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2nd KPD APPLICATION | findouticly


Level 66

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
I would consider myself a pretty active person on SchoolRP, tho recently I was less offline due to the fact my PC was broken, and I had to wait 3 weeks for it to be fixed again. Whenever I am online, I spend aprox. 3-4 hours online doing some Casual Roleplay with my friends. I always try to do some character development on one of my 24 characters. Yeah, we don't talk about it. Anyways, I joined SchoolRP in around 2021, and back then I was doing some CasualRP, but in around 2023 I joined the CrimeRP faction, which showed me the other side of SchoolRP. I am usually active during:

3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM
3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM
3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM
3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM
3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM
All day
All day

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have been interested in applying for KPD ever since I started playing on SchoolRP. This is one of the actions I like the most. This is also the reason why I've applied and went thru the internships to KPD, which were recently held. They helped me understand the basics of how KPD runs behind the scenes and during any situations. Police, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting and fun factions on SchoolRP. I always enjoyed watching how they work during f.e. raids, arrests or just casual patrols. I always liked speaking with other officers

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I have some basic knowledge of Police Work, and it goes as such:

The most important part of the police force in my opinion is answering calls from citizens. They call the KPD whenever they need help with anything like a crime being commited, them being attacked or just for asking a basic question. The Police is there to help people.

Another important task of the force is of course patrols. The police have to go on the patrol, and be for lookout for any citizen who needs their help, or to find criminal activity which was not reported to them via a call. To host a patrol, at least two officers have to agree to do one, and when they do go on a patrol, they take a walk around the whole city, and at the same time visit every criminal hotspot they know of.

Of course, when the Police has work at the station, they have the chance to catch criminals from there with the use of the camera system. On the first floor, a camera room is located, which can be used to look out for any people who are in need, or people committing crimes. The cameras have an ability to save recording, which can later be used as evidence in the court. When a crime is caught on a camera, the person who is currently checking them radios in people who are currently having a patrol, and informs them about a crime being commited and where it is taking place. In case there is no officers on a patrol, the persons who's checking cameras task is to save the recording, and either go with someone else or wait for other people to arrive at the station, from where they can later go out and look out for the criminal.

Any criminals that an officer catches has to be arrested. The arrests are in place to let criminal rehabilitate, think about their crimes and maybe come out of jail as a brand new person who switched their life by 180 degrees. Once arrested, a criminal will be introduced with their rights, their bail and length of their arrest, and of course the ability to plead not guilty. When an arrest is taken in place, the criminal is taken to a mugshot room, where they have a photo taken of themself. If officers want to get any information from a criminal, they have to interrogate the criminal.

Placed on the 2nd floor are interrogation rooms, where the police force have the chance to interrogate criminals about any information they might want to have off of them. Of course the criminal has the right for a lawyer and the right to remain silent throughout the whole time of the interrogation. In some situations, a criminals sentence might be reduced if they give useful information about f.e. a criminal organization, a crime that is being planned or anything else to the officer interrogating them. Of course, a criminal can also incriminate himself by giving too much information to an officer, which can further cause problems in case the criminal requests to plead not guilty.

If a citizen sees a crime, they have the ability to report it to the police officer to help them investigate it further. When a person decides to do so, they are safely escorted to a sealed off roof, with only one officer inside, where they can have a safe talk. A citizen has to give to the officer:
  • Their full name.
  • Phone number.
  • Date and location of the crime being commited.
  • A detailed description of what happened.
  • People involved in this, preferably descriptions and/or names.

After police recieve the important information, a report is submitted into their database, which they can see and issue a manhunt for the criminal.

Sometimes a police officer doesn't have the time to say something through the radio, because they need to say something quickly. And for this, radio codes are made. With them, you can quickly inform others on the radio about something. Codes are formatted as such:


Of course, there is also the front desk. It might be the most boring part of being an officer, but it also is one of the most important parts of being one. At the station a police officer has the ability to work at the front desk, where they help citizens who arrive at the station, let criminals do JailRP, or just talk with their coworkers peacefully. Another important part of station work is paperwork. After any interaction or incident happening during a patrol, a raid or anything, the police officer has to fill

Ranks are placed into work, and they inform everyone in the force how much experience an individual has in the force. The ranks are placed into two categories:

In the main division are placed officers who would rather do patrols, place arrests and altogether would rather focus on more of a casual work than investigating crimes. This is the division someone is placed in when they first become an officer.

After becoming a patrol officer, one can become a detective. Their main focus is investigating crimes, and looking for any proof that a crime was committed. They usually arrive first at a crime scene, looking for any clues that a criminal might have left that would help the case be solved.


