Level 7
IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
I am in Eastern Standard Timezone, but I do occasionally hop on for EU times.
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
(It’s been a year or two since my last apps I cant find them)
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on SRP is honestly really high. Although I still have multiple outside activities, I am still very active on the server. I have sports that I value and do often. As for the types of roleplay I have done on this server, I have experience in Gang roleplay, Family roleplay, Teaching roleplay, and Jock roleplay. I was in a few gangs/racing crews but I have mostly dropped Gang roleplay as a whole. Family roleplay was a stage when I had created a family while being a teacher. Currently, on the server, I have the College Basketball role. All of these experiences show that I have quite a lot of experience with roleplay and I'm always willing to learn more.
What is your motivation for applying?:
When you watch KPD in action, it’s very interesting as they usually don't arrest anyone who is innocent and they take their time to do detective work. Adding on to that, I have always seen KPD as a faction I would join as I have a lot of police knowledge and that I know most of the 10 codes, which I see KPD using on SRP. However, something I haven’t mentioned is KPD roleplay. They are one of the best factions for roleplay due to them having to deal with lawsuits, helping the government, warrants, and raiding houses/apartments/Gang Turf. I believe this is a very special permission to have. However, another motivation for joining KPD is that I'd like to expand my roleplay. Although I enjoy my basketball experience, it did not end up being as active as I was hoping for. I believe KPD is the right fit for me and the roleplay I am looking for.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Difference Between the Two Division
Main division is your everyday officer. They go out to arrest criminals, patrol, desk duty, reports, and so forth. While detectives also cover these tasks, they have some extra tasks that need to be taken care of. They are the brains and do investigations, forensic work, etc. The Main Division and Detective Division have their exclusive perks.
Front Desk - Officers will sit at the front desk and help out by answering questions, taking reports, and taking bail payment to bail an individual, but that isn’t a part of the front desk duty exclusively.
Patrolling - KPD will patrol all over the city, looking for criminals and anyone who may be breaking the laws of Karakura. They check out the Criminal Hotspots, and sometimes check the sewers. The officers will deal with the criminals accordingly.
Warrants - If an individual has been seen committing a crime, via bodycam, CCTV, or by officers, but manages to flee in time or left the scene of crime, a warrant will/can be issued for their arrest. For a warrant to be issued, you have to contact a judge to sign on it with proof.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to school roleplay for several reasons:
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
I am in Eastern Standard Timezone, but I do occasionally hop on for EU times.
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
(It’s been a year or two since my last apps I cant find them)
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on SRP is honestly really high. Although I still have multiple outside activities, I am still very active on the server. I have sports that I value and do often. As for the types of roleplay I have done on this server, I have experience in Gang roleplay, Family roleplay, Teaching roleplay, and Jock roleplay. I was in a few gangs/racing crews but I have mostly dropped Gang roleplay as a whole. Family roleplay was a stage when I had created a family while being a teacher. Currently, on the server, I have the College Basketball role. All of these experiences show that I have quite a lot of experience with roleplay and I'm always willing to learn more.
What is your motivation for applying?:
When you watch KPD in action, it’s very interesting as they usually don't arrest anyone who is innocent and they take their time to do detective work. Adding on to that, I have always seen KPD as a faction I would join as I have a lot of police knowledge and that I know most of the 10 codes, which I see KPD using on SRP. However, something I haven’t mentioned is KPD roleplay. They are one of the best factions for roleplay due to them having to deal with lawsuits, helping the government, warrants, and raiding houses/apartments/Gang Turf. I believe this is a very special permission to have. However, another motivation for joining KPD is that I'd like to expand my roleplay. Although I enjoy my basketball experience, it did not end up being as active as I was hoping for. I believe KPD is the right fit for me and the roleplay I am looking for.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Difference Between the Two Division
Main division is your everyday officer. They go out to arrest criminals, patrol, desk duty, reports, and so forth. While detectives also cover these tasks, they have some extra tasks that need to be taken care of. They are the brains and do investigations, forensic work, etc. The Main Division and Detective Division have their exclusive perks.
Front Desk - Officers will sit at the front desk and help out by answering questions, taking reports, and taking bail payment to bail an individual, but that isn’t a part of the front desk duty exclusively.
Patrolling - KPD will patrol all over the city, looking for criminals and anyone who may be breaking the laws of Karakura. They check out the Criminal Hotspots, and sometimes check the sewers. The officers will deal with the criminals accordingly.
Warrants - If an individual has been seen committing a crime, via bodycam, CCTV, or by officers, but manages to flee in time or left the scene of crime, a warrant will/can be issued for their arrest. For a warrant to be issued, you have to contact a judge to sign on it with proof.
I’ll be going over the gear that is used by the Karakura Police Department.
Handcuffs - One of the most important items is a pair of steel handcuffs. These can be used to either restrain/detain individuals. If not tased it is honor, but if the person isn’t tased then it requires a roll to cuff them if they wish to resist.
Stun Blaster - Based off of the standard Police Stun Blaster called the X26, it's a long range device that can temporarily immobilise a suspect that may have tried to evade, or violently hurt someone. It stuns the suspect for around a minute.
