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  1. jeemay


    marcel and luke, no? rip herringtons. they need new recruits
  2. jeemay


    lernaean is super lonely now. I see him wandering around in the city with no goal at hand. he should hang out with the other herringtons more
  3. jeemay


    gangvid.420 hmm..
  4. jeemay

    Suggestion regarding /carry in the School

    IGN: Glazebury / jeemay DATE: 13/10/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest a simple change to the /carry permissions in school. I think they should be limited to only not being able to /carry in classrooms as opposed to the whole school area. This is mainly because as...
  5. jeemay


    So, It's an event where people compete on who's better in detailrping and we just watch them do it and listen to their music...?
  6. jeemay

    Denied Lore-Team Application | Glazebury

    ──────────────────────── Jimmy's Lore-Team Application ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ IGN: Glazebury (Main) / jeemay (Alt) What is your discord name and tag (name#0000)?: glaze#5830 What is your timezone/What country are you from?: My timezone is GMT+2 and I'm from Egypt. Do you have a microphone and...
  7. jeemay


    Are all these stories connected somehow? or are you just writing whatever pops in your head first?
  8. jeemay

    Custom Models Suggestion

    flip phones are alright but when you think about things like taking selfies or sending images in texts or browsing the internet, flip phones are just unable to do that.
  9. jeemay

    Custom Models Suggestion

    anime? SRP ain't anime. give us touch screens ffs
  10. jeemay

    Forums Change Suggestion

    IGN: Glazebury / jeemay DATE: 2/10/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest a change to the forums; this change is making the item request, role rank request, and things like that private. I hate seeing the newest posts just filled with "Can't grade up" or "Need my new...
  11. jeemay

    NEWS REPORT | Burn the Wealth

    BURN THE WEALTH ┆ - Marshall K. Constantine - Good day to you everyone, this is Marshall back at you once again with another story, another report, this time we have a lot to cover so let us take a look at all the events and mishaps that occurred in the city of Karakura. Our first story comes...
  12. jeemay

    EMS (Doctor) Application | jeemay

    OOC (Out Of Character) Information _____________ Current In-Game-Name (IGN) : The account's username that I'm applying with is jeemay. My other account (MAIN) is Glazebury. What timezone are you in?: GMT (+2) Do you have Discord, if so what is it?: glaze#5830 Specify your activity on the...
  13. jeemay

    BUNKEN︱文献 ︱A Community of Writers

    BUNKEN︱文献 _______________________ Welcome to Bunken! A small, growing community of writers and literature lovers. The concept behind this idea is to give inspired writers space to write about whatever their heart desires and either sell it or showcase it to the community to judge on. This...
  14. jeemay


    I agree with most of the suggestions here. I feel like most buildings need a redo. The new apartment complex is probably the most nice looking thing in the whole map when it comes to architecture. The apartment blocks could also use a redo and add more colors and a more japanese theme in general...
  15. jeemay

    NEWS REPORT | Happy Pills

    - Happy Pills - ( Marshall K. Constantine ) _________________________________________ Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a fantastic day! This is Marshall Constantine once again reporting to you about stories from all around our beautiful home that we call Karakura. Today’s story is a...
  16. jeemay

    Marshall K. Constantine | マーシャルコンスタンティン

    < ⚠ > None of this information is to be taken ICly (In-game) < ⚠ > ┋ ________________________________________________________ Before anything, here's a small list of songs to listen to as you read along . . . ________________________________________________________ MARSHALL K. CONSTANTINE...
  17. jeemay

    OOC and IC times (Conversions)

    ────────────────── What is this guide? This guide will help you understand what OOC time (real life time) converts to ICly (In-game time). Why does this guide exist? The main reason behind this guide's existence is to help you not get confused when given tasks to do in IC time or asked to meet...