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Accepted injecti0nz - Culinary Professor Application


Level 0

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Due to college, my activity is a bit lacking but with a change in my schedule now, I will be able to get on for a few hours at around 5:30-6pm until around 8:30pm on weekdays. However, on weekends, I am able to get on until late and stay on longer unless I have plans IRL. Because of this, I would say my activity on the server is around 5-6/10 as of right now.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have a vast experience with SRP as I have been playing for around 4-5 years now, I believe. On my main account (syringez) I am a member of the college cheer team which heavily increases my RP experience on the server. As well as that, I have been on the dodgeball team, swim team, HS cheer and HS female football team on my time throughout the server, allowing me to explore many horizons on the server.

I have met so many wonderful people and made so many friends on SRP that I can hang around with and do new things with. They push me to do new things and have truly evolved my experience on SRP, giving me motivation to get on and just have fun with them.

As for other roles. I have been a professor and student council member before. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the login to my old forums account and cannot access the threads of these applications. My experience with these roles wasn’t very long and that’s why I’m applying for professor once again.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
College cheerleader

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Culinary arts


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I have many reasons that encourage me towards becoming a professor. My main urge is to spread my wings in order to create new characters for my role-play experiences, and the professor character opens many gates for different role-play opportunities. Being able to play a different kind of character gratifies me to a great degree, and by creating a character that is universal in its distinction from my usual characters, it can only aid me in refining my role-playing skills.

I am also very motivated by the opportunity to conduct extensive research and knowledge-building within my major. Of course, I am already interested in this topic, but by being able to teach it on SRP, I can further my knowledge on it and have fun while doing so. I am motivated by the search for new ideas and the opportunity to share my recent research with the college player community. I love the excitement of the research, experimentation, and discovery process. What excites me the most is to plan classes and studies.

Indeed, this constitutes one of my major drives-intellectual curiosity. Since the very first thought on academia appeared in my mind, I was charmed by the idea that academia was a never-ending process of cognition and investigation. Being a professor is a great opportunity to deeply delve into one's field of interest, stay updated, and thus challenge oneself intellectually at all times. It mainly inspires me in the exploration of the world of cooking and its history, and promotes a continuous learning attitude.

However, the driving factor is the potential for positive change in the community at SRP through education and research. In this regard, I have an opportunity to influence the minds of new leaders through mentorship in education, building up critical thinking, and enshrining vital values such as integrity, empathy, and social responsibility.

Preeminently, the freedom and academic autonomy that accompany being a professor are great attractions. What really intrigues me is the possibility to shape my research interests, pursue things that I am really interested in academically, and be creative in trying out new ways of teaching. Such autonomy provides a good avenue for creative and intellectual thinking that enables me to make unique and valuable contributions to my area of study. The flexibility in time management and its balancing between research, teaching, and personal commitments appeals most to an academic career.

Becoming a professor has given me something to do on SRP when I don't have any friends on or need something to do. Teaching classes appeals to me because it also lets me RP with different people throughout a class and interact more.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


Gingerbread House Competition - In this class, students will get intro teams of two to create a gingerbread house from scratch! The means baking the cookie and making their own icing. The sweets for decorating will be provided. And by letting students make their own bases from scratch it gives complete creative freedom! The end result will need to be detail-rped out and the ‘best’ looking one wins a prize!

Mock Restaurant/Bakery Business - The class will stimulate a restaurant/bakery business environment where students take on roles like chefs, servers, managers and customers.

Servers will have to interact with the customers to get their orders and deliver those orders efficiently and correctly. They will be required to be attentive to customers due to dietary requirements, allergies, etc. The chefs will be required to listen carefully to the orders being brought to them by servers to make the food the right way for the customer. The managers will need to interact with all roles. Customers will relay their experience to the manager who will ensure there is a standard kept up. Managers will also find out what menu items are best selling from servers and what dish is most complained about by customers, etc. This gives them an idea on what to keep and possibly get rid of to save money on ingredients.

