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  1. Mariav

    Denied YVJ1 | Event Team application

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Event Team! Unfortunately, we have chosen to deny this application for the following reasons: - You have interesting ideas but they are not very realistic/do not suit SRP, even for AU events, we thought it would be a bit too much. We do...
  2. Mariav

    Denied BlossomRp | Event Team Application

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Event Team! Unfortunately, I have chosen to deny this application for the following reasons: - You have great event ideas but due to your history on the server, I've decided to deny this application.
  3. Mariav

    Denied (NEW ONE) Event Team Applications

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Event Team! Unfortunately, we have chosen to deny this application for the following reasons: - Your application lacks organization and the events you suggested either already happen or are not interesting enough for the community; - If you...
  4. Mariav

    Denied _MariBean_ | Event Team Application

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Event Team! Unfortunately, we have chosen to deny this application for the following reasons: - You have very sweet events, but a couple of them already happen and overall they are not very unique. We recommend you to expand your ideas and...
  5. Mariav

    Denied LILripx47 Event Team Application

    DENIED Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Event Team! Unfortunately, we have chosen to deny this application for the following reasons: - We actually really liked the corn maze idea as simple as it is, but your application lacks detail, organization, and more interesting events for...
  6. Mariav

    Denied Tutor Application

    Denied Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for this position! But unfortunately, I've chosen to deny this application.
  7. Mariav

    Denied Nightmaerdy's Famous Librarian Application

    Pending - Unfortunately, we don't have any spots at the moment but whenever this changes I'll review this application again! - If you ever decide to remove this application change the title to [REMOVE] If you have any questions don't hesitate to DM me - mariav#6666
  8. Mariav

    Denied [REMOVE] aurelki | NURSE APPLICATION

    Pending - Unfortunately, we don't have any spots at the moment but whenever this changes I'll review this application again! - If you ever decide to remove this application change the title to [REMOVE] If you have any questions don't hesitate to DM me - mariav#6666
  9. Mariav

    Accepted Xyrii_ | Librarian application

    Pending - Unfortunately, we don't have any spots at the moment but whenever this changes I'll review this application again! - If you ever decide to remove this application change the title to [REMOVE] If you have any questions don't hesitate to DM me - mariav#6666
  10. Mariav

    Accepted Fukui Saki’s nurse app

    Pending - Unfortunately, we don't have any spots at the moment but whenever this changes I'll review this application again! - If you ever decide to remove this application change the title to [REMOVE] If you have any questions don't hesitate to DM me - mariav#6666
  11. Mariav

    Accepted Dompiedom Chef Application

    Accepted Congratulations, you have been accepted for the role of Chef! Please ping mariav#6666 and link this application on Academics Discord to get things started.
  12. Mariav

    Accepted sqidys' Chef Application

    Accepted Congratulations, you have been accepted for the role of Chef! Please ping mariav#6666 and link this application on Academics Discord to get things started.
  13. Mariav

    Denied remsii | Chef Application!

    Denied Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for this position! But compared to the other applicants, unfortunately, we've chosen to deny this application. I'd love to see you re-applying for this role since I believe you have great potential! You may re-apply in 3 days.
  14. Mariav

    Denied Chef App

    Denied Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for this position! But compared to the other applicants, unfortunately, we've chosen to deny this application. - I've noticed that you skipped a couple of questions from the format, most likely didn't notice and it was "why do you want to...
  15. Mariav


    Accepted Congratulations, you have been accepted for the role of Receptionist! Please ping mariav#6666 and link this application on Academics Discord to get things started.
  16. Mariav

    Accepted hinawe | Receptionist App

    Accepted Congratulations, you have been accepted for the role of Receptionist! Please ping mariav#6666 and link this application on Academics Discord to get things started.
  17. Mariav

    Denied Lehmua's Caretaker Application

    Denied Since it is taking a long time to open slots, I've decided to deny this application, feel free to re-apply when there are spots open!
  18. Mariav

    Accepted bownezy | Receptionist App

    Pending - Unfortunately, we don't have any spots at the moment but whenever this changes I'll review this application again! - If you ever decide to remove this application change the title to [REMOVE] - You have a well-written application but it's very short, feel free to expand your answers...
  19. Mariav


    Denied Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for this position! But compared to the other applicants, unfortunately, we've chosen to deny this application. - I've noticed that you skipped a couple of questions from the format, most likely didn't notice! - I'd love to see you...