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  • Hey, I was banned because my keyboard got stuck and I spammed it IC on accident. Also, a glitch made me say the loony bin a lot. So why am I in trouble? I don't know why I was banned how was I metagaming I didn't say anything in the looc or ooc at the time? My friend got 4 warnings and was only banded for 1 hour
    Ducks, I am new to the server and i wanted to know two things.
    1. How do I buy things such as items and my own apartment/house?
    2. How do I implement my character info such what gender I am, my height, my weight ?
    1. You don't need to buy a house you can go up to the door and do /claimdoor or /cd which will make the door yours (You can add people to that door with /ad <name>. Although you can now buy apartments for a set amount of money depending on location.

    2. You implement character info in /setdesc <info> in an orderly fashion you want. such as /setdesc (Height) / (Weight) / (Gender).
    Ducks, I play this server a lot and my rank rn is a Famouskid (My username is KiwiBeth). Even though I play a lot, my rank doesn't go up which I believe is a glitch. Please help? And also my commands don't work like /spawn, /bal, /balance and /money. Help?
    ducks umm i made a ban appeal and i was banned by a staff called Modsolave but he isnt a staff anymore os can you respond to my appeal for my perm ban?
    excuse me ducks i want to apply for 11/7 shop because every time i get on the shop is always closed and i cant buy any thing.
    Ducks is not in charge of the shop.
    dUCKz pLz hELP hOW dO u gET iN tHe nEW mAP? eVERYtIME i gET IN tHE SErVER iT jUST sAiD tIMED OUT oR cRASH EVeRY tiME QAQ plz send 911
    Hi, Yesterday I bought the rank Fundraiser++ and I still haven't gotten my rank in game.I already made a thread about it but I thought this might get to you sooner.
    IGN:YouSucc (Not joking that is my ign)
    Hi i was banned last year i don't know why i was banned last year but i was wondering if i can get unbanned
    I was banned for Adv witch i never Adv on the server before i was wondering if you have the time that you can check out my ban Appeal thank you for reading =D
    Hello! I got banned last year for my childish actions and I was wondering if I can get unbanned. I didn't know how to control my anger but I got help and learned how to cope with it and control it. My username is ur_gay_mom.
    Ive been playing this server since the beginning and i love it.... but i haven't been promoted at all.. I'm still 7th grade ive had multiple users my user rn is _Katrina101_
    Hello! I got banned last year for my childish actions and I was wondering if I can get unbanned. I didn't know how to control my anger but I got help and learned how to cope with it and control it. My username is ur_gay_mom.
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