Police Radio - A required item that is used by officers to communicate through KPD and EMS. This item is tested to be waterproof, but can be destroyed with a blunt weapon, and in rare cases with sharp weapons. This item is not muggable but is utilised by all officers.
Body Camera - Invented in 2005, still very recent is a device that is similar to CCTV/Cameras. It's usually placed on the center mass of a police officer's outfit. It’s required to have it recording whilst patrolling. It can be destroyed with blunt weapons, and in rare cases sharp weapons.
Luminol Spray - This item is utilised by all officers. The luminol spray can be sprayed on weapons or masks to find/detect any blood that cannot be seen by the human eye.
Gas mask - Gas masks are utilised by both KPD and EMS to prevent chemical biological effects such as pepper. It can be mugged.
Crowbar - Utilised by Corporals. It is used to pry open doors, crates, barrels, and anything that is locked. The intent of this is to get anything that is suspicious on a raid and is only used during raids.
Pepper Spray - A mid-range device that is utilised by both KPD and EMS, to temporarily blind a suspect. If the suspect has a gas mask on, the effects will not work. It should be sprayed in the eyes and nowhere else. Three-time use.
Tranquilizer - Some call it the “Tranq of Death”, but others call it by its true name. A long-range plastic device utilised by both Sergeants and Detectives. Requires a roll to be taken out when in range of a suspect, as well as it requires an action and a roll to reload two darts into the chamber.
Riot Shield - A glass shield that is used by officers for protection. Has two different modes, offense and defense. When in your main hand the officer cannot use an offensive weapon, but when in your offhand the shield will be put to the side, for the officer to use an offensive weapon. Some weapons being batons, tranquilizers, or stun blasters. Requires an action and a roll to swap hands when a suspect is in range.
First Aid Kit - A metal box that holds bandages, syringes, tape, padding, and large triangular bandages that can be used as a sort of sling or glue. It can grant a victim 5 more minutes to their bleed out timer.
Police Baton - A steel baton that is used in a close range combat situation. It requires two hits to the head for a KO and can be mugged from the hands. It has a two block range and is equipped on all officers.
Breathalyzer - Police can use this item on their patrols or while in the station. Used for finding out how drunk someone is. Its accuracy varies depending on the proximity to the KPD. Used for both KPD and EMS.
Disposable Latex Gloves - Accessible to all on-duty officers and used to avoid officers getting their fingerprints on weapons/masks. On all police uniforms, and cannot be stolen.
Fingerprint Scanner - Mainly used when someone is suspected of a crime and the weapon has fingerprints on it. Scans a suspect’s fingerprints and determines if it matches the sample fingerprint on the weapon/mask.
Handcuffs - One of the most important items is a pair of steel handcuffs. These can be used to either restrain/detain individuals. If not tased it is honor, but if the person isn’t tased then it requires a roll to cuff them if they wish to resist.
Stun Blaster - Based off of the standard Police Stun Blaster called the X26, it's a long range device that can temporarily immobilise a suspect that may have tried to evade, or violently hurt someone. It stuns the suspect for around a minute.
Police Radio - A required item that is used by officers to communicate through KPD and EMS. This item is tested to be waterproof, but can be destroyed with a blunt weapon, and in rare cases with sharp weapons. This item is not muggable but is utilised by all officers.
Body Camera - Invented in 2005, still very recent is a device that is similar to CCTV/Cameras. It's usually placed on the center mass of a police officer's outfit. It’s required to have it recording whilst patrolling. It can be destroyed with blunt weapons, and in rare cases sharp weapons.
Luminol Spray - This item is utilised by all officers. The luminol spray can be sprayed on weapons or masks to find/detect any blood that cannot be seen by the human eye.
Gas mask - Gas masks are utilised by both KPD and EMS to prevent chemical biological effects such as pepper. It can be mugged.
Crowbar - Utilised by Corporals. It is used to pry open doors, crates, barrels, and anything that is locked. The intent of this is to get anything that is suspicious on a raid and is only used during raids.
Pepper Spray - A mid-range device that is utilised by both KPD and EMS, to temporarily blind a suspect. If the suspect has a gas mask on, the effects will not work. It should be sprayed in the eyes and nowhere else. Three-time use.
Tranquilizer - Some call it the “Tranq of Death”, but others call it by its true name. A long-range plastic device utilised by both Sergeants and Detectives. Requires a roll to be taken out when in range of a suspect, as well as it requires an action and a roll to reload two darts into the chamber.
Riot Shield - A glass shield that is used by officers for protection. Has two different modes, offense and defense. When in your main hand the officer cannot use an offensive weapon, but when in your offhand the shield will be put to the side, for the officer to use an offensive weapon. Some weapons being batons, tranquilizers, or stun blasters. Requires an action and a roll to swap hands when a suspect is in range.
First Aid Kit - A metal box that holds bandages, syringes, tape, padding, and large triangular bandages that can be used as a sort of sling or glue. It can grant a victim 5 more minutes to their bleed out timer.
