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  1. RAYHM

    Feedback on calling in different languages

    ACCEPTED --------------------------------- We're already aware of the bug and we're working on fixing it!
  2. RAYHM

    I just want to practice my highballs in peace

    ACCEPTED ------------------------------ We are already working on a place for a public football pitch.
  3. RAYHM

    Item Display

    DENIED ------------------------------ The item frames and armor stands will disappear after a restart, and players can easily break them.
  4. RAYHM

    Housing Issues (How to resolve?)

    DENIED ------------------------------ After reviewing this feedback with the team, we have decided to deny this
  5. RAYHM

    Those Damn Nametags

    DENIED ------------------------------ I'm afraid we couldn't find a way to hide the name tags on the server, your best bet is to use Lunar Client as mentioned by the rest.
  6. RAYHM

    Apartment suggestion

    ACCEPTED ------------------------------ We will add more building blocks for the apartments in the future.
  7. RAYHM


    DENIED ------------------------------ After reviewing this feedback with the team we decided to deny this.
  8. RAYHM

    Green and pink bikes getting stuck-

    ACCEPTED ------------------------------ We found the small issue that's causing this to happen, we will work on a fix for it.
  9. RAYHM

    CombatRP Change Suggestion

    DENIED ------------------------------ This is already a rule, once you win a roll using /me you are out of range and can freely run away without them grabbing you.
  10. RAYHM

    Apartment Rent Extend Feedback

    ACCEPTED ------------------------------ This feedback will be added to the update timeline and will be worked on whenever we get to it.
  11. RAYHM


    DENIED ------------------------------ This feedback will be marked as denied as there's still a long time until the map update. The community will be notified about the item transfer when time comes.
  12. RAYHM

    New map item transfer / movement of storage | CodeineSmasher

    DENIED ------------------------------ This feedback will be marked as denied as there's still a long time until the map update. The community will be notified about the item transfer when time comes.
  13. RAYHM

    A Variety of Feedback by Totoro_Sam

    ACCEPTED/DENIED ------------------------------ We took our time and read every feedback you listed here and some were already Implemented. Some have been denied and some were accepted, you will be able to notice them eventually.
  14. RAYHM

    rank glitch

    ACCEPTED ----------------------------------- Your Rank should now work. If it doesn't please leave me a message on discord at MikeShotZ#0960
  15. 6Pancake

    Information SchoolRP | Resource Pack & Customs

    DOWNLOAD This thread is dedicated to explaining the guidelines for Custom Items, Vehicles, and other miscellaneous perks that you can purchase at our store. As explained further in this thread, there are two ways of loading your resource-pack. If you're having issues loading the resource-pack...
  16. RAYHM

    Appending Suggestion

    ACCEPTED ------------------------------------- Thank you for your feedback! The following idea will be worked on in the background.
  17. RAYHM

    i'm really lazy sometimes icl

    DENIED ------------------------------------- Thank you for your feedback! After going through your feedback with the staff team we decided to deny this.
  18. RAYHM

    New IC Site Suggestion

    DENIED ------------------------------------- Thank you for your feedback! After going through your feedback with the staff team we decided to deny this, but we may implement something of this sort in the future
  19. RAYHM

    Major perms

    DENIED ------------------------------------- Thank you for your feedback! After going through your feedback with the staff team we decided to deny this.
  20. RAYHM

    very important suggestion

    DENIED ------------------------------------- Thank you for your feedback! The following system was already implemented and is in use.