Ducks, Could you put my name on the School Council Roster because I got accept for Councillor and my name isn't on the roster yet and It's been a week now. So could you please put me on it
Ducks I died inside of the maze with TreeKat and we got banned for 12 hours instead of 30 minutes? My and her ign is TreeKat and AbusiveMemes. Could you please unban us?
Hey Ducks! I Was inside the glade when the doors opened, a griever came out and killed me inside the glades, Now i have a 12 hour ban for no reason and so did my Friend VoidicSoul Can you Please unban us or something?
Ducks, I found and student selling drugs to another student. The student that was selling drugs AnthonyFantasy and the student who bought it was PartyGuy and his doing very bad stuff he's role playing that he's stealing cars and killing people. If you could ban them or do something about that would be great! -Misty
Hey ducks ^-^ I was accepted to be a teacher around 10ish days ago and I have been on but I haven't been given a teacher rank. I was wondering whenever you have the time to give one to me. Thanks for helping!
Here's the teacher link by the way:
ok ducks ummm... this guy :EGJ05 . he was flying around and said that he diden't give a fudge (trying to not swear) if he got banned
so just wanna report that ;P have a nice day :)
ducks you can either ignore this or help me but ive been glitching out in the server and i cant log back on because it keeps on signing me out and i was wondering if u could help me.
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