At the end, the profit/loss will be calculated based on customer experience, the food and menu editing.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A field trip idea I would host if accepted is bringing the class to the bakery Koribureku or one of the many restaurants Karakura has to offer. There, the owner of the establishment would show the class around the building and explain how their business operates, how the menu works, etc. At the end, the class would be given the chance to perhaps make one of the menu items in the establishment or perhaps try to work certain roles in the operation of the establishment.

Such a field trip to a restaurant for a cooking class would give students hands-on, immersive experiences in a professional kitchen. The chef would first briefly introduce the restaurant, take the students on a tour of the kitchen, and then take them through meal preparation with himself and his kitchen staff. Students would learn some basic cooking techniques, such as chopping, sautéing, or baking, while working in teams to prepare dishes, simulating a real restaurant environment. Students in this class would be in the thick of work throughout the class, learn food safety, and understand how teamwork works in a busy kitchen. By the end, students sit down to eat their prepared meal, receive feedback from the chef, and reflect on the experience. On this field trip, one is taught not only about cooking but also about insights from within the industry that ignite creativity in the kitchen.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
My character would pause for a moment, observing the tension in the air as the group of college jocks loom over the bobcat jock. Rather than storming in or raising her voice, the professor steps closer quietly. When she speaks, her tone is warm but firm. Her first instinct is to gently ask if everything with alright with the group of jocks, not making any assumptions. The professor’s kind but unwavering gaze sweeps over the crowd before settling on the bobcat jock.

Her main concern is for the Bobcat jock and wanting them to explain the situation to her first without accusing the Spartan jocks of doing anything. If the situation seems potentially dangerous or if the surrounded Bobcat appears to be distressed or threatened, their safety will be prioritised. This will first be done by asking the Bobcat if they are alright and if they need assistance. The group will be calmly instructed to disperse if the Spartans appear to be intimidating or harassing the individual through a firm but respectful tone.

Once the group disperses, the individual will be checked in with, ensuring they feel safe and offer support. My character will ask if they need to talk or if they require further assistance. If the situation involved bullying, harassment, or any form of aggression, the incident will be documented so that my character can keep a handle on the situation if it were to happen again.

However, if the situation escalates or if there is any physical threat, my character will not hesitate to seek additional help immediately. Detention will be threatened a maximum of three times until it is given. But, if the situation does get physical before threatened detention, the detention will be given automatically. By taking these steps, my character can effectively manage the situation, ensuring safety and promoting a respectful and supportive environment.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
When supervising detention, if a student is constantly disrupting the session by asking stupid questions, it’s important to manage the situation calmly and effectively in order to maintain order and ensure the detention serves its purpose.

At the instance the student starts asking irrelevant questions, my character will directly but politely speak to him. She would redirect the attention of the student to the job at hand and ask him to do his job and finish so that he would get out of detention faster.

If the disruption continues, she warns them formally by telling them that if there is further disruption in detention, there will be consequences-a point on which it will be made clear that this is to be carried out by SLT, who will be called down to deal with their behavior.

If the student insists on persisting, then my character will follow through with the stated consequences. That way, the student will be aware that persistence in the bad behavior will only ensure further disciplinary action is taken against them. From there, it's out of my hands and depends upon the discretion of SLT.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
If this were to happen, my character would address the behavior immediately. She’d calmly pause the lesson in order to address the music and calling out directly, kindly asking the cheerleaders to stop with a neutral tone, not a personal one.

In order to keep this behavior under control, my character would linger around the area where the cheerleaders are while a class activity is going on. This way she can keep an eye on the cheerleader and hopefully stop them from acting up if she is close to them.

If the behavior persists, however, my character would apply reasonable consequences consistently in order to control the cheerleaders actions by telling them their options. These consequences will include; confiscating the phones, changing the seating arrangement, detention or a visit to SLT.

The cheerleaders will be asked to stay after class so that my character can follow up on the situation with them privately. She will express her expectations for their behavior in her classes. A file on their behavior in class will be privately built for my character so that if the behavior continues in other classes she can just remove the cheerleaders from her classes altogether.