Police Baton - A steel baton that is used in a close range combat situation. It requires two hits to the head for a KO and can be mugged from the hands. It has a two block range and is equipped on all officers.
Breathalyzer - Police can use this item on their patrols or while in the station. Used for finding out how drunk someone is. Its accuracy varies depending on the proximity to the KPD. Used for both KPD and EMS.
Disposable Latex Gloves - Accessible to all on-duty officers and used to avoid officers getting their fingerprints on weapons/masks. On all police uniforms, and cannot be stolen.
Fingerprint Scanner - Mainly used when someone is suspected of a crime and the weapon has fingerprints on it. Scans a suspect’s fingerprints and determines if it matches the sample fingerprint on the weapon/mask.
The Main Division consists of 7 Different ranks (Highest to Lowest).
Commissioner - The highest ranking in the force, as well as the brains of the Karakura Police Department. Skilled in almost everything.
Captain - Highest rank within the main division, and works alongside the Commissioner. They have authority over everyone else while the Commissioner is out.
Lieutenant - Higher up’s of the police force, their main job is to notify the captain or Commissioner if anything bad is going on. They can train cadets.
Sergeant - Sergeants are one of the many important roles in the Main Division. They undergo training for the Lieutenant position and can train cadets.
Corporal - Corporals are officers who just become qualified to train and teach the new cadets. They are put in more dangerous situations such as raids and calls talking about many criminals in one area.
Patrol-Officer - Another name for Patrol-Officer is PO, they are able to go off duty and don’t hold any power within the ranks. They just passed all their training.
Cadet - The bottom of the rank who just got accepted. Have yet to take their exams and evaluations in order to become a PO. They are never allowed to patrol on their own and must have a higher ranking officer that can patrol with them. They take part in less dangerous tasks like desk duty or taking reports since they aren’t trained for more important procedures.
Detective Ranks Highest to Lowest.
Detective Superintendent - The Detective Superintendent is the highest ranking officer within the Detective division, they are as equal as the main division’s Captain ranking, they are the lead and the brains of the Detective Division.
Detective Chief Inspector - The Detective Chief Inspector is the Detective Superintendent’s right hand man/woman. They will tell the Detective Superintendent if anyone is acting up or abusing their authority.
Detective Inspector - The Detective Inspectors are qualified to train the new detectives, which would be Detective Constables. They are entrusted with the more important cases within the Karakura Police Department and are usually tasked with interrogations, as well as a helping hand to the Chief Inspector. Their rank is equal to a Sergeant in the Main Division.
Detective Sergeant - They are the same as a Corporal in the main division but for Detective's, which they can train and teach new Detectives. As well as they do interrogations, and deal with forensics.
Detective Constable - The Detective Constables, the cadets to the Detective Division. They were chosen by the Detective Higher Up team and are deemed trustworthy enough for the role.
Commissioner - The highest ranking in the force, as well as the brains of the Karakura Police Department. Skilled in almost everything.
Captain - Highest rank within the main division, and works alongside the Commissioner. They have authority over everyone else while the Commissioner is out.
Lieutenant - Higher up’s of the police force, their main job is to notify the captain or Commissioner if anything bad is going on. They can train cadets.
Sergeant - Sergeants are one of the many important roles in the Main Division. They undergo training for the Lieutenant position and can train cadets.
Corporal - Corporals are officers who just become qualified to train and teach the new cadets. They are put in more dangerous situations such as raids and calls talking about many criminals in one area.
Patrol-Officer - Another name for Patrol-Officer is PO, they are able to go off duty and don’t hold any power within the ranks. They just passed all their training.
Cadet - The bottom of the rank who just got accepted. Have yet to take their exams and evaluations in order to become a PO. They are never allowed to patrol on their own and must have a higher ranking officer that can patrol with them. They take part in less dangerous tasks like desk duty or taking reports since they aren’t trained for more important procedures.
Detective Ranks Highest to Lowest.
Detective Superintendent - The Detective Superintendent is the highest ranking officer within the Detective division, they are as equal as the main division’s Captain ranking, they are the lead and the brains of the Detective Division.
Detective Chief Inspector - The Detective Chief Inspector is the Detective Superintendent’s right hand man/woman. They will tell the Detective Superintendent if anyone is acting up or abusing their authority.
Detective Inspector - The Detective Inspectors are qualified to train the new detectives, which would be Detective Constables. They are entrusted with the more important cases within the Karakura Police Department and are usually tasked with interrogations, as well as a helping hand to the Chief Inspector. Their rank is equal to a Sergeant in the Main Division.
Detective Sergeant - They are the same as a Corporal in the main division but for Detective's, which they can train and teach new Detectives. As well as they do interrogations, and deal with forensics.
Detective Constable - The Detective Constables, the cadets to the Detective Division. They were chosen by the Detective Higher Up team and are deemed trustworthy enough for the role.
I didn't plan on putting the meaning so no metagame can take place.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to school roleplay for several reasons:
- Playing a role model: Officers can play a positive role for people to look up to Police Officers. Police often influence others to join and help fight to stand up against bad people.
