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  1. needle

    Multiple characters

    i forgot to mention +1 except for the role thing.. I sort of like separating my stuff between accounts although it'd be nice to have 2 adult characters (different ages!) on 1 account so that's what i want
  2. needle

    Multiple characters

    this has been suggested twice from what i've seen in regards to the role, i think that it would be beneficial alongside the already in-progress pre-set hex colour code plugin (in the trello u can find out more i think but basically it'll format ur actions as a certain colour) much like frp's...
  3. needle

    Prison Suggestion

    yeah actually
  4. needle

    Karakura News | Tōge Tunnel Reconstruction

    show me a picture im across canada i cant look at my pc
  5. needle

    Tryouts discord role

    -1 i agree w maria, i also think a lot of teams would suffer because a portion of people interested in tryouts for certain teams only develop an interest after they see the announcement, and in this case they may not have the tryout role so that fraction would just…be gone
  6. needle

    Your characters!

    Why do all of them slay
  7. needle

    Your characters!

    hakase was introduced sometime in 2020 as a "gang" character but i decided that i liked her too much, made her 15, and played her as a teenager with dad problems, and now she is an orphaned 21 year old rockstar! (famous in america)!!!!! at first, i didnt have anything to reference her off but...
  8. needle

    KARAKURA NEWS | Best Eats!

    i like this
  9. needle

    Needle's KPD Application (O_O)

    KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Blutwurzel Discord Name & Tag: ndl#8008 Previous bans: None. Describe your activity on the server: In a rating, 8/10. I roleplay on the server very frequently and am extremely active...
  10. needle

    Mi-Sun Sook | Biography

  11. needle

    lost items

    IGN: needlin VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Purple 1965 Ford Mustang, those cigarettes, Watering Can (my custom), white smartphone, and the two glasses.. ... I can't remember their names EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: lost when I timed out in /ap editmode in my shop x_X
  12. needle

    Karakura News | A Skate Park Speech

    team moralez stand up
  13. needle

    Karakura News | The Case of Velia Palerma

    hey this is really awesome
  14. needle

    my shovel

    IGN: schreu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Iron Shovel "Gold Digger" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: my custom item, lost it in a chest a few months ago
  15. needle

    bike (again)

    IGN: schreu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink Bicycle EVIDENCE: accidentally spawned my bike in the wall ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: reposted I put it in the wrong category
  16. needle

    My bike

    I put thus in tbhe qwrong fucking thing
  17. needle

    My bike

    IGN: schreu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink Bicycle EVIDENCE: accidentally spawned my bike in the wall ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  18. needle

    GangRP Suggestion & Removal of a certain 'Rule' | Ruin06

    i dont disagree with this suggestion but do u think it would be different if u pulled out a katana infront of 10 cameras and 30 people if there were cops on? i think a majority of gang roleplayers wouldnt, they'd probably attempt to do da lure thing