If the behavior constantly persisted, my character would seek help from SLT. If the escalation of the behavior makes her feel as though it’s out of control, she will involve SLT to ensure this does not happen in her classes again and the cheerleaders know the consequences of their disrespect.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
When students are engaged in a physical altercation, safety becomes my characters top priority. If stepping in directly to break up the fight is ineffective or unsafe, she will avoid physical intervention unless absolutely necessary and permitted by school policy. She would instead immediately call for help over the radio, requiring assistance from other members of faculty and SLT. As well as that, my character would remove bystanders from the altercation to avoid further escalation. Throughout all this, she will maintain a calm demeanor as to not worsen the situation,

If it is safe to do so, my character will attempt to de-escalate the fight by using verbal de-escalation techniques. She will directly call them out by name to draw their attention away from the fight and give them clear instructions to stop the fight, letting them know that they have already received detention and continuing to fight will only worsen their situation whilst also acknowledging their emotions.

My characters main goal would be to protect herself and others from the brawling students. She would not put herself at risk, physical intervention should be completely avoided unless someone else was there to help. While waiting for help, she would pay close attention to the students’ actions and words during the altercation as this information will be important when reporting the incident.

After the fight is over, steps must be taken to prevent future incidents and address the harm caused. My character will check in on the students involved in the fight, ensuring that any injured students receive medical attention, even for minor injuries as well as offering emotional support to those involved, including witnesses.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Peko Kekoa is a unique individual; she was raised with both Japanese and Hawaiian cultures in her life. Her beauty is complemented by the glow of a sun-kissed complexion. Soft waves cascade from her head, framing her face; pink and blonde, this hair color represents creativity and individuality. Her eyes were almond-shaped, fringed with long lashes, and very expressive in their deep brown-green tone reflecting intellect and warmth. The mouth was spontaneously wreathed by a natural relaxed smile oozing approachability, and friendliness, which contributed to her immediate appeal to colleagues and students. Now a professor of culinary, she balanced her essence of youth by being professional and expert. She usually wears stylish but comfortable clothes: fitted chef's jackets with bright inserts, combined with comfortable but stylish pants or skirts. Her accessories are simple: a small necklace or small earrings, which only underlines her minimalist elegance. However, that is only when she is at school. Outside of work, Kekoa wears a number of bright colours with maximalist accessories in a decora-kei fashion style. As engaging as she is to look at, so is her personality. She is passionate about the culinary arts, bringing into her teaching her diverse cultural influences with much grace. Her classes are filled with laughter, inspiration, and the tantalizing aromas of her inventive dishes.

While strikingly beautiful, talented as a culinary professor, beyond even this, it's that vivid double edge in her personality and interests that really sets her off-smoothly balancing professionalism with playfulness and even weirdness. Away from work, she loves Decora-kei fashion, a look which puts her in the frame of minds to express her love for creativity, whimsy, and individuality. She became a walking rainbow of layered accessories: hair clips in every color, pastel bracelets, quirky necklaces, and socks that clashed beautifully in just the right, weird way. These after-work outfits provided such a stark contrast, yet so pleasant, from the polished and professional demeanor one displays within the classroom-a manner of telling students and colleagues it is okay to have fun with one's self-expression. She’s renowned for her ability to blend Japanese and Hawaiian cuisines in ways no one else does—think mochi malasadas or poke bowls with yuzu-infused shoyu. Her creativity extends to teaching her students the art of combining flavors while respecting the cultural roots of the dishes. Her kitchen is filled with whimsical, colorful cookware—heart-shaped spatulas, pastel measuring cups, and even a rice cooker covered in stickers. However, she also has a soft spot for antique, well-worn tools that tell a story, like a vintage Japanese clay pot or Hawaiian wooden poi pounders. She illustrates her own food-inspired manga in her spare time, drawing funny and heartwarming comics about life in the kitchen. Her students adore discovering her art, and some of her published works even include recipes within the storylines. Growing up in Hawaii, she developed a deep love for the ocean. She’s an avid surfer and volunteers for ocean-cleanup initiatives. Her passion for sustainability shows in her lessons, as she emphasizes using local and seasonal ingredients while reducing food waste. When she’s not teaching or cooking, she plays the ukulele and sings softly in both Japanese and Hawaiian. The melodious voice, the laid-back strumming-she will be life at any beach gathering or casual get-together with friends. She enjoys making her own Decora-kei accessories and even upcycling old culinary tools as accessories. Her earrings could be from mini spoons, or maybe a tiny replica of Spam musubi will be her brooch! She's a touchingly interesting figure because she means business, but at the same time, her personal life is colorful, bold, unapologetically bright, and full of joy. She's that beautiful mix of diligence and whimsy, showing those around her that one can work hard, excel, and still have fun embracing their individuality.

