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SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

And, you’re still one of those people who I still wanna meet IRL, stupid and cliché as it sounds but you’re just amazing in every way. I legit cried over our friendship because it meant this much to me. Like, how do I put this.
Let’s go down the memory lane. Mid 2017. I met you, with 2 other males, Elite and Tanner. You soon grew distant with us. You then wanted to become some sort of gang and I just followed up with it.
Beginning 2018, crazy ride, crazy disgusting background, you came at me for it, but then soon forgave me about it. Thank you very much about it. Because, you helped me grow as a person, I didn’t want to do much with this world, but you gave me a reason to stay.
Mid early 2018. We grew distant, talked less. But we soon got in contact again late 2018. I found out, we stopped talking on 12/30/18. But it doesn’t make any difference because, we weren’t close as 3/22/18 when you claimed to me to be your best friend. You’re still special to me, even how distant we are we’re still like honey sticking together, I mean.
Just look at the bond we had. Remember when you were the priest, and now you’re a mayor or something? I remember when you were still a cop, you changed so much, you applied for so much. Remember I paid 50k for a live crab? I wanted a pet crab remember how dead serious I was for that? Man, I wish I can have my pet crab again ) : but hey!
Memories made with you were the best, you made gameplay fun, you made the roleplay fun. And maybe we can roleplay just as we did back in 2018 again. Maybe something like that, but hey. It’s fine, maybe more better roleplay adventures with you awaits.
Maybe we can grow close again, talk more, hopefully we can have a stronger and a better bond than before. Because you’re a special person who I will care about til the very end, Marcel.
xx Property of Marcel <3
Okay maybe this is the last post I dunno. Hehe xd