- Safety: Speaking of standing up against bad people, Police Officers play a HUGE role in protecting the people of the city. You can often see Police just patrolling making sure nobody is committing anything against the law.
- Events: There have been NUMEROUS events involving police, like setting stores on fire where the cops had to come help get rid of the bad guys, the kidnapping of a princess and so much more! Without Police Officers there wouldn't any kind of criminal events.
- Roleplay Scenarios: Police provide multiple role play scenes that aren't even events. You can see them often in chases or fighting back against the criminals of Karakura.
- Involvement within the Community: Even off duty officers play a serious role of being professional and not just 24/7 fighting bad guys. They can also involve themselves with normal family roleplay or other types of roleplay.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do acknowledge that if training is held while I am online, I am needed to attend for that training and I will be punished if I do not show up.
What's your character's full name?:
“My name is Atreides Toshima.”
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
“I am 27..”
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
“I go by He/Him, and my gender is Male.”
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
“I have a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.”
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
“I speak fluent French and Japanese. I’m still learning JSL, though.”
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Atreides Toshima has soft, blonde hair parted slightly down the middle. His golden locks frame the deep brown eyes that lay behind them, eyes that are seemingly bottomless when gazing into them directly. He has a lean body type, being quite speedy to add. Atreides towers over most, standing at the impressive height of 6’5. He takes on a professional style, often wearing button downs, suits, and collared shirts that are appealing to the working eye.

(art wasnt done in time sadly)
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
“I act the same in professional and casual situations, calm and collected.”
Atreides, being the disciplined man he is, is always professional and tries his best to look professional. Whenever he's on-duty, he prioritizes protecting the citizens of Karakura as well as helping out around the town. If anyone decides to run into the Karakura Police Station being disrespectful, Atreides keeps his composure and will escort them out. Whenever he's patrolling around with his partner, he would survey the areas they run around making sure to keep his partner safe. When it comes to desk duty, Atreides is the type of man to do any task needed as well as take notes and research in his freetime, helping civilians out with anything they ask. For anyone who comes through the metal detector, he would do his duty and make sure they aren't a criminal or carrying anything illegal. Atreides, being the person he is, will remain calm in any situation no matter what. While off-duty Atreides acts all the same, even going out and being active with his kids, meeting new people in Karakura, and talking to his co-workers to make sure they are okay. Both casual and professional situations will remain the same to him, he will never act a fool around anyone typically.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
“I love having co-workers, and I support the idea of teamwork as it helps out a lot in life.”
Atreides prefers working as a team knowing that KPD is stronger in numbers, especially when it comes to situations where the criminals are able to harm officers. Atreides will always try his hardest to keep everyone safe, and make sure to count on his teammates. Especially when it came to sports. He prefers to work together as a team. He also believes if the police worked alone, the criminals would have a better chance of fleeing from the situation. While several other officers arrived to the scene, he would be seen working with his co-workers, and if needed to he would go alone.
What's your character's backstory?
“My name is Atreides Toshima.”
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
“I am 27..”
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
“I go by He/Him, and my gender is Male.”
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
“I have a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.”
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
“I speak fluent French and Japanese. I’m still learning JSL, though.”
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Atreides Toshima has soft, blonde hair parted slightly down the middle. His golden locks frame the deep brown eyes that lay behind them, eyes that are seemingly bottomless when gazing into them directly. He has a lean body type, being quite speedy to add. Atreides towers over most, standing at the impressive height of 6’5. He takes on a professional style, often wearing button downs, suits, and collared shirts that are appealing to the working eye.

(art wasnt done in time sadly)
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
“I act the same in professional and casual situations, calm and collected.”
Atreides, being the disciplined man he is, is always professional and tries his best to look professional. Whenever he's on-duty, he prioritizes protecting the citizens of Karakura as well as helping out around the town. If anyone decides to run into the Karakura Police Station being disrespectful, Atreides keeps his composure and will escort them out. Whenever he's patrolling around with his partner, he would survey the areas they run around making sure to keep his partner safe. When it comes to desk duty, Atreides is the type of man to do any task needed as well as take notes and research in his freetime, helping civilians out with anything they ask. For anyone who comes through the metal detector, he would do his duty and make sure they aren't a criminal or carrying anything illegal. Atreides, being the person he is, will remain calm in any situation no matter what. While off-duty Atreides acts all the same, even going out and being active with his kids, meeting new people in Karakura, and talking to his co-workers to make sure they are okay. Both casual and professional situations will remain the same to him, he will never act a fool around anyone typically.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
“I love having co-workers, and I support the idea of teamwork as it helps out a lot in life.”
Atreides prefers working as a team knowing that KPD is stronger in numbers, especially when it comes to situations where the criminals are able to harm officers. Atreides will always try his hardest to keep everyone safe, and make sure to count on his teammates. Especially when it came to sports. He prefers to work together as a team. He also believes if the police worked alone, the criminals would have a better chance of fleeing from the situation. While several other officers arrived to the scene, he would be seen working with his co-workers, and if needed to he would go alone.
What's your character's backstory?