Peko's view of students is highly empathetic, encouraging, and etched in the philosophy that all of them have the potential to be great, provided there is just that right guidance and support. She looks at her students not as learners but as individuals who come with their stories, strengths, and struggles into the classroom. Her experiences and the alive personality combine in bringing compassion and high expectations in her ways of inspiring growth among her students. She strongly believes that talent is not something fixed; skills can be developed through effort, curiosity, and practice. She celebrates even the small achievements, knowing confidence is built in steps. For her, cooking is art as much as it is science, and she inculcates in her students the need to make their dishes their stories and the influence of culture. She especially loves it when students try some out-of-the-box ideas, even if they fail. "Mistakes are just recipes waiting to be improved! " she keeps reminding them that with each failure comes an opportunity to learn. Growing up in a culturally rich environment, she nurtures a classroom that values all voices and viewpoints. She also encourages collaboration-she believes the learning from peers is as equally important as it is from an instructor. She has a knack for drawing out quieter students, creating a place where they will feel comfortable and share their thoughts and ideas. Approachable and friendly, she still holds her students to a high standard. She believes that, just as in life, respect for the craft and commitment to learning are paramount in the culinary arts. She is not beyond offering constructive criticism, but she always tempers this with actionable advice and encouragement, making sure her students leave her class motivated rather than discouraged. She models the belief that learning never stops, often sharing her own challenges and the new techniques she’s trying to master. This openness makes her relatable, showing students that even experts are works in progress. She understands that students have lives beyond the classroom and will make an effort to show empathy when they are struggling. When one of her students is struggling, she'll pull them aside to check in: "How are you doing? Do you need help balancing things?" She also mentors them in resilience, pointing out that mistakes and setbacks and failures are part of the learning process. She teaches them why they do certain things, it's not just about how to cook; she teaches them "why." Certain questions she would pose to them might be: "What story are you telling with your food?" or "How can your work make someone's day brighter?" Her holistic perspective opens their vision to how the culinary arts could connect people, express culture, and help in making an optimistic difference. Her view of students is a mirror of her belief in their potential, individuality, and growth. She strikes a great balance between warm encouragement and structured discipline, whereby students really need both in order to achieve the best possible results. For her, teaching does not involve the mere imparting of knowledge but empowering students to find their place both in the kitchen and life.

It is the spirit of collaboration, respect for sharing one's expertise, and a belief in the supportive professional community that shapes her view about other teachers. To her, colleagues are not rivals; rather, they form part of the enriching, motivational context within which students are grown. That reflects her character: warm, open to everybody around her, and eager to learn something new. She views teaching as not an individual but rather a group effort: from brainstorming cross-disciplinary projects to just sharing resources, she enjoys collaborating with her colleagues to find really creative ways of teaching that will be both interesting and meaningful for her students. She relishes the style and specialty each teacher brings into the program. She does not believe there is one "right" way to teach; she values the fact that the differences among her colleagues enrich the students' experience. If a colleague brings up a technique or a slant that she has never considered before, she's the first one to ask thoughtful questions and to explore ways to adapt that into her own practice. Her natural charisma and cheerful disposition make her a morale booster among her peers. She’s the type to leave handwritten notes of encouragement, share a laugh in the teacher’s lounge, or organize a small get-together to celebrate a colleague’s success. She is always ready to listen to a fellow teacher in need, offer practical advice, or be that emotional support. Just as she encourages her students to keep learning, she applies the same mindset to her professional relationships. She loves attending workshops, exchanging tips, or participating in professional development activities with her colleagues. While she values collaboration, she’s also mindful of respecting others’ time and boundaries. She recognizes that teaching can be demanding and encourages her peers to prioritize their well-being. Her creative mind often connects subjects that perhaps not everyone would catch on to. She may be seen to bend over backwards to work with other teachers in other disciplines, developing interdisciplinary projects. For example, the history teacher may spend a day teaching about ancient Japan; in her class, she may hold a 'hands-on sushi making workshop'. She strongly believes that such cooperation brings variety into students' experiences and improves interpersonal relations among personnel. Whether it be through her interactive method of teaching, her open heart for constructive criticism, or her concern for students' success-she inspires colleagues by living out exactly what she professes. Her Decora-kei after-hours style is also a reminder to her peers that it’s okay to embrace individuality and have fun, even in a professional setting. Her outlook on other teachers is rooted in respect, collaboration, and a shared commitment to the students’ success. She believes that teachers are stronger together, and she actively cultivates an atmosphere of mutual support, positivity, and growth. To her, the teaching community is a family—a diverse group of individuals united by a common goal and strengthened by their differences.

