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  1. Escuzme

    ElmoWelmo | Surgeon Application

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Refer to the Emergency discord upon seeing this.
  2. Escuzme

    Doctor Application | Agoraphobia_

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Refer to the Emergency discord upon seeing this.
  3. Escuzme

    Doctor Application - heyitsnotgwendy

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Refer to the Emergency discord upon seeing this.
  4. Escuzme

    redl4ces | Psychiatrist Application

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Refer to the Emergency discord upon seeing this.
  5. Escuzme

    FrenchieRoseyiaa || Psychiatrist Application

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Refer to the Emergency discord upon seeing this.
  6. Escuzme

    IceVVS3 | Psychiatrist Application

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Refer to the Emergency discord upon seeing this.
  7. Escuzme

    Guacomoles Psychiatrist Application

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, however, your application has been put on pending as of now due to full positions in our team.
  8. Escuzme

    Psychiatrist Application | iheartemos420

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, however, your application has been put on pending as of now due to full positions in our team.
  9. Escuzme

    Luna's Psychiatrist Application

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, however, your application was denied as it was either not good enough or your reputation/activity wasn't the best. Better luck next time, however.
  10. Escuzme

    cultiist || Psychiatrist Application!

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, however, your application was denied as it was either not good enough or your reputation/activity wasn't the best. Better luck next time, however.
  11. Escuzme


    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, however, your application was denied as it was either not good enough or your reputation/activity wasn't the best. Better luck next time, however.
  12. Escuzme

    zxxo's [3rd] hospital application

    We appreciate you taking the time to apply, however, your application was denied as it was either not good enough or your reputation/activity wasn't the best. Better luck next time, however.
  13. Escuzme

    Apartment claim

  14. Escuzme

    Apartment Claim?

  15. Escuzme

    Inventory glitch

    I recommend making a item request for this
  16. Escuzme

    Empty apartment

  17. Escuzme

    Signs need removed

  18. Escuzme

    Need private signs removed

  19. Escuzme

    Apartment issue

    Due to most of your apartment being glitched you'd have to contact KimiNoUso#9999 to get your apartment region reset so it works again
  20. Escuzme

    Invisible signs, banners and chests

    Try using 1.17+ Anything below 1.18 should work