character act in a professional/casual situation? <<
CASUAL: Basically, 85% of her whole personality, Emilia would never act out in public, or make a scene. Quite the opposite actually, she will speak from the heart and always make someone happy despite their bad mood. She possibly gets attached to people, if she goes out with her friends, she will try to make all of them laugh or simply have a great time, a day that they will remember for a long time.

PROFESSIONAL: Mostly at work, Collazo would only act how they’re supposed to. Sometimes, she brings coffee to his colleagues so she can start a little chat, Emilia’s chances of acting out even in the slightest are very, very little to none. Outside, even more, because they have to show the civilians that KPD is not made by people who fool around and get paid without doing real work. Arresting the ones that have committed a crime, but if she sees a kid that has taken the wrong path but has not done anything illegal yet, she’ll try to talk them out of it, not wanting to end up in prison, or worse, in a hospital bed.

★ What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork? <<
A smile would appear on the female’s lips, resting both of her hands on the table. “Teamwork makes the dream work.. or that’s how I like to think. I’m very open and really love working with at least one person just so we can be more efficient.” She would make a pause before continuing. “I’m not the type to work better alone, quite the opposite. I believe working in a group is more efficient in a lot of cases. It straightens the bond we have and helps us build connections with the other officers.” The female would shift on her chair before sighing. “If I’m needed to work alone, I could and I promise to give you my best but, again, for me, working with more people is something I like to do more.” Finishing what they had to say, the female would tap the table in a melodic rhythm, waiting for the next question.

★ What's your character's backstory? <<
The year 1997

Birds were singing their beautiful songs outside as the quiet wind would rush between the leaves outside of the hospital’s window. A calendar sat near the window.. 1997 January 31st.

  • ‘Would you look at that miss.. It's a girl.’​
A new baby just saw the light of this world. Happiness would fill the room as her mother said:
  • ‘My sweet.. sweet daughter. I’ll protect you, Emilia.’​
And this is how the tale of the creative woman began.

The Year 2000

Our girl was now 3 years old. Her mother was home, cooking, preparing… something, and well, taking care of the kid. Emilia liked to play with a specific toy, a small police car. Their father was a police officer, one very well known in the city. He was specifically known for arresting every single one of the prisoners who escaped not long after Emilia was born from the town prison. It might just happen that this day, too, is the 31st of January, Emilia’s birthday. Sirens would be heard outside the house where the little family was living before a very familiar figure appeared: her dad. In his right hand would sit a blueish wrapped box, and in his left hand a well-balanced plate with.. cake.. was that cake in his hand?
The joyful child looked a moment at his dad’s figure before eying the cake, not even daring to glance at the present that sat in his other palm. She would awkwardly run to her dad, hugging him, but her mind was set on that delicious cake. Her mother upped them in her arms before walking over to the kitchen and setting her in a chair. While Emilia’s mother cuts an even piece of cake for everyone, the father hands the gift to the little girl. Smiling at it, the little girl would rip it open, seeing what was inside.
[!] A police badge, a couple of art supplies, and some money… a ton of money. [!]
Her mother came to congratulate her, but she froze. A disgusted look would wash over her face before facing Emilia’s dad, yelling at him. The crybaby would grab the badge, finding it shiny and interesting and the paint tools since she adored arts and well, felt a strong connection to them before rushing into her room, burying her whole body into a blanket.
Her face is red from all the sobbing and crying, and someone finally comes to check up on them: her mom. But she was different. There was a big blackish spot scattered around her eye. The baby was a bit frightened but still recognized her mother; she went to her to hug her, burying her whole face into her shoulder. Why was this so regular..?

The year 2008

On a random day in summer, the young Collazo was finally a teen at the age of eleven years old. Her headphones were on, and her backpack was gently swaying from left to right while walking home. What was different about her? Her hair was different. A mix of blue and pink caught every stranger’s attention, finding it weird or admiring them for having it. After some minutes of walking, she finally saw her house, but… something wasn’t right. There was yelling… a lot of yelling. The teen quickly placed his headphones into her backpack, fastening their pace to get there quicker.
She saw her father with tears in her eyes, yelling at his phone like it could feel anything. Her eyes glanced at Emilia before closing the call, not even saying anything to the other person who sat on the other line. Blinking rapidly, the teenager expected the worst. Their father never laid hands on them, but that still didn’t make him a good person. He mumbled something under his breath, expecting the kid to hear it but she didn’t. Questioning it, the father yelled out some shocking news. Some news stories that she even refused to believe were true. He said that Emilia’s mom was dead. Sadness and anger consumed her for a second, but she refused to show it. Rushing to her room to grieve their mother’s death. It all went numb from there on out.