She is warm, creative, and resilient in one breath, making her memorable and one who can inspire anyone. She mixes the protector aspect of a teacher with the playing jester that will not take life seriously. Her disposition reveals the multicultural influences of having lived across borders, her love for the culinary world, and passion for self-expression. She has a kind heart, which draws people toward her. She makes anyone she encounters be it students, her colleagues, or just strangers, feel appreciated. She’s an excellent listener, always ready with a comforting word or thoughtful advice. Her creativity is boundless, both in her culinary work and in her daily life. She just loves trying new ideas, inventing some unique fusion recipe, or creating some eccentric Decora-kei accessories. He thinks out of the box and encourages others to do so. His playful side would pop up in pretty small, totally unexpected ways: doodling kawaii food characters on the whiteboard during class, instituting "fun socks" Fridays at the workplace. Her warmth often creates an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere, especially in her classroom, where students feel safe to experiment and grow. She remembers the little things—like a student’s favorite dish or a colleague’s birthday—which makes her beloved by those around her. She’s the kind of person who can find the silver lining in almost any situation. Challenges don’t discourage her—they inspire her to think of creative solutions and push through with determination. When a recipe fails or a lesson doesn’t go as planned, she laughs it off and uses it as a teachable moment for herself and her students. Her Decora-kei style after work reflects her playful spirit. She’s not afraid to embrace her inner child and enjoys activities that spark joy, like visiting themed cafes, playing arcade games, or organizing surprise celebrations. She finds puns, corny jokes, and playful teasing to be hysterical and often is the one who breaks the ice when things are uncomfortable. Playful-she pushes people to lighten up and live in the moment amidst stressors. Empathetic, she understands the emotions and needs of others even before they say a word. Ever quick with support, whether in comforting cups of tea, pep talks, or just the comfort of her silent company. This playful exterior bides a fiery passion for her work, and an unstoppable work ethic indeed. She has stood committed to her students, the culinary art she is in, and what she believes in. She puts her heart and soul into everything she does, from setting up a lesson plan to perfecting a recipe to volunteering in community projects. Her dedication inspires others to pursue their own passions with the same level of enthusiasm and commitment. She is unapologetically herself, embracing her quirks and unique style without hesitation. Whether it’s her pinky-blonde hair, her Decora-kei outfits, or her unconventional teaching methods, she fully owns her individuality. She is an exceptional blend of kindness, creativity, and resilience. She is a mentor who is so encouraging, a friend who is fun and full of spirit, and a role model to look up to. The way she can balance professionalism with individuality, optimism with hard work, makes her one-of-a-kind and unforgettable, leaving a mark in the life of every person she comes across.