A cadet is a "KPD Greenie", a person who has only recently gotten into the force, and is still learning about basic things in there. They are what I like to call "A new student in School.", still getting familiar with the enviroment of the Police station. Once passing an exam, the cadet officially becomes a Patrol Officer.

A person who passed the exam and knows the basics of police work. With this rank, they are now able to conduct patrols, and altogether go outside of the police station all alone. When you become a patrol officer, later you can take two routes; Stay in the main division or join the detective division.
A Detective Constable is a new person within the ranks of the detective divison. They know the basic things about the division, but still are learning.
When an indiviual shows their dedication to the force, they have the chance to get a promotion and become a Corpolar. To become a Corpolar, an individuals activity has to be high, and they need to show that they really want to become one.
A Detective Seargant is a person who knows much about the detective division, and was entrusted enough by the Detective Superintendent to recieve this role.
When someone shows excessive activity and dedication to the Police, they can go from being a Corpolar to becoming a Seargant. This ranks gives access to the tranqualizer gun, and it also shows the person who got it that they are a step closer to becoming a higher up in the police force.
A detective Inspector is an individual who would now be considered a higher-up, as only three people can hold this rank at once in the detective division. Same as with a Seargant, they are a step closer to becoming a higher-up.
A Lieutenant is, at this point, considered a higher-up rank, as it can only be held by 3 people at once. The people who hold this rank are the people you should go to first when you have any problems. When you recieve this rank, you gain access to a Police Cruiser.
A rank which can be held by only two people, they are at this poin considered higher-ups. The people who have this rank are the people who you should go to first whenever you have a problem with something.
To recieve this rank, you have to show the most dedication out of everyone, and be awarded by the comissioner to have it. Captains are second in command, and help the commissioner with anything that he might need help with.
Same as the Captain, but for the Detective Division. They basically are handed this role the same was as the Captain is, by being entrusted by the Commissioner enough to recieve it. They are equal to Captain, and have to work together during situation that require it.

A commissioner is a role held by the faction lead. Their job is to basically control everything from reviewing application to kicking out people and other things that require his help.

An officer at any times has to be equipped with weaponry or items necessary for their work. The equipment list goes as following:

A baton is a steel-made weapon used by officers to restrain a criminal. It is available to all officers, and it has baseball bat stats, meaning it takes 2 hits without a ballistic mask, and 3 with one on the individual. It is possible to mug it from an officers hand, and has the range of 2 blocks.
A pair of steel-made handcuffs, which can be used to detain or arrest a criminal. It is available to use by all the officers. If the criminal rolls against being cuffed, it means that he is resisting arrest. To use it, an officer has to do an action. It is not possible for an individual to mug them from the hands of an officer. Cuffs are a one block range item, meaning the individual who is using them, has to be standing right behind the one who's being cuffed.
A radio is used to communicate between fellow officers or EMS, in case something happens or backup is required. It is accessible to all the officers. It does not require to use an action to speak to it, yet if an officer attempts to push a panic-button, then it requires an action and a roll if the criminal is in range of the officer. To destroy ones radio, a blunt or a sharp weapon is required, as you'd have to swing it towards the radio. It it not possible for an individual to mug them from the shoulder of an officer
A stun blaster is used by the officers to stop an individual from being able to move or protect himself from the officers. It is accessible to all the officers, and its required for an action and a roll to be made if an officers wants to take it out, whilst an individual is in range. If an individual is successfully hit by a stun blaster, he may not move or roll against anything any form of offensive act used. It can not be stolen and is a 8-block range weapon.
A breathalyzer is used mainly by the KPD and EMS to check the alcohol levels in an individuals breath. It's accuracy depends on how far away an officer is from the police station. An individual may not mug a KPD officer off of the breathalyzer.
Pepper spray is a device which can blind an individual for a minute, unless he was wearing a gas mask. To use the pepper spray, an act has to be made, but it can't be rolled against. It can be used max. 3 times. An individual can not mug pepper spray from a KPD officer. The range of the item is 2 blocks. To take out the pepper spray, an act AND a roll has to be made if the individual is in range. It is available to all officers.
A gun-like plastic device, which can be used by Police Sergeants and Detective Inspectors to neutralize any thread they could come across. It's required to do an action and a successful roll to take it out if an individual is in the range of the Officer. It's also required for an act to be made to successfully shoot any entity by it, yet a roll is not required. Requires an action for it to be loaded with 2 darts, and a roll if in range. It can not be mugged by an individual. It is by far, a weapon with the longest range, an astonishing 30 blocks.
A riot shield, as the name suggests, is used in situations where a riot is possible to outbreak, or if an officer feels threatened enough to put it on. It is accessible to all of the police officers. There are two modes while having the riot shield equipped.
    If an officer has the riot shield equipped in his main-hand, he can not use any offensive tools. Any attacks from the front and/or the side will be automatically neutralized, without having to roll against them. An individual may walk behind the officer, if he is not protected from the back, yet if he is, the assaulter may pull the officer out of range, allowing him to then act to approach from behind.
    If an officer has the riot shield equipped in his off-hand, he can use offensive tools, yet the attacks from the front and/or the side will not be automatically neutralized. This mode is used, when an officer has to counter-attack an individual.
The riot shield can be swapped between hand and/or hidden/taken out, but it requires an act and a successful roll. It can be mugged from an officer if he falls unconscious with proper Mug Permissions. The weapon cant be used offensively, yet it can be used to push individuals out of range. The riot shield is also a one-block range item. Accessible to everyone.
A gas mask is a mask which covers the identity of a police officer, and at the same time allows an officer to be protected from any biological attacks. It can be mugged by an individual. Accessible to all officers.
A ballistic face mask is a mask which covers the identity of a police officer, and at the same time protects them from any physical attack onto their head. It can be mugged, but only if an officer is knocked out. Accessible to all officers.
A crowbar can be used to break down doors to enter someones property with a warrant, or to open containers. It can be muged by an individual. Accessible only to Police Corporals.
Luminol spray is a substance which can find any blood on the individuals weapon when it is sprayed on it. It does not work if hydrogen peroxide or bleach and water were poured onto the weapon. It is an ItemRP item. Accessible to all officers.
A fingerprint scanner can be used to scan a fingerprint on any substance, and check if it matches fingerprints of the target. It is an ItemRP item. Accessible to all officers.
A first-aid kit can be used when no EMS is avalible. When used, it will add 5 minutes to a bleed-out timer. Accessible to all officers.
A camera placed on an officers chest, which has the ability to constantly record videos, which can later be accessed from a cloud database. These videos can be used as evidence. The Body Camera can be broken with 2 blunt hits, or 1 stab. It can see everything from the players POV. It is an ItemRP item. Accessible to all officers.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police, in my opinion, is one of the most important factions on SchoolRP. One of the main reason they exist on the server is the fact that GangRP and CrimeRP exist. They also bring realism and immersion into the server, as every city has to have at least one police station to make sure all the laws are being followed and no one is breaking any of them. The police make sure every citizen feels safe in the city and they bring hope into every persons heart, that there are still people who want to enforce the law and help out with any people breaking the law.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?


What's your character's full name?:
"My name is Aoi Kota!"

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
"I ammm.... 26 years old!"

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
"I go by any pronouns, I'm genderfluid."

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
"I finished as at Masters!"

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
"I know Polish and Russian."

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Aoi is a 5' individual of Japanese origin. You would be able to notice them from far away, as their appearance and fashion taste is very distinguishable and rarely seen in Karakura. Aoi has a blue hair colour and is often seen wearing feminine outfits. Aoi identifies as a genderfluid person ever since they were 20 years old. They were born as a male. They're often seen happy, talking with some of their friends.

As for what makes them unique, I'd like to say that their fashion taste is one of the things, but also I believe that their detication to anything is also one of the things that makes them unique. Whenever they're handed a task, they dedicate a lot of resources to make sure it turns out perfectly.

Made via Blender
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Aoi, in professional situations tries to be calm and as serious as they can be. They attempt to act as quickly as possible and listen to everyone to maintain a calm situation. Aoi doesn't talk too much, especially in a professional situation, trying to focus as much as they can, only speaking when they are directly spoken to or when a situation requires them to speak.

In a casual situation, Aoi tends to be a little bit more talkative, maintaining a conversation with others, trying to keep a relaxed situation, often throwing a few jokes here an there to make the situation a little bit more fun. Aoi is a really lovely person, always trying to make everyone happy. Aoi tends to have their guard down a bit more in such situations, but when something happens, they instantly get focused on it.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
In Aoi's opinion, teamwork and co-workers are really important to any job, but it is the most important to the KPD faction. Teamwork is required to have the perfect outcome, as it connects multiple minds, and let's them freely think, speak out about their opinions and give constructive feedback about their behavior. Co-workers are also really important, as they make sure that you are not alone at all times, making you feel safe. Aoi thinks of co-workers as a family, letting them speak out about themself and feel safe amongs their presence. Especially in a job as KPD, you need to have perfect teamwork and trustworthy co-workers to make sure all situations are resolved in the perfect way, without letting anyone get hurt.