The year 2015
Our little protagonist is finally a teen adult at the age of eighteen. She was chilling in her room, with their trustworthy headphones on listening to some music that can distract her from life and its problems. Their dad, of course not being home, was out roaming the streets doing god knows what kind of police work he was doing. Suddenly, Emilia’s phone started ringing. Glancing over at it for a moment, noticing that it was an incoming call from her father, she placed his finger on the display before swiping on the DENY option. He hated his dad. She disliked the way he was, the way he was doing his own job, the way he treated his own wife, everything. A second call popped up from her father. There was an unwritten rule in the family that if someone calls more than once then it’s important. Swiftly grabbed her phone before ACCEPTING the incoming call, waiting for their father to speak.​
[!] He seemed panicked and rushed. Other persons were yelling in the background too. [!]
  • ‘Uhh.. yeah dad? What’s happening?’
Emilia did just that, somewhat rushing into her father’s bedroom, looking behind that painting there was a drawer. And oh my what was there? Money. Tons and lots of money that was situated In every compartment. How can such a cop get this kind of money? That wasn’t clean money no… that was not made legitimate.
The phone spoke once more, interrupting the female’s thoughts.
  • ‘I am but.. what’s all this dad?’
The young Collazo would slowly lower her phone, looking down at the stacks upon stacks of money and then it clicked. Was her dad a corrupt cop? Would it make sense? I mean would explain the money but why would he risk his whole reputation just for some money… we’re her gifts from him bought with that as well? Too many questions and no answers. Emilia’s dad was screaming, yelling, and begging for her to listen to him but to no success. Corruption was all he could think of now. Hanging up the call, Emilia would take a quick glance at the money once more before she would… count it? She couldn’t even give a specific number, she was just wondering how her messed up dad earned all those years. Suddenly, a neighbor started knocking at their door. Turned out to be one of Emilia's mother’s closest friends. She instantly went to the door to talk to the girl. Turned out, in his panic Emilia showed her the money, and told her all of her theories. The terrified girl, called the police in an instant to bring them here, giving them a quick heads-up of the whole situation. In the meantime, Emilia would sneak into his dad’s room, pocketing as much money as she could for… whatever reason. Police arrived and took over the house in an instant, but Emilia? Where was she? They simply vanished, leaving no trace of where he could go. Where did she go? Well, they went to a nearby park before… what was that? Buying a plane ticket? Yep, she decided to not stick around. She was sick of the city he was born and its corruption. She didn’t have a credit card so how could he buy you a plane ticket? Well, she called a taxi and handed the person a 100 dollar bill, telling them to go to the airport. Did just like that and somehow sorted everything out without anyone questioning where he got the money from. This only angered her more. Bought a plane ticket to Karakura, a somewhat small city on an island, and went there.

The rest is history.​

★ General knowledge ★

★ Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura? <<
“No, nobody can own a pocket knife in the city of Karakura. Every bladed weapon is illegal and if an officer arrested a civilian who was holding such a blade then he would be charged with ‘possession of illegal weaponry’ and that individual would receive a felony charge along with… a 150,000 yen bail I believe or a 3 month sentence.” She would stop for a moment, taking their breath before continuing. “Every illegal weapon in addition will add 3 more months to his sentence.”

★ Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription. <<
Glasses -> Wearable accessories and medical devices that help you see.
Cough syrup -> soothes the throat and eases coughing.
Melatonin -> regulates sleep by signaling the body to rest.
Cane -> Provides support and stability while walking.
Eyepatches -> Cover one eye to protect or aid healing from a wound/injury.

★ If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do? <<
The female got lost in thought for a couple of moments, thinking about any possible outcome there could be. Glancing over at the interviewer, she began speaking softly. “Abusing an inmate can only be done inside KPD so that means I’ll have my bodycam on me. Even if I didn’t have it, I would bring my phone out to catch an audio record of the situation.” Thinking for a moment, the woman would click her tongue before continuing. “After some moments later when I acquired the evidence, I would grab the taser from my belt before telling every on duty cop to come to the inmate’s cell.” Would take a deep breath before continuing. “If the other cop tries anything I’ll just yell at them, telling them to cool off but not tase them since the other coworkers are on their way and won’t take long before coming to the rescue. I would hand over the footage I have gathered and ask them to check the CCTV too.” Was good enough, right? No use of police brutality whatsoever and helping a man who didn’t deserve the faith of getting beaten up by a ‘dirty’ cop. “That’s it commissioner, that’s what I would do in that specific scenario.”

