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  1. indqxyl

    Eaten Sunglasses

    IGN: FeelinMiku VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Heart sunglasses EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: None, I just happened to eat them while putting them on.
  2. indqxyl

    Missing Items Due To VR Mishaps.

    IGN: indqxyl VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Rum (750ml), whiskey (1000ml), vodka (1000ml), electric guitar, round glasses, grey phone, black headphones, white headphones, white phone, sapphire. EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: None, I've just lost all the rest of my items due to a VR glitch. if...
  3. indqxyl

    Missing Items

    IGN: indqxyl VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Electric guitar, white headphones, and round glasses EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: None, I'm just missing these items after the server restarted while I was on apartment editmode.
  4. indqxyl

    indqxyl’s French Language Application

    IGN: indqxyl Language your character knows: French How does your character know it?: Chiyo was born in Paris, France, when she was around 5, she started wondering how to speak French since her parents always spoke it. Her mother was a French teacher, so she sat down with her mother each day...