LMAO I know you didn't mean this in a mean way, but the fact you actually googled the definition and was like "oh shit... nvm..." makes me chuckle <3 a harmless joke
LMAOO, Im autistic myself and I was like "Wait.. Is it an actual word that we can change the meaning of?" AND THEN IT LIKE FUCKIN- YEAH- <33 It was kinda funny when I realised since I laughed a little
yeah, I usually can pick it up when someone is on the spectrum, I don't usually say anything though as I don't want them to think I'm insulting them or something. Some people don't understand autism as much which is okay as it's a very misunderstood disorder but even if they did have it, it wouldn't make me dislike, like, or
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Any idiotic phrase that contradicts a previous stated idiotic phrase made by a mentally challenged person.