IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):
RPName of Club Leader:
Akio Kaiser
Discord Tag :
Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:

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Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
I think I should lead this club because I love boxing. I do Muay Thai and boxing as a sport, I know how classes work in real life, so I thought: Why not do it in-game too?! That's when I came up with the idea of making a boxing club, hoping that it would one day become an official sports club like football! I'm basically running a fighting club, it's literally fight RP just in school. I was thinking of maybe using the school's gym as a little boxing ring if I'm unable to get a club room? I would be making them use detail RP for fighting to spar each other in-game, or even use fake pads and boxing bags. Maybe fight club could be their version of a tournament whenever it's on?! (If we're allowed to leave the school and go there). I could act as if I'm teaching people in real life, just in-game! I'll be able to benefit the club because I know how to box. So I'll be able to help with detail RP fighting - I know what moves they could use, and when!
What is the official title of the Club:
Martial Arts Club
Your current members RPName & IGN:
Kokeru Sugiyama | SillySilus (Co-Lead)
Souta "Pop" Onodera | imKratos
Natasha Kriesie | lovelyric
Eri S. Ciervo | II_Heimdallr_II
Nora F. Zawadi | jackertyl
Marello Akori | ItsMarc_
Zarina N. Ciervo | HixyPixie
Toàn Huỳnh | fqngedreality
Eichi V. Hinemiya | WistiRP
Parker Kennedy | 10RP
Murakami Sugiyama | welovesalty
Niyuki Fujimori | LuxidDream
The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:
Senjo Jin-Ryuk | TellTotty
What is your motivation for creating this club:
Honestly, I'm a big fan of boxing! So much so that I do it pretty much every other day. Every time I go out for a spar, I feel a rush of adrenaline and I'm ADDICTED to it! I wanted to share this addiction with my club members so that they could all feel the same blissful feeling as I do. Why not share it? I can make new friends and potentially bring up future famous boxers; who knows?! Don't you think that would be wicked?
What activities and events will your club do?:
Club members | School-wide |
Event: Fight club! Whenever fight club is on, I could take some of my members on a little school trip to fight club. It would be a good way to learn off of other people and maybe even put their detail RP to use? I could DM whoever runs fight club and ask them if any of my members could potentially fight in the arena, other people could even bet on them too! I recon that would be well cool, don't you? Imagine this: Club members are coming to do club activities every day. Imagine this: Members are getting bored of using their detail RP on other members. Imagine this: Club members want to use their detail RP a lot more but are worried about getting expelled from school. Don't you think just repeating detail RP would get a bit boring? In my opinion, I recon being able to go to fight club should be allowed. I mean, it may be against school rules but boxing IS a sport about fighting, maybe I could even host an event where we secretly go there, without the teachers noticing. Don't you think that would be pretty cool? Even my Co-Lead Silus agreed with me, he said that it would be more exciting, and that members would have something to look forward to. Now people might say that we should follow school rules, and never leave the area during school times. However, most of my members would probably be secret gang members anyway, so why not go against school rules? (icly btw, not oocly) Don't you think that would be interesting? Now imagine this: Members have spent a couple of months working on their detail RP fights. Imagine this: Members are finally able to use it in the ring, where everyone's watching. Finally, Imagine this: Everyone's watching them and cheering them on, even betting money on them, hoping they'll win. Don't you think that would make them enjoy the club a little more? If they were being cheered for and bet on? Club activities: For club activities, I would detail RP sparring, pad work, boxing bags, and even normal exercises such as push-ups and stretches! This would be a good way to get club members into detail RP because the club would be based on detail RP-ing fights. I'll make sure members detail RP putting mouth guards, hand wraps and even boxing gloves on as well before they spar! Now, pad work might not sound like much; but don't forget, both the pad holder and the puncher can detail RP. The person punching the pads can detail RP punches, pivots, duck weaves, and even slips; the pad holder can detail RP pushing the pads towards the gloves/fists and they could even detail RP the recoil! I could also do conditioning, or circuit training! I could make them go through different areas of the gym/club room and make them detail RP exercises such as wall sits or sit-ups. For the conditioning, I could make members stand against the wall and get other members to detail RP punching them in the stomach whilst the member taking the punches detail RP's enduring it. That's why I think boxing has so much potential for detail RP. I would be able to involve everyone at the same time because they can detail RP pretty much everything they do! I was thinking of making club members roll out of 10 for each exercise they do when I make them do circuit training. The rolls will depend on the exercise, for example: for 1 rep max, if you roll a 1, that will equal 10 kg, if you roll a 10, that will equal 100 kilograms. Each 1 roll = 10 kilograms. I will make all of my members do this and detail RP whatever exercise they're doing before rolling. If I'm making them do squats, they will roll out of 50, each roll determines how many squats they do. If they're doing wall sits, they will roll 10. Each roll determines how long they hold the wall sit for. 1 roll = 1 minute. After they have finished their circuit training, (I'll make each member start at a different station and rotate round so that they can all have a go) I will make them DM me their total scores (total rolls across all exercises) and the person with the highest score gets to pick who they want to spar in the ring! After they have sparred, the winner would be determined on the quality, and level of detail RP used! The winner would then get 100k yen (if I manage to make that much :') ). I could also do this as a school-wide event too! Other school members could join in. Whoop whoop! Could also bring my club members on a little school trip to Karakura's gym (the one outside of school), for club activities. Our supervisor could be the one to take us there! | Event: Inter club! Basically, random people, in school, would be able to join in and spar other members of the club. Club members could also teach these people how to box. Not only that, members could also hold up the pads, or even condition them by punching them a few times in the stomach as they stand still. Maybe we could even make students do circuit training?! Extra: Was thinking of making an onrain account for the club too, we can use it to post sparring sessions and daily activities so that other people can see what we're doing if they're interested! |
How could your club benefit the School?:
Well, in my opinion, it would reduce in-school fighting! Boxing is a way of letting off steam, releasing your endorphins and overall making you a more chillaxed person. This would also benefit the school by allowing members to make friends with each other and respect each other after a spar. Now, I do want you to know that we ARE NOT delinquents. We're just chill people who simply enjoy boxing as a sport. We would never go out of our way to harm others, especially if they don't like being hit in the face; please don't just assume we're the bad guys!
How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?
If we are unable to use the gym, I would use the club room as an area we can spar and exercise in. I could ask the principle (a builder, or a member of staff) to assign a boxing ring and a few boxing bags in the club room. The boxing ring would be in the middle and it would have rows of boxing bags against the wall on the left, and treadmills on the right. I'd also like to fit in bench press and weights on the back wall.
What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
I will create a club application format in the discord server, they will be required to join the server and fill it out. The discord server would be found in the clubs section in the forums if I manage to make this club official. For now, you can just find it using the discord link at the top of this application! I will also show you the format right here:
Boxing club application format (copy and paste this into #submissions and fill it out there):
You will be required to answer these questions with as much detail as possible! Remember, you are able to DM another member of the club for advice if necessary but you can't ask them to fill it out for you:
Please note that both college and high school members are allowed to apply for this club!
OOC Section:
If accepted, what would you like your number to be? (Check #club-roster for available numbers):
What is your IGN?
Why are you applying for this club? (150 words or more)
Provide 2-3 basic examples of detail RP boxing (e.g. Detail RP a punch):
Provide 1 detailed example of Detail RP boxing (e.g. Detail RP a punch, starting with your characters stance and clenching your fists):
ICLY Section:
What's your name?
What's your grade and age?
Why would you like to join this club? (150 words or more)
Thank you for applying, I wish you the best of luck on your application!
Note to staff: Thanks for reading my club application! :D
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