★ What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted? <<
Collazo would wish for more details but that would be a no-go so she started forming scenarios in her head once more, trying to find the best scenario that would fit this question. “Well, first of all, I would radio it in before doing anything. If it’s just one individual assaulting my co-worker then I would grab my baton and try to help them since if I aim my Taser at the suspect then I could misfire and tase the cop which would be.. very bad” Clearing her throat right after, she would continue. “Most likely dashing behind them if they have a weapon and that would grant me and my co-worker an advantage since they cannot face two opposite directions at once.” It’s time for the second scenario. She would sigh, taking a moment to think it through before started speaking. “But if there are more individuals on the scene then that would be a problem. I would radio it in, requesting backup before unholstering my taser and telling them to freeze and shoot in the sky so they know nobody is messing around. If they continue or focus their aggression on me then I’ll instantly tase one of them before yelling to the others to face the wall.” Oop, something else popped up in Emilia’s mind. “But, if they happen to have any kind of weapon on them, being a blunt or straight up a sharp I would tase one of them, making them sure of my presence before radioing it in. My goal here is not initially to catch them but to keep my co-worker alive. After making sure they’re all gone, I would request a paramedic before walking towards the tased suspect, unclipping their mask if they have any, and taking any weapon they may have on them, sending them straight to jail.” Taking one deep breath in, glad she was done with this question.

★ What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations? <<
This question closed her up. What could she do? They were not a trained detective yet and being the only one knowing makes it worse. Who would trust a cadet saying another officer is corrupt? “So.. I don’t know what I should do. I’ll be honest, going after them by myself would put me in such great danger and probably would do no one any good since I’m not even trained yet.” She would sigh, clearly not knowing what to do. “I- I guess I can gather as many pieces of evidence as I can get before approaching the commissioner with them, telling you about what I think is going on and offering the evidence first so you… won’t think I’m crazy or something.” Clearing her throat, she would eye the table, tapping her finger on it once before continuing. “I’ll do whatever the current commissioner orders me to do, either observing in the dark or just staying out of it.” Cleared her throat. “From my previous experiences with.. corruption, I want to say that I’m not a big fan of it and I would want to stop it all if I had the chance, including getting my nose into this mess too but without the proper training then I don’t think I can succeed.”

★ How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you? <<
She looked at the individual who was standing at the opposite side of the table, tapping her index and middle finger against the counter for a second, responding when she thought he caught the right answer. “This is a question with only one answer. If a criminal came up to me and offered me a big sum of money to look the other way, I would instantly check my surroundings, seeing if there was anything or anyone who could put me in danger. After checking that the individual is alone, I would issue him a fine of 25.000 yen since accepting a bribe goes against what any officer should stand for.” She would make a pause, continuing after a moment. “But… if I see that he has around 4 or 5 friends with him, I would radio it in, talking to any on-duty officers about the incident. I would wait for them to appear before issuing them the same fine, knowing I’d be relatively safe if I stayed near my fellow co-workers. If they insist on both in both scenarios, I would first give them a verbal warning that they are intervening with an ongoing investigation and they can probably be charged with obstruction of justice.”

★ Extra ★ (OOC)

So I have been one of the lucky few who have been selected for the latest internship and said that I was more than happy to participate. Those three days KPD offered us to teach and give us opportunities to learn about their training schedule, what they do while patrolling, or even how a sting operation works. I’m really grateful for the time they put in us, the interns, and the new stuff they showed us. I would briefly go and explain what we did in the three days they spent with us.

1. Main Division: The first and longest day of this whole internship. We had the pleasure of getting a tour of the whole KPD station before stopping in their training/scenario section. There we were introduced to three different scenarios and each and every single intern was able to act as the cop and complete those scenarios, with or without the help from their mentors. After that, every 2 interns were assigned a specific cop before heading to patrol around the city, checking for any criminal activity that may occur. (There wasn’t any but the experience was very fun.)

2. Detective Division: The second and my favorite day came. That day we got information that a weapon deal was happening near KPD and we had to gather evidence such as audio or video footage to arrest them for the right crimes. I can say that I’ve done a decent job since one of the criminals tried to dip but I successfully grabbed them by myself and forced them against a wall. Every intern came right after, forming a ring around me so the crook's identity would not be revealed, and arrested them for the crimes they had committed. (I missed a charge but we’re good.) After that, we went back to the station and put in a report about what we saw and the information we gathered from them.

3. Manhunt: The third day was… amazing. Every intern was assigned an officer and they had to patrol the city, looking for two corrupt cops and arrest them while they tried to evade. I can say that I’m super happy with my own performance because I was able to catch one of the two corrupt cops. I loved this activity so much that I wish I could do it again but sadly we can’t.

Additional notes
If I may want my college tag going to my alt account and my adult tag going to my secondary - if that’s possible, of course. | I’ll be leaving every bmd business/gang if accepted. I hope that none of this will affect the outcome of my application.​
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