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  1. Nova


    2 am model grind cant stop wont stop
  2. Nova

    Pin Custom Item Glitched

    IGN: OceanManJotaro VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Brooch Pins "KUJO" EVIDENCE: Said item glitched into another ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: NA
  3. Nova


    already suggested, will be denied, just apply for a job and work for it for 3 months, it isnt hard
  4. Nova

    SUGGESTION/RANT | GangRP is ruining the server

    I would be more than happy to begin another suggestion, my character was literally that 41 year old "with a disability". I'll literally title it "Gangrpers should literally shut up when fighting" because that's all they should really do unless a rule has really been broken. I think I am also...
  5. Nova

    SUGGESTION/RANT | GangRP is ruining the server

    . I could definitely agree on having GangRP whitelisted. Whitelisted to people who understand that others know how to play the game instead of spamming /sit or /lay after tackling you. A big problem I have noticed is a lot of the yammering there is in the LOOC chat when you are simply...
  6. Nova

    SUGGESTION/RANT | GangRP is ruining the server

    I disagree with this, me and another have had a personal talk with im6 about removing the P2L system with weapons considering how unfair it is, after getting rid of that, another friend of mine had assisted in getting even more CCTV everywhere around the map for the sake of furthering the...
  7. Nova

    Accepted OceanManJotaro’s 3D Modelling Application

    IGN: OceanManJotaro DISCORD: #6827 PREVIOUS BANS: N/A WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE MODELLER TEAM?: I want to be in the modeling team because I have prior experience to 3D Modelling for the server and have far more knowledge to creating smaller sized 3D Models. I have taken ahold of a new kind...
  8. Nova

    Lucius Herrington

    god tier bio MM
  9. Nova

    you listening to christmas music voluntarily: [chad] me forced to listen to christmas music at...

    you listening to christmas music voluntarily: [chad] me forced to listen to christmas music at work: [soyboy sobbing]
  10. Nova

    BarlosXML Glitched Caps

    IGN: BarlosXML VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Visored Anchored Cap Stardust Veteran’s Visored Cap Marine Biologist’s Visored Cap Stardusts Requiem Visored Cap EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Caps are glitched and not functioning correctly when I right click them.
  11. Nova

    School Uniforms

    I personally like this idea because yes, it does make it realistic but be logical who is gonna wanna be forced to change their minecraft skin like bada bing bada boom, its just a hassle for school staff and SRP staff because it’ll just be more people do deal with for no reason. sad life
  12. Nova

    yk what fuck you *untootsies your tootsie pop*

    yk what fuck you *untootsies your tootsie pop*
  13. Nova


    pog that a lot if ppl remember me :,)
  14. Nova


    The Boyfriend from popular game Friday Night Funkin oh wait
  15. Nova

    beep be skdee boop

    beep be skdee boop
  16. Nova

    Mumble (Proximity Chat)

    so.. a voice chat? because thats a completely diff thing plus its been in the server, its just been removed due to complications
  17. Nova


    basically, im barlos and i was a modeler and stuff im gonna come back yea im also the original jotaro i guess cuz thats important
  18. Nova

    Most Iconic Characters

    #4 HAHAHAHHAHAHA my list: #1 Jug Jug there is no more