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Cyno 'Jackal' Ma'ansha | The Ma'ansha Prodigy


Level 17
Cyno Ma'ansha
"Am I just that one lone Jackal, or is their' wamrth still within reach?"

The art pieces in this Bio are well-made interpretations of his looks on SRP :3

Physical Profile



Preferred Name:



5'10 (178 cm)

155 lbs in muscle (70,3 kg)

A slender individual with a visibly muscular body, his body and specifically abdomen is decently toned with perfectly appearing creases for muscles.

Appears as though the sun itself kissed his skin, glossy when sweating and overall appears very clear and clean. Scars are visible on his skin.

A pair of fiery amber colored eyes with void pupils in the middle that usually are contracted due to the light around him. His eyes when the light hits it just right appear to almost sparkle, having lighter and darker colors of amber present.

His hair texture wise is quite soft, silky in appearance as it's easily able to detangle, and his own fingers don't get caught in it when running through. His hair is medium length, down just a bit past his shoulders as it's thicker, and almost wavy at the bottoms. The color is silvery white, though appears almost pure white in light.

Typically wields a staff on his back, a unique collectors item that he had found quite a while ago. He also carries an old scythe that's decorated in beautiful red flowers.

He has a somewhat deep, very soothing and smooth voice that probably could be used for narration of a manga. He has a clear Arabian accent despite speaking Japanese, and the way in how he pronounces Japanese words sound heavily accented, but clear.

Japanese: Self Taught
JSL: Self Taught
Arabic: Native Language

Sexual Orientation:


Casual Fit:

This silky, tight fitting attire is decorated in gold laced silk like material, seen dyed in dark purple and near black. A slightly loose bandana is present around his neck in the same colors as his clothing being a very soft material that's soothing for the skin, his crop top fitted to his form yet breathable, a little diamond shaped slit in the middle of his chest, exposing part of his skin. It's soft as the bandana is, his pants made more of a coarse material on the outside, the inner layer soft and gentle on the skin, padded and waterproof. The ends of the pants are neatly falling over faintly high heeled boots, the heel poking the back of his feet up by a couple inches. The bottoms of his pants are a bit tighter than the rest to allow the pants legs to not rise and fall with movement, his boots stopping around above his ankles. Gloves are clearly visible on his hands, being also waterproof and a bit more like leather, but a softer plush material on the inside. These gloves are laced around the edges with that same gold material. Now to the jacket, a simple yet fashionable piece that is laced in specific areas with that same gold material, more of a fashion statement than anything valuable, if you're anyone but Cyno. The jacket is made of an old leather that's waterproof and genuine leather, having been dyed to match the rest of his attire. A belt made to match the material of the jacket and color hangs down from the jacket, serving more as a fashionable item than anything useful.

This Pajama attire is suited for the best sleep one could experience, as the fabric itself is silky to the touch. The crop top itself is form fitted to his form, very light and breathable. It has some padding on the chest on the inside to provide a bit more comfort so the silky fabric itself isn't always rubbing against his bare chest. Some gold is laced with the dark fabric on the U shaped slit by his collar bone, though the rest of it is simply the darker material. The crop top is similar to that of a tank top by having the two straps that go over the shoulders, keeping the crop top on his upper half instead of letting it slip down. Elastic is present in the bottom of the crop top to also aid in keeping it form fitted. Moving on down past the skin to the bottoms, these shorts are light and breathable as the crop top is, being the same silky material with gold lacing the pocket outlining along with the leg holes. Elastic is at the waist and, helping these more loosely fit shorts stay on his waist instead of slipping down. For completion of the outfit he has a pair of soft, cute jackal slippers. These slippers have little pads on the bottom that are shaped like paw pads up by the balls of his feet, and where his toes would be within the slippers. The nose is made of a soft material that has a hard piece in the center to keep it's shape, while the eyes are sewn on, being pure white in color with a touch of creme to make it a bit more natural in color. The fur of the jackal slippers is faux fur, being very soft and pleasant to the touch. The ears poke up rather high on the legs like a pair of Jackal ears, being loose as they flop around with Cyno's movements. If you listen carefully, you may just hear these slippers softly squeak with each step.