What's your character's backstory?
Aoi Kota is a Japanese individual who was born and raised in Karakura, Japan, a city known for its blend of chaos and peace. They were conceived to a single mother, who tried to make thier life the best she could give them. At the age of 7, their mother bought him a used laptop, and he fell in love with the world of IT as soon as they had the chance to use it. Aoi was interested in electronics his whole life, always taking apart their electric toys, looking how they work ect., but this was their first actual contact with a computer ever. Until getting into Karakura College, Aoi was homeschooled, as their experience in High School wasn’t great due to bullying and other reasons. As soon as they got into College, they thought they could stay home schooled, but as it turned out, they were forced to start to go to school, which wasn’t a great thing for them, as they felt uncomfortable around others in a school, but they had to obey to the rule.

During their experience in Karakura College, Aoi was the person who was always seen in IT classes, being the most active and interacting with the teachers. Due to their appearance, to be exact their hair colour and the fact they had to wear glasses, people kept making fun of them, calling them a nerd, a cotton candy and other sorts of names. Aoi had a few friends, but mostly Neon Hayasaka and V. ‘Karl’ Aiuchi-Stark. Neon kept teasing them for his appearance, but they still were friends due to the fact that she kept contact with him. On the other side, Karl didn’t care about how they looked, and they were still really good friends. After some time, Aoi’s mother decided to move out of Karakura as soon as they turned 21, leaving them her apartment and some money.

When having a Masters degree, Aoi, one day got a notification on their phone. After opening it, he noticed the title "INTERNSHIPS" as soon as he saw it, he decided that they should apply to join the internships for Police, as this is the only job that would've been interesting to them. He didn't believe that they would get accepted, but after a week, he got an another notification about the list of people who got accepted. In there, their name was displayed. Happiness filled their heart, as they instantly dressed themself up, before arriving at the Police Station, starting their Internships. In there, they made a few new friends, but they were mainly focused on how the job itself worked. Right after the internships were done, Aoi decided that in the future, he would want to become an Officer.

At the age of 22, Aoi decided to drop out at a Masters degree. After quitting, they got a few side jobs, but wanted to have an actual, full-time job, where he could make steady income. After thinking for some time, they decided to apply to KPD, as he had some experience in the job from the internships.


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
''No. You cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura under any circumstances. Owning one would risk a citizen to be charged with Posession of Illegal weaponry if they're found with one.''

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
''The list goes as following:

Cough Syrup
Iron Supplements''

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
''The first thing I would do is make sure my body camera is constantly recording, and if any other cameras are recording the situation. Then, I would of course make sure that they're actually physically abusing them, instead of self-defending. Once I make sure that they are indeed physically abusing them, I would approach my co-worker, before pulling him away from the inmate, before hearing both sides of the story. Once I get information from both sides of the story, I would pull the co-worker away from the inmates POV, before contacting my higher-ups, letting them handle the situation accordingly.''

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
''The second I notice my co-worker be assaulted, I would make sure to see how many people are attacking him.

As I was taught in my training, I would unholster my baton, before approaching the assaulter from behind as not to accidentally tase my co-worker. As I approached them from behind, I would start pacifying them with my baton onto their head, attempting to knock them out, pull them to the closest wall, cuff them and send them to the police station. At the station, they would recieve medical help in case something has happened to them.

In this situation, I am forced to contact my co-workers on the radio, requesting backup at my location, before unholstering my stun blaster/tranquilizer gun, and telling the criminals to back away from my co-worker, attempting to stall the situation as much as possible, distracting the criminals. Once backup arrives, we would approach the criminals, further scaring them away. If they were to run away, we would start chasing some of them, while 1 or 2 people stay at the situations location, making sure the co-worker gets safely escorted to the EMS station''

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"Once I find out about such a situation happening, I would attempt to stay calm, and then I would start to slowly collect evidence in the form of recording and photos, while staying undercover and hidden, attemting to remain unnoticed. For such accusations to be proven, I would need to gather as much evidence as possible to proove it happening. Once I believe I have enough evidence, I would instantly head to the commissioner, and report this situation to him, as I can trust him the most."
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

"If a criminal attempted to bribe me, I would make sure my body cam is recording, and I would stall him with questions such as "How much will you pay me?" "Are you sure about it?" and others, to gather as much evidence as possible of them actually trying to bribe me. Once I believe I have enough evidence, I would arrest the criminal for trying to bribe an officer. If they plead not guilty, I will have enough proof of their attempt to bribe me."
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Level 344
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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