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  1. -kam

    Ask me Anything | Aania addition!

    I respect the FoB. On topic, are you an album listener or a shuffle playlist kinda guy
  2. -kam

    Ask me Anything | Aania addition!

    What is your opinion on the current state of CrimeRP as a whole. We are all aware you... endeavour. But is there any points that you perhaps- disagree with the rules or find them annoying. Or even the opposite. some rules you like to take advantage of or even use to your own benefit.
  3. -kam

    Hear me out

    They have a life. A real, life. Unless they work on this 24/7 a week wont change shit. Its not worth it
  4. -kam

    Now an Ex-Media Team

    o7 man! good luck have a nice time elsewhere
  5. -kam

    A song you feel would fit your character

    vihaan: do you like the way it feels? the screamed lyricz that i cba to type new teacher character you still have all my heart
  6. -kam

    a notice

  7. -kam

    a notice

    im at peace with my departing. knowing ill be gone soon is a comforting thing to me
  8. -kam

    a notice

    I'll do my best to shine over you lot when you're gone! OR... not. idk how global warming will like that.
  9. -kam

    Lets count innit

  10. -kam

    Due Time

    im gonna miss you man! dont do any illegal shit without me alright?
  11. -kam

    a notice

    this is now classified as terminal i have over a year left predicted, then who knows whatll happen
  12. -kam

    It is not possible to birth a shark.

    dont test me
  13. -kam

    "If one wants to breathe, one must have lungs."

    what if i dont wanna breathe
  14. -kam

    Dark Mode for the Forum website of SRP. .

    been suggested alot, never allowed. thats not gonna change. -1
  15. -kam

    Location rebrand to america

    -1 Nah
  16. -kam

    INSTRUMENT SYSTEM REWORK | An idea to make the system better!

    +1 A good plugin, would be fun to use. However there may be latency issues with the hitting of the note and the note happening, but it sounds like a good concept!
  17. -kam

    Firefighter role, fire department

    -1 Fires don't happen at any points other than during events, so it'd be a very inactive faction. However someone thats an event team member acting as this would be very cool
  18. -kam

    "/findname" Reversed

    +1, whilst this is avaliable to things like KPD, its useful to have public.
  19. -kam

    Bail or release notification

    -1 Coding such things would mean that any plugins that involve the jailing system e.t.c would have to be updated to suit this new plugin. Which isn't useful as you can just go to KPD front desk and ask for how long bail time or jail time is for your character.