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Pending sarah1214's Professor App


Level 3

What is your Minecraft username?:

What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
8/10 still in school but i do play a few hours daily and on weekends i normally play for most of the day if i'm doing nothing. Or i play phasmo with some friends.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I started to play schoolrp a bit after I turned 13 years old. I was a new player and didn't understand the rules at the time but I soon got into the hang of it after meeting some really nice friends who I'm still friends with to this day. They got me into detailrp a bit later when I turned 14. Been playing ever since with a few breaks here and there due to school or camps I attend. But I play SRP quite often and do a lot of roleplay in general even if its crimerp.. Or just normal familyrp, friendrp, or romancerp. I am currently 15 years old so I have had some time playing srp slowly and gradually, learning almost everything about this server with roleplay or anything else.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
College [M] [Highschool]
What is the subject you want to teach?:

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My main motivation to become a Culinary Professor is to experience what it is like being an adult. I also want to do something different on schoolrp. I have been wanting to teach on SRP almost ever since I joined the server. I have been looking at the culinary roster for a while each time i did not apply because i wanted to get more into srp and see how life goes. Now I want to apply and be a culinary professor as I want to see life as an adult and teach other people about a hobbie i do in real life and in srp! I plan to share recipes I learned during my lifetime too like ramen to cookies and cakes!
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

When Iko walks into the classroom before the class starts she would pick up a piece of chalk writing a few words, “Cookie and Sugar Cookies.” After class starts and the students roll in she would wait a minute for them to quite and settle down before talking. “Good day class, today we will be learning how to make Cookies and next period we will be learning how to make Sugar cookies!” Iko took a brief pause before continuing the class. “I will be writing the steps down on the board, please follow along, normal cookies are first. If you need help, ask when I'm done writing and I can give you step by step and show you how to do it.” She turned around, grabbing the chalk then writing each step on the board.
Iko would pick a piece of white chalk up before writing on the board. “Cake Competition!” She would then write down a few rules as the bell ranged and students flooded into her class. “Good morning my lovely spartans!” She said as she turned around after she finished her last rule. “Today we will be doing a ‘make the biggest cake competition!’ I want you guys to split into groups of 2 - 3 people, you can work solo, and work together to make the biggest cake you can imagine!” She took a brief pause then grabbed a measuring tape. “I will measure to see who has the biggest cake. If it falls before the end of class you are out! The winning team or person will get some kind of prize!” She took a one second pause before yelling, “START!” The kids would go into groups or solo and start making the cakes

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Sachiko would pick up a piece of chalk and right on the board saying “Class field trip” before the class starts. When the students roll in she would announce. “Today we will be doing a field trip that is said on the board. The shrine has offered to teach us some old Japanese recipes.” She would take a brief pause for a second before continuing. “Please make sure you have your things and we will head to the shrine.”

When Iko and her class get to the shrine they would do what every person does before entering! Washing their hands! Some people may also bow but not everyone does it sadly.. The maidens and/or priests can give a speech about the traditions and where they originate from and how they started. Once done with the speech the maidens and/or priests would teach the students how to make traditional tea and/or sake. The students would also learn how to make proper traditional noodles using very old recipes. Students will learn one to two recipes and write them down on a piece of paper using a pencil.

“Thank you for having us here! Everyone please thank the shrine staff for teaching us and letting us stay here!” Iko would say as the class then said thank you to the staff! The class would head back to the classroom and resume the day. “Alright class, now we are going to recreate these recipes that you had written down and if we have time we can do a taste testing competition!” She said. The class would then recreate these recipes and if time also them to, they would do a taste testing competition and see who won! “Whoever gets the most votes will get a prize!”

