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  1. RAYHM

    Ownership over custom

    REVIEWED Use this thread only when you lost an item due to an in game glitch
  2. RAYHM

    item request | tfyo

    REVIEWED Items don't randomly vanish from inventories, if you don't know what happened and how it happened i can't return the item back to you. As for weapons, you need video evidence of them disappearing in order to get them back
  3. RAYHM

    Lost Car - Grap3Puncher123

    REVIEWED The items have been returned. Please be careful in the future when placing down your car, always qav callback before logging
  4. RAYHM

    glitched kanna's

    REVIEWED I can't return or fix the item without you giving me your IGN Please follow the correct format :
  5. RAYHM

    Multiple Items lost

    REVIEWED Send me the medal clip over discord - MikeShotZ#0960 I'll return the items after reviewing the clip
  6. RAYHM

    Lost item

    REVIEWED The following item has been returned. In the future be careful when moving items in your inventory, if you're lagging there's a chance they might disappear. I suggest waiting for the lag to be over.
  7. RAYHM


    REVIEWED The following apartment has been unclaimed. Grab it quick before someone else does!
  8. RAYHM

    Glitched Blocks

    REVIEWED The following blocks have been removed! If you continue to experience anymore glitched block issues, be sure to make another thread
  9. RAYHM

    trying to buy a apartment from another player

    REVIEWED The following apartment has been unclaimed. Be quick before someone else buys it.
  10. RAYHM


    REVIEWED The following apartment is broken and can't be claimed until it's been fixed
  11. RAYHM

    Items Glitched

    REVIEWED The following items have been fixed Avoid right clicking them on blocks or players otherwise they will break again, we're still trying to fix this issue
  12. RAYHM

    earrings went bye bye

    REVIEWED The item has been returned, try to be more careful with hat items when carrying a full inventory
  13. RAYHM

    Weapon Request PolarLoLs

    REVIEWED The video you uploaded is unavailable, try sending the clip to me in DMs over discord MikeShotZ#0960
  14. RAYHM

    Vehicle seating|| The_8eightRP

    REVIEWED Will forward this to the owners to fix the seating and hitbox of the vehicle
  15. RAYHM

    bunniecsraes vehicle request

    REVIEWED Message the admin that confiscated your car to receive it back.
  16. RAYHM

    Ruin's biker/skull mask 2.0

    REVIEWED We'll need more information on how you lost your mask, therefore this won't be returned.
  17. RAYHM

    Glitched blocks, help.

    REVIEWED The apartment has been cleared, all floating blocks have been removed. If you continue to experience this issue again, make sure to make another thread!
  18. RAYHM

    the basho bistro application (shopkeeper) - oondinee

    ACCEPTED Decent application, all the details are clear and the event ideas are interesting. DM MikeShotZ#0960 on discord or send me a forums conversation to get started
  19. RAYHM

    Motako Application

    ACCEPTED After spoken to you through DMs I've decided to accept this application as a convenient store
  20. RAYHM


    DENIED Your application is very short compared to others, and lacks a lot of details