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  1. Grass

    Martin A. Taketa

    Not my template MARTIN 'SAKE' ANOSAKA TAKETA art by sourcoward#5149 FULL NAME Martin Anosaka Kautzner Taketa AGE 18 HEIGHT / WEIGHT 5'10 or 179cm 150lbs or 68kg PERSONALITY Martin is a pretty stubborn man, as in, he will refuse to see the bad in people and will always put those he...
  2. Grass

    Event suggestion

    IGN: SpaghettiPog DATE: August 24th, 2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: It's a pretty simple idea, but for november 1st, I think it would be cool if we could have a special event where one would be able to bring back one of their dead characters, just for that day. You know, because day...
  3. Grass

    grade fix

    IGN (Minecraft Username): AlfredoPP WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Grade-12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade-9 EVIDENCE:
  4. Grass

    Club rooms!

    IGN: FartingSpaghetti DATE: July 17th, 2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest you guys add club rooms in the school! Something like a classroom where members of a specific club can hang out, plan stuff for their club, or do meetings inside. I think it would make a...