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Iko would simply ask what is going on from the college students and bobcat student point of view. If nothing is going on then she would leave them alone. But if the bobcat said they were picking on them then Iko would first warn the college students to leave the bobcat student alone. If they do not and try to keep picking on the student or herself should then warn them with detention which would get their sport team role removed. If they still do not leave the student alone then Iko would radio for SLT to come help her. After SLT comes it should tell the college students to redirect their behavior and how to fix it as that behavior is not allowed on school campus.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Iko would give the student a simple warning first to be quiet and focus on their work and not to cause a scene as it is immature for school students to be behaving. If the student does not she would warn them again a second time as she wants to be nice and as she was taught and trained to be kind and wait for the student to stop causing a scene. Iko would tell them if they needed help with their work they could raise their hand and ask a question as it is more formal to do so that way since it does not causing a scene nor talking out loud.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Iko being Iko she did not care much about the music as long as the music in their headphones or earbuds which they should have only one covered. If the student does not listen to her about the music then Iko would politely tell them to turn off the music and pay attention to their food. Name calling is never allowed in Iko’s class as she wants it to be a safe environment where everyone can learn. She would say that she does not like mean or hurtful words. Iko would tell them to stop a few times and tell them that it is inappropriate in her class and on school grounds. If the behavior continues she would tell them again to stop calling people names or they all would get detention for verbal assault. If students still do not listen she would kick the students out of her class and give them all detention for not stopping after many warnings of her telling them to stop. During detention she would tell them how to behave correctly and how to treat people correctly.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
She would first threaten them all with detention and then call SLT for backup if the situation is out of control. If she can get the situation in control before SLT arrives she would first ask who started it and then give them all detention as fighting in school grounds is not allowed. She would then tell them how to behave in school grounds and treat others nicely and talk and figure stuff out without fighting one another.

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students?

Sachiko Yikaru is a pure Japanese woman and respects her country's culture. She is short and sweet and loves to meet new people! She has pure brown eyes with medium length of black hair. She had a small freckle on the left side of her cheek. She was short but deeply cared about her students. She mainly wants to see the progression of her students' cooking and ability to remember how to make certain foods.

What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Sachiko loves making new friends even if it's her own co-worker! It doesn't matter if they are younger or older she would always want to be friends with them! If the smallest problem even comes around she would promise to help solve it so there's no fighting or hatred with other staff in the atmosphere! Sachiko is a very sweet and gentle person. She doesnt think about herself when it comes to others! All she wants is a peaceful environment in the school grounds for students and staff alike!
Sachiko is a sweet person and loves everything! Music, dancing, games, hiking, bowling, you can name a thing and she probably likes it! Iko is a kind and honest person and wouldn't hide the truth unless it is a life or death situation. She would rather die for others than others dying because of her!
Sachiko plans to be a culinary teacher for the near rest of her life, in the future she might own a restaurant or something like that later on. But she wants to teach others about cooking so when people get older they know how to take care of themself and make special meals for their loved ones! Like family, friends, partners, and so on! She doesn't want people to starve at all though!
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Both of Iko's parents where teachers at her old elementary and she had always looked up to them because of that. When she told her dad what she wanted to be when she grew up. Iko's dad didnt want her to be a professor which iko often got scolded and grounded for. Iko was just like her mother with cooking. It was a hobby of her and her mothers. She learned different ways to make different foods. Her mother also helped her with teaching and the basics of planning classes. She asked her teachers to help plan classes and events too which helped her understand how long it takes to plan and do stuff. She later became a councillor and was president of her school when she was in high school! She also worked in the yearbook with pictures and helped with final decisions for it. When she became an adult and finished college she decided to work at the middle school she went to. She taught history there for almost a year before something happen and she had to move to a different city which was karakura! She heard that they have a culinary class for college which had gotten her excited to move there. She had always wanted to teach cooking but the middle school didn't teach that. So moving to karakura was different but she had always wanted to follow her dream of being a culinary Professor!



Full Name:

Sachiko Yikaru
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Hiko, Iko, Sach
Preferred Name:
My close friends call me Hiko or Iko
I am currently 29 years old
Gender & pronouns:
Religious Denomination:
None so far, none has gotten my attention so far!
Marital Status:
I'm still a Single Pringle!
Current Location:
Just moved to karakura! Still working on my new apartment!
SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):
I almost taught for an entire year but then life hit me hard and I had to move to Karakura! So this would be my second year of teaching!
Working Experience (# of years):
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
Culinary Arts
Nutrition and Food Science, and Education
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
None so far, I do plan to learn JSL though!
Preferred Teaching Subject:
I'd like to teach culinary, but if not then i can teach a different subject!
Additional notes about your application (if any):
Sorry if this is like last minute​
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Thank you for taking the time to write this application. I have decided to place this application on pending, if you'd like it to be removed or have any questions please DM me on discord (@muffincats).​

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