School Uniform:

The attire you see here is consistent of robes, a button down, and overall comfortable clothing. The tie around his neck cascades down the front in a wavy sort of motion, designed that way to appear fashionable in a unique way. It has a little clip down by the mid section to keep it from loosely swaying around. The tie is a well made material, not easy to tear. Underneath the robes is a black button down shirt that's breathable and loosely fit, though the robing conceals most of it. Those robes he wears are made of a plush material, coarse on the outside and soft in the interior. The robes are colored a bit more like a silvery blue for lining at the front, having some fabric gold bands around the arms, above the wrist, and closer to the biceps. Under the robes on his legs, he wears a loosely fit pair of black pants that are held up by a belt. The robe is colored a darker green/blue, the lining being a bit softer than the rest of the material. His shoes are made of a sturdy material, the bottoms having grooves that keep him from slipping. Those shoes are colored dark purple with lining of gold at the tops. Those shoes are made to be worn indoors and outdoors, being very comfortable and well made for the arches of his feet.​


Swim attire, a pleasantly fitting swimsuit with swim trunks and shoulder sleeves. To start things off with the little cloth around his neck, it sits just above his collar bone, resting around the base of his neck. This material is breathable and doesn't constrict his neck at all, leaving room for him to bend his neck forward, backwards, and to both sides with no problem, without it also becoming loose around the neck. This little piece is lined with a thin amount of gold to add just a little extra flare, this piece simply being a little fashionable extra for the swimsuit. Moving down to the shoulders, he has a pair of shoulder sleeves that are a bit coarser of a material, but still also breathable and light. These have no padding on the interior as padding would get soaked and not work well, though the shoulder sleeves are water proofed. These shoulder sleeves are decorated in fine golden sewn symbols, the largest symbol being an Egyptian Ankh, to add a little more flare to the attire so it isn't as plain. The shoulder sleeves slightly ride up to his collar bone, and further down they stop at about the beginning of his bicep, being form fitted to his shoulders. Moving down to the swim pants, they are a bit more loosely fit around the middle of his legs and down by the bottoms of his legs, the top being lined in the interior wise with elastic to help the swim pants actually stay on without the need for a string. The swim pants holes flare out a bit, being looser and more comfortable for him to wear. The bottoms are laced in gold at the pants holes, having a sort of spiked pattern to add glamour. He wears no shoes with this attire, as he is seen with in on the sandy beaches or at the pool.

Cyno Beanie.png

A beanie, typically used during the winter though Cyno uses it through all seasons. The beanie consists of a faux fur material meant to replicate the soft, fluffy nature of a jackal, the fur itself being just a tiny bit coarse on the outside, made plush and fluffy on the inside. The beanie itself has a bit more of a frame on the interior, made of a soft, bendable plastic that allows the beanie to keep it's shape, especially the ears. The ears have a bit of fur at the bottom colored in a lighter purple as is the rest of the inside of the ears, the fur being a bit shorter on the ears than on the beanie itself. The fur inside the ears is about half an inch long, adding a sort of cute air to this headpiece. The ears have bendable wiring inside that allow the shape to be kept, helping them stay up with the added weight of "gold" ear piercings that sit closer to the base of the ears. These little golden rings on the ears will somewhat loosely wiggle around when Cyno moves his head, making it appear a little more alive. Those ears have the ability to be bent down if Cyno chooses to bend them down due to those bendable plastic strips inside the beanie.​


To the right is a complete, down to the last detail made Cyno cosplay from Genshin Impact. This suit consists of breathable, soft attire that clings to Cyno's body in all the right places. The material itself is slightly padded on the inside to keep friction from occuring when his limbs and body are moving. For the golden parts, instead of actual gold it's replaced with a foam like material that's spray painted to appear gold, his chest and belly exposed. The staff is an old relic of his from a collectors store that sold items from animes and games, Cyno having gotten it there. It's made of a decently resilient resin that can withstand being swung around. For the middle set, there are purple lights added to the gloves so that when Cyno flicks a button by his thumb, the gloves will light up, producing a brilliant glow. Finally for the last set of attire since Karakura does get cold, when he uses this cosplay attire, it's layered in a thicker material that d****s over the entirety of the outfit, keeping Cyno warm in the colder weather. This attire covers pretty much all of his body except for the face, having just a little bit of exposure by the calves. On all the head pieces are ears that poke up towards the top of the head.​


