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  1. lalyah701

    Apartment Disown | lalyah701

    USERNAME: lalyah701 APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): F2 116 ISSUE: The person has been offline for 30 days and the apartment needs to be disowne d. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Screenshots [2/2]
  2. lalyah701

    item retrieval | lalyah701

    IGN: Lalyah701 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kurikara Katana and Hanas Hot Mama Earrings EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The earrings disappeared because of the model glitch, when I tried to put them on to see what it would look like they disappeared. Then the katana my friend had already got his out...
  3. lalyah701

    Accepted Art Teacher Application | beangreenbean

    What is your Minecraft username?: The account which I’m applying for this role on is my alt beangreenbean. My main is lalyah701. Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): hana701#7214 Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do. How old are you? (Optional): N/A What is your...
  4. lalyah701

    Inventory (Again)

    IGN: lalyah701 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Mikuszewski Mask, Debit Card EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It's in my edit mode inventory but not my main one.
  5. lalyah701


    IGN: lalyah701 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: gothic skateboard, cuddly bear hat, panda phone, and dita sunglasses EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My friend was wearing the cuddly bear hat, and the rest is shown in the bottom thing which shows I had all the stuff. I crashed in editmode and lost all my...
  6. lalyah701

    Role Request.

    IGN (Minecraft Username): lalyah701 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Highschool/12th YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Highschool/11th EVIDENCE: I clicked it, but iit didnt work.