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  1. S

    Accepted Sofetios - Verified Business Application

    VERIFIED BUSINESS APPLICATION FORMAT IGN: Sofetios Discord: sofetios Describe your activity on the server: I've been on and off the server for a good year or two. I've come back and am active on the server as of two-three weeks ago. Even though I've been on and off before, I plan on being...
  2. S

    J. S. J Enterprise HQ and Shop! Shop Application

    Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: Sofetios Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): sofetios How old are you? (Optional): I would rather not say, but will if needed. What is your time zone?: EST Describe your activity on the server: I'll be honest...
  3. S

    Quick idea. Student parking lot.

    it was just an idea. I wasnt dead set on this. Thought it possibly might make some rp or aesthetic in the future if it is wanted. Carpool, friends leaving and coming into school together. Etc.
  4. S

    Quick idea. Student parking lot.

    IGN: Sofetios DATE: 11/1/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I just had a quick idea of adding a student parking lot to the school in the future? Just an idea. Haven't put much thought to it. I thought it would be cool rp wise and aesthetic wise for students to drive in and park in school...
  5. S

    Payment for 2 Vehicles!

    (Sorry for the big pictures) IGN: Sofetios VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Jayamen's Street Stall EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The second picture has me paying twice. the second payment is for the second vehicle below. IGN: Sofetios VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: The Jayamen Taxi EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL...
  6. S

    "Copy of Copy" Written books should NOT be able to be Copied on a Printer. ("Copy of Original" Should still be though)

    Alright, I get it now. so the point was that no one does sell books so it doesnt matter. got it. Im sorry i am new to the server and thought it would be a good opportunity for interesting content + a way to make money. Personally I feel there is still merit to the idea and IF people did sell...
  7. S

    "Copy of Copy" Written books should NOT be able to be Copied on a Printer. ("Copy of Original" Should still be though)

    I understand your point. I still do feel there is a large chunk of possibility missed out on without it implemented. Bookstores for example or if a player were to want to sell their work. Maybe an exception could be made for teachers, council, staff, etc? That would solve the detention tasks...
  8. S

    "Copy of Copy" Written books should NOT be able to be Copied on a Printer. ("Copy of Original" Should still be though)

    IGN: Sofetios DATE: 9/13/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Please make it so Written books that are "Copy of Copy" in its item description are NOT copyable on a printer or the thing used to copy books. Currently a "Copy of Copy" Written book makes another "Copy of Copy" Written book...
  9. S

    Bring back /book command

    +1 ONLY if the command is usable SPACIFICALLY ONLY by the original author OR Teachers/Mods. Dont want people copying others hard work.