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    -1 how could anyone possibly be offended by "greenie"?
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    New Whitelist

    +1 I would love to roleplay as a tree and sit at my computer and do tree things. These are the type of additions we so desperately need in srp. Can I romanceRP as a plant?
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    Favourite songs?

    alice in chains is great!
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    Favourite songs?

    I'll go first Terrible Lie - Nine Inch Nails
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    Goodbye SchoolRP

    I have decided to quit srp. I've just felt burnt out and havent been having fun playing srp and i've had more important things to focus on and I have decided to just quit Thank you all for being cool people. It was fun roleplaying with you guys.
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    joining problems

    is anyone else able to join the hub? it just keeps timing out
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    Bring back Kill Permissions *NOT CLICKBAIT*

    +1! We need kps back!
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    pash too | Don't take roles upon temporary bans or

    +1 you should keep the properties and roles. it aint easy to get them and its kinda lame that you can lose it all just by doing something small
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    What's your most sad moment on srp

    When i f2bed your mom
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    +1 -1 Instead of busting people out you could hack the KPD system and lower their bail slightly
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    Suggestion for a new rule

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    Beanfart505 - Dodge Hellcat

    IGN: Beanfart505 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Dodge Hellcat EVIDENCE: see the attached image ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Poofed when I lagged out while driving
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    Beanfart505 - Dodge Hellcat

    IGN: Beanfart505 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: EVIDENCE: See attached ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It disappeared after my game crashed
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    Dodge Hellcat - Beanfart505

    IGN: Beanfart505 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: EVIDENCE: See attached ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It disappeared after my PC froze and I had to manually turn it off.
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    Parkour, maybe?

    +1 But I dont know how they would code this
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    Suggestion / Knives, Knuckle dusters

    -1 Not realistic and besides police officers are trained for that kind of stuff.
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    SUGGESTION/RANT | GangRP is ruining the server

    +1 I hate having to worry about getting brutally murdered because I smacked some dude with a bat. It makes fighting not worth it because you know immediately after 5 dudes with katanas and nagis are going to stab your eye out. GangRP should be re made along with the permissions.
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    +1 Let the snails be on the school grounds!
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    Changing an Item

    -1 We don't need everyone in Karakura to be walking around with a katana suddenly. Imagine all the good upstanding citizens getting arrested because they weren't aware of the change