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  1. Minobu

    [ inactive apartment ]

    ACCEPTED - The timer has hit thirty days by the time this was reviewed and has been disowned
  2. Minobu

    GamerPopballYT's Penthouse Issue...

    ACCEPTED - The snow has been removed, if the issue still consists of it falling create another Apartment Request for us to tag the owner to review
  3. Minobu

    Apartment Expansion

    - We thank you for your patience in response to the request. To update you on the request you have created, we will not be extending the apartment that you have, as all Penthouses maintain relatively similar heights and widths. If you have any questions or concerns, direct yourself to my...
  4. Minobu

    some glitched blocks in my apartment

    - We thank you for your patience in response to the request. To update you on the request you have created, we have cleared any floating or unnecessary blocks placed within your apartment that may have looked out of place. We removed any misplaced blocks that may have been there and edited the...
  5. Minobu

    My rank didnt got delivered, waited a whole day,

    DENIED - Use the proper formatting here
  6. Minobu

    Apartment Issue (fixed now)

    If you have any questions or concerns, direct yourself to my discord PMs at aesthetic#1400. This could be on several topics such as potentially something we may have missed, items that the former owner had granted you permission to have, etc. REVIEWED
  7. Minobu

    Apartment Issue

    DENIED - Use the format provided here
  8. Minobu

    Glitched Item (2) | Haru

    ACCEPTED - The following item was returned to its original form
  9. Minobu

    Item Glitch

    ACCEPTED - If another hat-block is on your head when right-clicking the item, it will consume it, for future reference ensure you have nothing equipped on your head
  10. Minobu

    Ornag's item Req PT2

    DENIED - The following request was denied due to the item itself being edible
  11. Minobu

    buying a apartment

    REVIEWED - The apartment was disowned, though next time format your request better
  12. Minobu

    MaxFromKekistan | Glitched Apartment

    - We thank you for your patience in response to the request. To update you on the request you have created, we have cleared any floating or unnecessary blocks placed within your apartment that may have looked out of place. We removed any misplaced blocks that may have been there and edited the...
  13. Minobu

    Glitched Block/Area

    - We thank you for your patience in response to the request. To update you on the request you have created, we have chosen to deny the following due to the request having invalid coordinates directed on them. When going to said coordinates they don't seem to be directed within the maps barriers...
  14. Minobu

    | Apartment issue | miksxx

    - We thank you for your patience in response to the request. To update you on the request you have created, your request made seems to lack very much on the specifics of what actually needs to be removed. Is it the whole apartment that needs to be cleared, leaves, etc? Create a more detailed...
  15. Minobu

    i cant break blocks

    - We thank you for your patience in response to the request. To update you on the request you have created, we have cleared any floating or unnecessary blocks placed within your apartment that may have looked out of place. We removed any locked chests claimed by the former owner of the...
  16. Minobu


    ACCEPTED - The following item has been returned to its original state, we thank you for your patience in the said request
  17. Minobu

    Help required in disowning a pent!

    - We thank you for your patience in response to the request. To update you on the request you have created, we have personally gone to said apartment and removed the player who was inactive for 30+ days. As of now, the apartment is currently UNOWNED and available for the next person to approach...
  18. Minobu

    Weps deleted from pent clear

    DENIED - Unfortunately, weapons cannot be returned without Video Evidence of them being lost - Refer to Item Request Rules here
  19. Minobu

    Apartment Zoning issue

    - The following issue will require the attention of an owner to revise and look over to fix the Region Issue with the apartment in place, we ask for your patience until the following time comes. As their schedule can get a bit flooded with tasks, we ask you to wait for at most a week for the...
  20. Minobu


    - We thank you for your patience in response to the request. To update you on the request you have created, we have ended up denying the following request due to the current owner of the apartment being as of now offline last since 7 hours and 39 minutes ago. It's more than likely the apartment...