In this context, her future will be multidimensional and colored, full of passion for teaching, being creative, leaving a dent on this world. She would still continue to inspire and empower others around her through her work, search for opportunities for personal and professional enrichment. Someday, she also wants to publish a cookbook that combines her Japanese-Hawaiian background with a flair all her own. This would not be just a book of recipes, but rather stories of her cultural background, her trials in the kitchen, and cooking tips for home cooks to let loose their individuality. She eventually hopes to open up a small café or cooking studio where people can experience her unique fusion cuisine, learn with her through intimate, hands-on classes, and experience the creativity and diversity that foster a sense of community. She is thirsty to learn much more about various cuisines, from French patisserie to traditional Thai cooking techniques. She also would not mind learning more about the science of food so that she could further push the barriers of her creativity. Outside the kitchen, she hopes to grow her manga series-mostly, if possible, releasing a full graphic novel of food, comedy, and touching life lessons.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Peko Kekoa's journey toward becoming a culinary professor was fully flavored with a multiethnic upbringing full of challenges, creativity, and food-centeredness. Growing up as a Japanese-Hawaiian girl, her life was full of the vividness of two cultures entwined within her, forming a strong sense of identity, resilience, and love for the culinary arts.

She grew up on the Hawaiian Islands, against an environmental backdrop of lush landscapes and the ocean-a community filled with a mix of Hawaiian, Japanese, and other cultures of the Pacific. Her family honored the Japanese festivals of Oshogatsu (New Year) and Obon as well as traditional Hawaiian hula festivals and family gatherings that centered around a luau. It instilled in her a deep love for her heritage and the lifelong passion of marrying the old with the new. Her family ran a small, locally loved restaurant that specialized in Japanese-Hawaiian fusion cuisine. Growing up, she spent hours in the kitchen with her parents and grandparents learning the art of balancing flavors, respecting ingredients. Her grandmother, who had immigrated from Japan, was a huge influence on her love for food. Together, they made dishes like saimin, mochi, and teriyaki-glazed fish, with her grandmother passing down traditional techniques and stories from her homeland. She was always an artistic child, using cooking as one of her creative outlets. Besides food, she loved to draw, do crafts, and play dress-up-early precursors to the playful Decora-kei fashion she'd wear. Growing up in a multicultural household wasn't always easy, sometimes feeling caught between two worlds-balancing expectations of Japanese elders with the laid-back Hawaiian lifestyle. These were lessons in adaptability and how important it is to not lose one's identity.

She began to dabble with her own recipes during her teens, most often fusions of traditional Japanese dishes using Hawaiian ingredients. She had quickly earned a reputation among her friends and family for creative takes on everything from furikake-topped spam musubi to miso-infused poke bowls. She began a food blog then, sharing the recipes and their inspirations, which developed a small following. Her culinary teacher at high school turned out to be an important factor. He was one of those who urged her toward a food career and showed her the ways in which teaching could balance passion with purpose. At one time, she wanted to become a professional chef instead of a teacher. This view changed when one summer she volunteered as an assistant in a cooking class. It was the look of joy on the faces of students while learning and succeeding that sparked something in her. She realized teaching combined her love for cooking, creativity, and community-building.

She attended college for Culinary Arts, with a minor in Education. During college, she had studied abroad in Japan, furthering her traditional Japanese cooking techniques and researching her cultural heritage. After college, she had worked in some of the higher profile kitchens, learning under some of the best chefs. She was famous for combining Japanese and Hawaiian flavors in such a way that was original and inventive; this earned her a reputation among the members of her culinary community. Later, she worked as a sous chef while teaching part-time at a community center. It was this experience that relit the love for teaching, in a way. She enjoyed those "aha!" moments and the building of confidence via cooking in students. This eventually led her to pursue a Master's in Culinary Education to teach at the collegiate level. She found employment with a culinary institute and her unusual background and refreshing style quickly made her a favorite with students. The approach is professional, creative, and culturally storytelling with a nurturing attitude, which makes her classes informative but at the same time inspiring.

Her path to becoming a culinary professor is a tale of a combination of heritage, passion, and purpose. The rich cultural background and supportive atmosphere in which she grew up instilled in her the roots of creativity and love for food. Overcome challenges and accepted individuality brought her to a career that allowed her not only to share her culinary expertise but also to inspire and uplift others. Teaching allows her to pay back into the world by combining all the things she loves: food, culture, creativity, and human connection.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Peko Kekoa

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:


Gender & pronouns:
Female - She/her

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):


Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:



Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Preferred Teaching Subject:


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Thank you for reading my application!
I had a photo of my character but it says the files too large to upload



Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
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