The Beginning
Atreides grew up in the heart of France, Paris. Atreides unfortunately grew up without a family, leaving him alone for the first few years of his life. Unless you count caretakers at his orphanage as a family. The caretakers realized early on that Atreides was very shy for his age. On the night of his 7th birthday, Atreides was adopted by a wealthy family who were known for being government workers. Surely they were trustworthy enough to take care of little Atreides, right? At first, everything was perfect, his big bedroom with the Batman posters plastered on the wall, his butlers and housemaids attending to him, what could go wrong? He had everything now! Except for one thing... And that was a loving family. Atreides' adoptive father was nothing but cold-hearted to him, pushing Atreides beyond his limit and pressuring him to be a lawyer in the future. However, Atreides was very open about wanting to be a cop, and a hero so people would look up to him. His adoptive father would often make fun of him for his height and looks. Of course, his adoptive father disapproved of him, but he couldn’t just send the boy back to the orphanage. What would the press think of him after turning his back on a boy with no family?
The Outbreak
One night, Atreides hears something in the living room. Not knowing what was happening, he goes downstairs and his mother is brutally beaten and abused. This leads up to an instance where his father hurts her so badly, and in consequence, putting her life in jeopardy altogether. Before his father is able to cause any more trauma than he's already put both his children and his soulmate through, Atreides would daringly intervene, putting himself in harm's way if it meant that his own guardian would spare the only figure in his life that expressed the most love and kindness to him. This however, wouldn't come into fruition as Atreides would instead be targeted in replacement of his mother. Despite how bad the pain that surged through his body became, from the beatings he received, it didn't hurt him as much as it would have to experience his loved one's life being taken before his very eyes.
The Grand Escape
Atreides grew up being told that he was worthless, a no-good waste of space, and the one person who truly cared about him was being abused, and he could do nothing about it. Atreides, fed up with the treatment he had received since the age of 7, decided on his sixteenth birthday that he was going to make his grand escape! He ran off into the midnight sky, running through the forests and sneaking onto a boat... until he reached Karakura. He quickly noticed that he no longer knew where he was, so by asking around he would eventually find out. With the money Atreides had, he bought himself a brick phone and looked for a place to stay.
A New Beginning
He happily wandered the beautiful city of Karakura until he noticed the sun begin to rise. He found the nearest home and knocked at their front door. The door was answered no less than a second later, revealing a beautiful woman standing in front of him at the height of 5’7. Atreides spoke to her, "C-could I stay the night?” Stuttering about, not quite saying the sentence properly but the woman paid no attention to it. He took a deep breath before finishing his sentence, “I have nowhere else to go." The woman replied with a nod, letting the Atreides inside. "One night" she said out loud to him. Atreides nodded in agreement.
By the morning, Atreides was packing the little things he had brought with him to Karakura only for the woman to give him around 100,000 yen to be on his way. With that money, Atreides was able to settle into a small apartment, get a part-time job, and attend Karakura’s very own high school.
The Internship
Once he got into college, he saw a chance to do an internship with the Karakura Police Department. Atreides applied for it and made it in! On the first day, he shadowed over a few officers, learning about them. Nothing much else happened during that day, but the next day was full of events and joy for him. The Karakura Police Department gave Atreides and his group a tour of the station, having him check out the cells and the training facility they have underground. They did a few scenarios with fake weapons, teaching Atreides and the group how to deal with certain situations. At first, he didn't excel at it. The first exercise took him a while to get at first, but when he got a second try he did way better, and on the last try he did everything right besides forgetting the charges against the helper, which would be a common occurrence for him. The second situation was more intense for him. At first, he was a bit stressed but when he saw the demonstration he got accustomed to it and gave it his all. Later in the night, he went home to practice some of the scenarios using a teddy bear and a toy gun as a taser to train his aim and to learn more about the pat down procedure, as well as watching youtube videos on cops to learn more about how they would handle certain situations with tasers, and other weapons. This also helped him learn more about the pat down procedure, as the videos usually showed people getting arrested.
The last situation they showed to the interns was a situation where they had to defend the front desk. Atreides started off by putting the place on lockdown, for the test, then finally he tased the both of them, searching them and sending them off to jail. The third day was with the Detective Division, where they had to watch an arms deal happen and write a report on it. The group successfully took down the arms deal with enough evidence to send them to prison. Then, on the final day, Atreides and his partner had to search all of Karakura for one officer, and arrest them for the charges they were assigned. The officer would be assigned with a fake weapon and the two interns were assigned with a fake taser. An hour later, they caught their officer, placing them under arrest and doing the usual procedure. Atreides was sad to see that they were done with their internship, deciding right there and then that he wanted to become a cop.
At the end of term, he earned a Masters in Law and decided to finally fulfill the dreams of his younger self. He left Karakura and went to America, applying for a position with the Houston Police Department, starting off as a cadet. Atreides was constantly being reminded of how he used to be treated during this boot camp. The cadet program was rough on Atreides. He wasn’t able to endure it at first, it would take him a while to get used to it. It was like a military boot camp, easier but not to Atreides. The bootcamp was intense. He ended up passing, barely. . . While he was a Patrol Officer, he really took in his time in Houston, Texas. He spent around three years in the force. However, he missed Karakura, traveling back to the town where he made friends and family.
