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  1. Customable

    Denied [College] Student Council Application #3 | QoroDyn

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council! The council had decided to deny the application. [!] If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590 on discord.
  2. Customable

    Denied (Hs) School Councillor Application

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council! The council had decided to deny the application. [!] If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590 on discord.
  3. Customable

    Denied Shalanka council application ;)

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council! The council had decided to deny the application. [!] If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590 on discord.
  4. Customable

    Denied luvnshay | Council App

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council! The council had decided to deny the application. [!] If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590 on discord.
  5. Customable

    Accepted Erykaaa | HS-Council Application

    ACCEPTED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council! Welcome to council, Please ping Customable#1590 in the academics discord #help channel to receive your roles [!] Click here to join academics
  6. Customable

    Accepted [College] Student Council Application | novue

    ACCEPTED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council! Welcome back to council, I'm sure you know what you need to do from this point forwards in terms of getting your roles. [!] If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590 on discord.
  7. Customable

    Denied NoS0UL_'s app | College Councilor position |

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council! The council had decided to deny the application. [!] If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590 on discord.
  8. Customable

    Accepted College Council Application | LuxidDream

    PENDING Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council! The council found your application great, however, they have decided to place you on pending until the council falls out of ratio. [!] If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590 on discord.
  9. Customable

    Accepted [College] Council Application | umiizxxmie

    PENDING Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council! The council found your application great, however, they have decided to place you on pending until the council falls out of ratio. [!] If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590 on discord.
  10. Customable

    How Much Yen Do You Have?

    @MikeShotZ why don’t you show em who’s boss
  11. Customable

    Lower Grade-Up Timer / Server Feedback

    In that case how would we should credit to each plugin developer on SRP, it’s a line of text that says “luckperms” and again, it’s not that deep. we have gone completely off topic regardless, I’ve stated my opinion, keep yours
  12. Customable

    Lower Grade-Up Timer / Server Feedback

    You really believed that? it’s not that deep in my opinion, there should be no traction towards our plugins anyway
  13. Customable

    Lower Grade-Up Timer / Server Feedback

    Remake luck perms?
  14. Customable

    Lower Grade-Up Timer / Server Feedback

    The glitch back are certain players, a bug us as admins don’t know how to fix, and if your grade it glitched, tell us as we can keep setting you to the next grade until you reach the final grade. either way, applying for grade 12 will not become a thing but I would agree to lowering the time it...
  15. Customable

    Lower Grade-Up Timer / Server Feedback

    Well the dudes written so much I don’t actually know what he wants aside from “applying for grade 12” which to be fair doesn’t make any sense, it just seems like a stringent excuse to not wait the time everyone has waited. from what I can read though he either wants that or to lower the amount...
  16. Customable

    Lower Grade-Up Timer / Server Feedback

    So, you just want grade 12 on your alt account?
  17. Customable

    Yen Display Suggestion

    Thats what i call, an L
  18. Customable

    Karakura News | Spooky Special

    I guess, it’s become journalism
  19. Customable

    Denied Key Club | Darketru

    DENIED The concept of your club is too open varied and mixed, it doesn't give me too much of a theme and feels more like a support group or charity than a club which will not garter much attention or draw in the club scene. [!] Contact Customable#1590 if you have any more questions.
  20. Customable

    Architecture Club | Owemji

    DENIED Please do not plagiarise extracted sections from examples provided to you. [!] Contact Customable#1590 if you have any more questions.