- The area where the coordinates where specified were was updated to be a part of your apartments region, if the issue is still persisting feel welcome to create a ticket in-game or create another housing request; though be sure to manually type out the coordinates and specify the location
- The issue has been resolved, if it still persists create another Housing Thread here; though please be sure to include the coordinates in your next request via typing them out, so that there is no need to manually input them through a screenshot
- As reviewing this there is no circumstantial evidence provided that they were inactive for 30 days; that being said checking their last known time logging in, they were seen online 6 hours ago as from when this message was posted.
- Insufficient Evidence was provided. Please provide evidence here for us to identify the issue with your Role / Rank. If your screenshots file size is too big, you can upload it to discord and send the media file here or alternatively just upload it to a third party platform such as...
- The owner will need to review the following request
In the meantime, please update the format to be the proper one located here:
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