When he came back to Karakura, Atreides finally, at the age of 27, decided to put in an application for the Karakura Police Department, wishing to get into it as he had always wanted to be a Police Officer. Even telling one of the detectives back in his internship his true reason.
Atreides grew up in the heart of France, Paris. Atreides unfortunately grew up without a family, leaving him alone for the first few years of his life. Unless you count caretakers at his orphanage as a family. The caretakers realized early on that Atreides was very shy for his age. On the night of his 7th birthday, Atreides was adopted by a wealthy family who were known for being government workers. Surely they were trustworthy enough to take care of little Atreides, right? At first, everything was perfect, his big bedroom with the Batman posters plastered on the wall, his butlers and housemaids attending to him, what could go wrong? He had everything now! Except for one thing... And that was a loving family. Atreides' adoptive father was nothing but cold-hearted to him, pushing Atreides beyond his limit and pressuring him to be a lawyer in the future. However, Atreides was very open about wanting to be a cop, and a hero so people would look up to him. His adoptive father would often make fun of him for his height and looks. Of course, his adoptive father disapproved of him, but he couldn’t just send the boy back to the orphanage. What would the press think of him after turning his back on a boy with no family?
The Outbreak
One night, Atreides hears something in the living room. Not knowing what was happening, he goes downstairs and his mother is brutally beaten and abused. This leads up to an instance where his father hurts her so badly, and in consequence, putting her life in jeopardy altogether. Before his father is able to cause any more trauma than he's already put both his children and his soulmate through, Atreides would daringly intervene, putting himself in harm's way if it meant that his own guardian would spare the only figure in his life that expressed the most love and kindness to him. This however, wouldn't come into fruition as Atreides would instead be targeted in replacement of his mother. Despite how bad the pain that surged through his body became, from the beatings he received, it didn't hurt him as much as it would have to experience his loved one's life being taken before his very eyes.
The Grand Escape
Atreides grew up being told that he was worthless, a no-good waste of space, and the one person who truly cared about him was being abused, and he could do nothing about it. Atreides, fed up with the treatment he had received since the age of 7, decided on his sixteenth birthday that he was going to make his grand escape! He ran off into the midnight sky, running through the forests and sneaking onto a boat... until he reached Karakura. He quickly noticed that he no longer knew where he was, so by asking around he would eventually find out. With the money Atreides had, he bought himself a brick phone and looked for a place to stay.
A New Beginning
He happily wandered the beautiful city of Karakura until he noticed the sun begin to rise. He found the nearest home and knocked at their front door. The door was answered no less than a second later, revealing a beautiful woman standing in front of him at the height of 5’7. Atreides spoke to her, "C-could I stay the night?” Stuttering about, not quite saying the sentence properly but the woman paid no attention to it. He took a deep breath before finishing his sentence, “I have nowhere else to go." The woman replied with a nod, letting the Atreides inside. "One night" she said out loud to him. Atreides nodded in agreement.
By the morning, Atreides was packing the little things he had brought with him to Karakura only for the woman to give him around 100,000 yen to be on his way. With that money, Atreides was able to settle into a small apartment, get a part-time job, and attend Karakura’s very own high school.
The Internship
Once he got into college, he saw a chance to do an internship with the Karakura Police Department. Atreides applied for it and made it in! On the first day, he shadowed over a few officers, learning about them. Nothing much else happened during that day, but the next day was full of events and joy for him. The Karakura Police Department gave Atreides and his group a tour of the station, having him check out the cells and the training facility they have underground. They did a few scenarios with fake weapons, teaching Atreides and the group how to deal with certain situations. At first, he didn't excel at it. The first exercise took him a while to get at first, but when he got a second try he did way better, and on the last try he did everything right besides forgetting the charges against the helper, which would be a common occurrence for him. The second situation was more intense for him. At first, he was a bit stressed but when he saw the demonstration he got accustomed to it and gave it his all. Later in the night, he went home to practice some of the scenarios using a teddy bear and a toy gun as a taser to train his aim and to learn more about the pat down procedure, as well as watching youtube videos on cops to learn more about how they would handle certain situations with tasers, and other weapons. This also helped him learn more about the pat down procedure, as the videos usually showed people getting arrested.
The last situation they showed to the interns was a situation where they had to defend the front desk. Atreides started off by putting the place on lockdown, for the test, then finally he tased the both of them, searching them and sending them off to jail. The third day was with the Detective Division, where they had to watch an arms deal happen and write a report on it. The group successfully took down the arms deal with enough evidence to send them to prison. Then, on the final day, Atreides and his partner had to search all of Karakura for one officer, and arrest them for the charges they were assigned. The officer would be assigned with a fake weapon and the two interns were assigned with a fake taser. An hour later, they caught their officer, placing them under arrest and doing the usual procedure. Atreides was sad to see that they were done with their internship, deciding right there and then that he wanted to become a cop.
