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  1. Loooper

    Accepted TwerkingJesusERP Office Secretary Application 2

    Accepted - This application could have had more detail and had longer answers but ill give you a shot. DM me on discord. Discord - Loooper#8259
  2. Loooper

    Denied Boris's (UrMum8Me) School Employee Application x2

    Denied - Your application was okay, it had decent information listed but it was a bit repetitive. Sadly you won't be making the cut today. Nonetheless, we appreciate you applying.
  3. Loooper

    Denied IStoleAPennyTM. School Staff Application

    Denied - Your application was okay, it was spaced out a lot to make it look bigger than what it actually is. But sadly you won't be making the cut today. Nonetheless, we appreciate you applying.
  4. Loooper

    Accepted sofiasitar's Office Secretary Application

    Accepted - This application could have had more detail and had longer answers but ill give you a shot. DM me on discord. Discord - Loooper#8259
  5. Loooper

    grip it, **** it, lean and pop it slap man bait with a pocket rocket

    grip it, **** it, lean and pop it slap man bait with a pocket rocket
  6. Loooper

    fresh home

    fresh home
  7. Loooper

    Accepted WeirdAussie - Janitor Application

    Denied / Accepted - We appreciate you applying for this role, but sadly it's full. But I would be happy to offer you another role in the employee roster. DM me on discord if interested. Discord - Loooper#8259
  8. Loooper

    Denied _Abxgail_'s Application

    Denied - We appreciate you applying, but sadly you will not be getting the role you applied for today as the role you applied for is full. Nonetheless, your application was well-written.
  9. Loooper

    Denied hamoodd - Private Tutor Application

    Denied - We appreciate you applying, but sadly you will not be getting the role you applied for today. Nonetheless, your application was decently written.
  10. Loooper

    Denied Altuh's Teacher Assistant Application.

    Denied - We appreciate you applying, but the spot you applied for is currently full. Your application was very good nonetheless.
  11. Loooper

    Denied Blitaxy's Lunchtime-Monitor Application

    Denied - Your application was written decently, but it looked spaced out to make it look bigger than what it actually is. Nonetheless, we appreciate you applying.
  12. Loooper

    Accepted Psychogony - Felix's Private Tutor Application

    Accepted - Your application was well written with good layout and grammar. It was enjoyable to read also. Once your online DM me on discord so that I can run you through your role. - Discord - Loooper#8259
  13. Loooper

    Denied School Employee Application - anymxre

    Denied - We appreciate you applying, but sadly the role you're looking for today is full. Nonetheless, your application was well written and enjoyable to read.
  14. Loooper

    Denied Mr. Wuffstein

    - Moved to teacher applications
  15. Loooper


    Accepted - This application was well-written and it was enjoyable to read through. Once you're online please DM me and ill run you through your role etc. - Discord - Loooper#8259
  16. Loooper

    Denied Esmays Teaching Assistant Application

    Denied - We appreciate you applying, but the spot you applied for is currently full. Your application could have been better in some areas, such as bolding the questions and unbolding the answers.
  17. Loooper

    Denied Jorold's Janitor Application

    Denied - We appreciate you applying, but the spot you applied for is currently full. Your application could have been better in some areas, such as bolding the questions and unbolding the answers.
  18. Loooper

    Denied Bambi's Mentor Application. [Deny Please]

    Denied - We appreciate you applying, but the spot you applied for is currently full. Your application was very good nonetheless.
  19. Loooper

    Denied MitsuEvan2's Teachers Aide app

    Denied - We appreciate you applying, but the spot you applied for is currently full. Nonetheless, your application wasn't the worst, maybe just put a little more detail into the next one if you wish to make another one.
  20. Loooper

    Denied DemonDarkness's Teaching Assistant Application

    Denied - Your application is poorly done, with little to no information included. Next time, please put a little more effort into your application, such as bolding the questions and unbolding the answers.