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  1. dualipa

    Night owl or morning person?

    Im nocturnal
  2. dualipa

    dating gc #ineedhelp

    Awkward. Emoji's not working. Fix the forums. Thanks, - KOSUL
  3. dualipa

    dating gc #ineedhelp

    I'm thrilled! I've been mastering the art of pretending to be mysterious ️‍♂️
  4. dualipa

    dating gc #ineedhelp

    Hey there, spreading love like confetti and battling hatred with Cupid's arrows! DMing you faster than a love letter in a rom-com. What a great idea, 48Floors!
  5. dualipa


    hi, i want to be a scientist
  6. dualipa

    Noto Noto.

    Noto Noto.