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  1. Fluffy_Patato

    English school poll.

    When you next make the new map can you make it british I think it would be really cool the japanese one is just a bit cliche and boring.
  2. Fluffy_Patato

    Yo ducks my friend got expelled, and for no reason he is sitting right here and he just got...

    Yo ducks my friend got expelled, and for no reason he is sitting right here and he just got banned for connection loss then for abuse, and he wasn't even typing could you check the chat log or if something went wrong
  3. Fluffy_Patato

    How do I get my roleplay status up? :D I'm still a noob even though I have been grinding for...

    How do I get my roleplay status up? :D I'm still a noob even though I have been grinding for weeks :o
  4. Fluffy_Patato

    I submitted a teacher application a while back and when I go on my posts and the teacher...

    I submitted a teacher application a while back and when I go on my posts and the teacher application section on the forums its not there, do you know why this might of happened? Thanks.
  5. Fluffy_Patato

    Just chilling...

    Just chilling...