At the end of term, he earned a Masters in Law and decided to finally fulfill the dreams of his younger self. He left Karakura and went to America, applying for a position with the Houston Police Department, starting off as a cadet. Atreides was constantly being reminded of how he used to be treated during this boot camp. The cadet program was rough on Atreides. He wasn’t able to endure it at first, it would take him a while to get used to it. It was like a military boot camp, easier but not to Atreides. The bootcamp was intense. He ended up passing, barely. . . While he was a Patrol Officer, he really took in his time in Houston, Texas. He spent around three years in the force. However, he missed Karakura, traveling back to the town where he made friends and family.
When he came back to Karakura, Atreides finally, at the age of 27, decided to put in an application for the Karakura Police Department, wishing to get into it as he had always wanted to be a Police Officer. Even telling one of the detectives back in his internship his true reason.
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“Negative, You are not able to own a pocket knife or any type of knife-like weapon, examples being Katanas, Naginatas, Spiked Gloves, Sai, Fireaxes, Tactical Knives, and Spiked Bats due to it being sharp enough to knock someone out in one hit. As well as found with any of these weapons, your weapon will be taken and you’ll be charged with Possession of Illegal Weaponry.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
EMS has 9 medical items that do not require a presripition, here are 5 of them.
Eyepatch - ¥5,000
Cough Syrup - ¥6,000
Wooden Cane- ¥7,000
Paracetamol - ¥1,500
Iron Supplements - ¥2,500
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
If Atreides were to see one of his co-workers physically abusing an inmate, Atreides would immediately radio for backup, then remove his Co-Worker on the wall. Not caring about getting any evidence, as he’s concerned about protecting the inmate. Atreides would go on to make sure the inmate is alright, and get him checked out by EMS. Then Atreides would book the prisoner for his charges. He would try to figure out why his co-worker just did that by questioning them. After checking up on his co-worker, he would check for any footage on his bodycam, instantly bringing it to the highest ranking officer in the building or on patrol.
“If I were to ever see my co-worker physically assaulting an inmate, I’d try to stay calm and collect my composure. Then, call for backup over my radio and EMS to check up on the inmate. I would remove my co-worker from the situation to cause less trouble for me, putting him on the wall and doing the standard patdown procedure I learned during my internship. I’d then remove the weaponry they have had on them. I’d call a detective to interrogate the abusive officer on their actions towards the inmate. Lastly I’d tell the highest ranking officer about the situation and book the officer of his crimes.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Scenario 1: On Duty
Atreides, arriving on the scene, would notice that his co-worker is being assaulted. Taking that into consideration, he would immediately radio for backup, then tase the suspect that is actively assaulting his co-worker. Atreides would rush his co-worker to the hospital to make sure no life threatening injuries were sustained. Even if other criminals escaped, Atreides would most likely catch them as well later on, putting a warrant out for anyone who was unmasked in the active assault of the officer. Atreides believes everyone’s safety is priority, but when it comes to his co-workers he prioritizes them over getting an arrest under his belt.
Scenario 2: Off Duty
Atreides, minding his own business, stumbles upon his co-worker being assaulted. The first thing he would do is get out of whispering range and call 110, reporting the exact location and how many suspects were involved. After doing such, Atreides would rush in to protect his co-worker, knowing backup was coming, by removing his co-worker from the scene and putting himself at the center of attention. This is due to Atreides knowing his co-worker is already in bad enough shape. Once backup arrives and nobody is taking him to the hospital, Atreides would make sure to get his co-worker into the hospital and treated as fast as possible.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Atreides, starting off randomly stumbling upon his co-worker seemingly working with a criminal organization, would take it into consideration trying to think to himself why would his co-worker do this. Atreides would investigate deeper into it, but first he would tell a higher ranking officer as high as a commissioner and captain. Atreides would also try to figure out which organization it is that his co-worker is helping. Being a more known gang, he would try getting more proof to bust the gang. Atreides, knowing it would be difficult, would set up a way to gain their trust so he can learn even more as well as telling the higher rankings about his plan, making sure they agree on it. Atreides needs some significant proof for him to be able to actually get somewhere, so going out of his merry way he would get tools needed for it. Atreides, making sure he has all the evidence needed, would make the final report of giving all of the evidence over to the higher up and make sure his co-worker is held accountable accordingly.
"Well, assuming I came across this randomly, I would be shocked at first. But I would end up instantly recording this information, putting it in a file in my workspace. Then I would go and search for details about this gang and get the attire they use flagged, so then we know who to look for. I would let my higher ups know, so I'm not the only one who knows about the situation. Finally, I would make sure I have enough evidence to give to the Higher ups, and then place my co-worker under arrest and tell him the charges and every law he has broken, letting him know his bail and sentence."
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Atreides would look at the criminal with a disgusting look and just laugh, since they just offered a bribe. No matter the amount of money they offered, Atreides would give them all the same reaction and just add a bribery fine onto their list of charges. If they keep insisting with the bribe Atreides would add Obstruction of Justice. Atreides has a job that he respects, and would never accept any types of bribes. He has a respect to uphold, which he would always uphold. If more criminals are trying to bribe Atreides, he would give them a bribery fine as well and arrest them for whatever crime they committed.