In Egypt a child was born to a wealthy man and woman they named Cyno, whom then been raised in the Ma'ansha clan. His father, is the blood brother of the chieftain of the tribe, leaving Cyno in a rather rich environment. Cyno had taken on the family name Ma'ansha instead of his mother’s last name, as usually it's typical to take on the father's last name in a family, and this also indicated his worth and status in the tribe. His mother and father were around him frequently, and as he was the only child in the family, he was pampered by the tribe and family, treated like royalty. With his gorgeous appearance that could've allowed him to become a model, he was cute to just about everybody. At around the age of five, another family had visited the Ma'ansha's, known as the Pelides. It's unknown as to what exactly the two families had discussed, as both were quite secretive about it, and Cyno was far too young to remember. What Cyno does remember, is that he went to Greece to visit this family, and he met the son of the other family, who also was an only child. The two quickly became playmates, and spent approximately three days together, side by side, and were inseparable. Cyno had nicknamed him Akhil, as the two couldn't speak the same language, learning to communicate via gestures. After the three days were over, Cyno was taken in the night by his family, and was brought back to Egypt. Obviously heartbroken, Cyno wanted to find his bestest friend again, but his parents eventually were able to calm him down. During his grief, the mother had taken up a hobby that interested Cyno, dying hair. The mother used this as she was a hairdresser, taking on the hobby and turning it into a legitimate business, though his mother wouldn't let him touch it just yet. At around age 10, Cyno had finally calmed down from not being able to see his best friend as time does heal, and he finally was old enough to play around with hair dye. Cyno at the time had rich, almost pitch black hair that traveled down to his knees, and he wanted a change. His mother was the first to help, cutting his hair down to his shoulders, and painting the once black color, more like a silver white. Cyno adored this look, as the silver white color contrasted against his skin beautifully. In terms of his relationship with his parents over the years, he did have slight disdain for them having separated himself from his beloved best friend, but he learned to somewhat overcome those feelings, as they helped him grow and learn. He knew he was more than likely never going to have a friend like that again, so he adapted. His father, was the stern, proper figure in his life who helped him learn and grow, as his mother was the much more gentle caretaker, being kind and sweet through every step of the way. He did have his family at the time too, consisting of cousins, aunts and uncles, though they still couldn't fill the void of his friend. In due time, by about 12-14 years of age, he began to learn how to fend a bit more for himself as both parents had taken up jobs, his mother as a proper hairdresser, while his father had taken on the full responsibility of the legalities of the tribe, and politics, along with tending to the farm land, and overall traveling from city to city in Egypt with temporary jobs he did on the side. His mother had taught him how to cut his own hair, and how to mix dyes to make the colors he wanted, along with how to do laundry, and basic needs. He learned to do work around the tribe, asking for chores to do so he could earn a small bit of pocket change, as he wanted to travel just like his father does. Little by little, he began to earn money over the years, by doing chores, tending to the farms, and even receiving a monthly allowance that he saved up. By the age of 16, he decided he wanted to travel somewhere unique, a place his father had never been to before. He did his research, even going so far as to ask online friends as to where he could go for traveling. Eventually, he came across an odd place on the map, a little island known as Karakura. Not much was known about the place, other than it's exceedingly concerning rate of crime and violence, yet it has one of the best schools in the island, causing Cyno to become interested. He wanted to try it, even if his family were a bit concerned, but they supported him anyway. What also made him curious, was the spirits of the island. He's always had a curiosity for the unknown, wanting to explore and go on adventures to discover more. And that's exactly what he did, purchasing a ticket and flying by plane over to Karakura. The plane safely landed in the airport, and his adventure had now begun, with him stepping into Karakura city, one known for violence, and its supernatural occurrences. While being in Karakura, he was exposed to a lot of things that he never knew existed until he came here. Such as a game called, Genshin Impact. He liked the game for a while, and noticed how similar he looked to one of the characters, deciding to get similar outfits of that nature. Eventually, there was a shop he visited which had a rare collector's item of the staff that similar character wielded in Genshin Impact, and he just couldn't resist. With new, still oversized outfits and a cool looking staff, Cyno was on his merry way, and even bought himself his own apartment.

Time continued for Cyno as he got fully settled in, and it would be a lie to say he didn't hope to see his long lost friend here, though he never did. During one of his usual walks down the road, a strange individual approached Cyno, though the only thing strange about him was his immature, bullyish attitude, wearing a snarky smirk and nasty expression as he harassed Cyno, eventually backing him into a corner. But, before this bully could even strike, a hand grabbed a hold of him by the wrist, and threw him back. The one who threw the bully? A man by the name Cyno would learn, Bygakkuu. Bygakkuu was full of mystery, being covered in scars and having two signature scars over his left eye, with the tips of his snow white hair being dyed in blood red, Cyno couldn't tell if this was his natural hair color, or just dyed. The two had started to become close, though Bygakkuu refused to elaborate on his past, or anything really, while Cyno completely forgot about his goal of exploring the supernatural, he became infatuated by Bygakkuu. He eventually met a woman by the name Lyra, one who's older than him by about two years, and who would eventually become his first love. Bygakkuu didn't agree with this, demanding Cyno to leave Lyra be and never talk to her again. Eventually the two got into a scuffle, Lyra nearly getting rid of Bygakkuu, though he stood his ground, and decided to become Cyno's body guard. Lyra eventually backed off, but Bygakkuu remained around Cyno. Cyno did in fact return to Lyra, especially when Bygakkuu had suddenly, and quite randomly gone missing. Lyra and Cyno dated for months on end, being rather loving towards one another as most couples do, though their relationship became somewhat strained. Cyno was always flirted with, as women and girls of all types would usually approach him, though he'd always reject them. He in time, met a purple haired 'cat' lady named Qing, who would wear fake ears and a fake tail to sort of appear cute. This strained the relationship between Cyno and Lyra further, and eventually led to a split where Cyno broke it off first, feeling as though it wasn't a fair relationship. He had lost the friends he made through Lyra, and did try to date Qing. Their relationship didn't last long, as it was quite unhealthy, and overall wasn't going to work, as Cyno was still hurting from the last one. Cyno was alone for quite a while, not exactly knowing where to go as he roamed the streets alone. He never thought his life would change around, until one day, it did.

