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    used to be in college, back in grade 7

    Hello, I used to play this a bit ago, I'm not sure if it's changed since I did but I did a whole application to be in college and now I'm back in grade 7.
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    connection lost

    whenever i go into roleplay hub its fine but as soon as i go into school rp it says "loading terrain" for 1 minute and then says 'connection lost' how do i fix it? i restarted my laptop, restarted minecraft, and redownloaded minecraft.
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    College Role

    IGN (Minecraft Username):hi_imurmom WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) College YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY):Grade 12 EVIDENCE:
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    college role

    IGN (Minecraft Username):hi_imurmom WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) college YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY):grade 12 EVIDENCE:
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    I think there should be more apartments, or people should only be able to rent them for a week or so.
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    I personally, along with a couple other people, think the night should be shorter.
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    It keeps saying "You have reached the maximum grade" but it also says i'm only at grade 7.. help?