“First off, if someone is trying to bribe me the first thing I’m doing is saying no. I don't ever need to accept a bribe. I would add it onto their list of charges, and if they keep pushing it I would end up putting Obstruction of Justice down on the paper as well. I would like to uphold the law, and not disobey the law by accepting something as stupid as a bribe.”
“Negative, You are not able to own a pocket knife or any type of knife-like weapon, examples being Katanas, Naginatas, Spiked Gloves, Sai, Fireaxes, Tactical Knives, and Spiked Bats due to it being sharp enough to knock someone out in one hit. As well as found with any of these weapons, your weapon will be taken and you’ll be charged with Possession of Illegal Weaponry.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
EMS has 9 medical items that do not require a presripition, here are 5 of them.
Eyepatch - ¥5,000
Cough Syrup - ¥6,000
Wooden Cane- ¥7,000
Paracetamol - ¥1,500
Iron Supplements - ¥2,500
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
If Atreides were to see one of his co-workers physically abusing an inmate, Atreides would immediately radio for backup, then remove his Co-Worker on the wall. Not caring about getting any evidence, as he’s concerned about protecting the inmate. Atreides would go on to make sure the inmate is alright, and get him checked out by EMS. Then Atreides would book the prisoner for his charges. He would try to figure out why his co-worker just did that by questioning them. After checking up on his co-worker, he would check for any footage on his bodycam, instantly bringing it to the highest ranking officer in the building or on patrol.
“If I were to ever see my co-worker physically assaulting an inmate, I’d try to stay calm and collect my composure. Then, call for backup over my radio and EMS to check up on the inmate. I would remove my co-worker from the situation to cause less trouble for me, putting him on the wall and doing the standard patdown procedure I learned during my internship. I’d then remove the weaponry they have had on them. I’d call a detective to interrogate the abusive officer on their actions towards the inmate. Lastly I’d tell the highest ranking officer about the situation and book the officer of his crimes.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Scenario 1: On Duty
Atreides, arriving on the scene, would notice that his co-worker is being assaulted. Taking that into consideration, he would immediately radio for backup, then tase the suspect that is actively assaulting his co-worker. Atreides would rush his co-worker to the hospital to make sure no life threatening injuries were sustained. Even if other criminals escaped, Atreides would most likely catch them as well later on, putting a warrant out for anyone who was unmasked in the active assault of the officer. Atreides believes everyone’s safety is priority, but when it comes to his co-workers he prioritizes them over getting an arrest under his belt.
Scenario 2: Off Duty
Atreides, minding his own business, stumbles upon his co-worker being assaulted. The first thing he would do is get out of whispering range and call 110, reporting the exact location and how many suspects were involved. After doing such, Atreides would rush in to protect his co-worker, knowing backup was coming, by removing his co-worker from the scene and putting himself at the center of attention. This is due to Atreides knowing his co-worker is already in bad enough shape. Once backup arrives and nobody is taking him to the hospital, Atreides would make sure to get his co-worker into the hospital and treated as fast as possible.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Atreides, starting off randomly stumbling upon his co-worker seemingly working with a criminal organization, would take it into consideration trying to think to himself why would his co-worker do this. Atreides would investigate deeper into it, but first he would tell a higher ranking officer as high as a commissioner and captain. Atreides would also try to figure out which organization it is that his co-worker is helping. Being a more known gang, he would try getting more proof to bust the gang. Atreides, knowing it would be difficult, would set up a way to gain their trust so he can learn even more as well as telling the higher rankings about his plan, making sure they agree on it. Atreides needs some significant proof for him to be able to actually get somewhere, so going out of his merry way he would get tools needed for it. Atreides, making sure he has all the evidence needed, would make the final report of giving all of the evidence over to the higher up and make sure his co-worker is held accountable accordingly.
"Well, assuming I came across this randomly, I would be shocked at first. But I would end up instantly recording this information, putting it in a file in my workspace. Then I would go and search for details about this gang and get the attire they use flagged, so then we know who to look for. I would let my higher ups know, so I'm not the only one who knows about the situation. Finally, I would make sure I have enough evidence to give to the Higher ups, and then place my co-worker under arrest and tell him the charges and every law he has broken, letting him know his bail and sentence."
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Atreides would look at the criminal with a disgusting look and just laugh, since they just offered a bribe. No matter the amount of money they offered, Atreides would give them all the same reaction and just add a bribery fine onto their list of charges. If they keep insisting with the bribe Atreides would add Obstruction of Justice. Atreides has a job that he respects, and would never accept any types of bribes. He has a respect to uphold, which he would always uphold. If more criminals are trying to bribe Atreides, he would give them a bribery fine as well and arrest them for whatever crime they committed.
“First off, if someone is trying to bribe me the first thing I’m doing is saying no. I don't ever need to accept a bribe. I would add it onto their list of charges, and if they keep pushing it I would end up putting Obstruction of Justice down on the paper as well. I would like to uphold the law, and not disobey the law by accepting something as stupid as a bribe.”
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