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  1. Lofken


    So you just admitted of RDMing?
  2. Lofken

    = Presidential Debate =

    Nominate me. I will make Schoolrp gud agin.
  3. Lofken

    Dziękuję Ci

    Dziękuję Ci
  4. Lofken

    A full year.

    Saicos joined the 20th of Febuary 2016 when he had the IGN of ''ItzModi_'', he was very active on the server and enjoyed roleplaying. Weeks later Saicos then supported SchoolRP and bought FamousKid, because of this, Saicos has been affiliated with SchoolRP and began to report several rule...
  5. Lofken

    Denied Staff Application : Soccer Coach

    Denied This so called 'App' hurt me. I don't think you can read to be honest.
  6. Lofken


  7. Lofken

    Accepted School Nurse Application: Number 4

    Accepted Proper Grammar, great detailed answers to the given questions. Congratulations, you're hired! (PM me when you are online)
  8. Lofken

    Denied Sakustar's Application

    Denied Bold and Unbold
  9. Lofken

    Denied locklyn0602's Assistant Librarian Application

    Accepted You have great grammar, and detailed answers to all given questions in the format. Congratulations you got the job!
  10. Lofken

    Denied Chorale's Receptionist Application

    Denied You need more detailed answers to the given questions through OOC and IC section.
  11. Lofken

    i do too

    i do too
  12. Lofken


  13. Lofken

    Denied Chorale_'s Office Worker Application

    Denied No such thing as ''Office Worker'', know when to bold and unbold.
  14. Lofken

    Denied School Nurse Application.

    Denied Being impatient. Making the same App the same month.
  15. Lofken

    Denied NightcoreNight's School Helper Application

    Denied You minge a lot in the Role play, you also Meta gamed. And next time improve your grammar, and answers.
  16. Lofken

    Denied AutumnKami's School Nurse Application.

    Denied You have false punctuation and short answers Re-apply in 5 days
  17. Lofken

    Denied My application as doctor

    Denied You did not follow the format. And you also have information that is not needed. Re-Apply in 7 days
  18. Lofken


    Why would you make this a thread?
  19. Lofken

    HELP my friend is stuck in the family store can a staff member get her out

    Knowing that you didnt put IGN, makes me not want to help you.
  20. Lofken


    Don't make a ban appeal for a friend or anybody else, but yourself. If they are to lazy to make one then whats the point of getting unbanned. And this is the wrong section.