Two years had gone by since the breakup with Lyra and Qing, having been alone for so long, he didn't know what else to do as he roamed alone. He tried making friends, though never could. Even met a girl named Neko, who he ended up despising and ignoring later on. Cyno had found a club in Karakura's school, known as the Occult Club. He applied out of curiosity, wanting to give them a chance since they partly shared the same interest, the superstitions. At first, he was cautious about it, unsure of what to expect, but once he joined and got to know the members, he grew fond of them. After time Cyno moved out of his apartment into a much larger one, as he gained roommates and just overall wanted more space. That, is when he would meet his neighbor. That one day that would change? Would be this day, where his life would completely flip. As he was about to enter into his apartment, he heard the door next to his apartment open, and was immediately hit by a strange, almost overpowering scent of a beast? Dog? Some sort of animal, though it smelled beastly. When he glanced over, he swore he saw a man straight from a fairytale, having scarlet red eyes with cat slitted pupils, gorgeous blue hair styled in a thick rattail loosely tied back, and a staff held in his large hand that looked hand carved, handles laced in gold as it stood at about his own height. The man felt, calming, someone who Cyno for some reason felt relaxed around, his voice so soothing it could put Cyno to sleep. He learned this man called himself, Caster, and that Caster was a teacher. He got to know Caster, and eventually sort of thought of Caster like an uncle, a good friend who he could talk to. He finally felt that void beginning to fill, and he felt his soul lift with happiness. He didn't see Caster much, as he quit his teacher job and would now work for the government, though Cyno doesn't miss an opportunity to speak with his favored mentor, and technically only mentor. The two get along very well, Cyno thinking of him as a sort of wise sage who could crack a funny joke from time to time. Not long after meeting Caster, Cyno met a student named Leon, who then temporarily lived in Cyno's apartment. At first, Cyno found Leon to be a bit stubborn in his way of thinking, which eventually led to a small split between them for about a week. However, after they came together again to talk things through, they managed to reconcile and became good friends once again. After many studies, Cyno managed to graduate into college, Cyno ended up befriending a little group of people, and that is when he would meet a love interest of his. A woman named Mó, who he had come to deeply adore. The two dated for a while, being attached to one another and spending time together. Cyno even arranged an apartment to fit a date setting, having a friend of his named Mark be a little personal waiter for the two of them. Cyno even introduced Mó to Caster, who seemed to approve of her, though he seemed to also have a bit of a bad feeling, though not one of danger. Cyno had no idea, and eventually Mó decided to break things off with Cyno, thus leaving him with a broken heart yet again. Cyno's grown closer to Caster since the breakup, feeling comforted by that strange, warm and calming presence that surrounds his blue haired mentor. That, is presently happening, having Caster as his mentor as he recovers from the breakup. Cyno decided to take a small break from his routine, returning to Egypt to reconnect with his roots. There, he talked things out with his parents, mending any lingering gaps, and even engaged in combat training with his father. Despite their busy schedules, they dedicated an entire week to spend with Cyno, making the most of their time together. During his stay, they taught him more about their clan, showing him old records and files, which Cyno eagerly read, absorbing the most important parts. When he returned to Karakura, Cyno carried not just newfound knowledge of his Clan but also a fresh scar, a cut-like mark from an incident involving a tiger. Though the encounter was dangerous, he managed to survive, the encounter only having left a scar. Occasionally, Cyno still has nightmares of past experiences and vivid dreams. Sometimes, these dreams feature the founder of the Ma'ansha Clan speaking to him, offering advice like a guiding spirit. However, it's unclear whether these encounters are just mere dreams or something more. Karakura left and is leaving Cyno with many scars, both physical and emotional.​


"The words of the broken shall not reach me, as they do not carry any worth."

I hope you enjoyed this Bio, it will maybe still ocasionally be updated :3
Everything not revealed in here shall be found out ICLY!
Credit Goes to!
Cu_Chulainn_ (Writing)
OEightOne (Art)
AlphaWolfy (Art)
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Level 206
Theeere he is! Look at youuu!~


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