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  1. wethecreature

    Chef Guide

    aaw... I wanted to poison the burnt plastic sandwhiches
  2. wethecreature

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | My Problem With Councillors (+What you can do to help!) - Den "Wick" Celestiasume

    this all seems like there's going to be a civil war within bobcats and spartans while bobcats and spartans are also in a war with each other
  3. wethecreature

    /looc command

    I don't know if making looc your basic chat is possible, but being able to deactivate it would be really good for Screenshots and stuff
  4. wethecreature

    The Spread of the Chronic Maid Disease

    don't pretend like you never had one
  5. wethecreature

    what is something you did on srp, thats make you wanna die inside from cringe.

    TW: painfully cringe this is one of my darkest SRP secrets but I'm too nice not to share it with you (I literally forgot about this for so long until now)
  6. wethecreature

    I'm at the peak of my full potential, I wrote an essay on a minecraft suggestion!!

    I'm at the peak of my full potential, I wrote an essay on a minecraft suggestion!!
  7. wethecreature

    Event Calendar Update

    Neutral I made a beautiful essay! Please waste your life away reading it! --- Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt because this is mainly just what I'm saying I think would happen from my point of view from what I've seen with event tean so far. I do agree with you and suggest that...
  8. wethecreature

    I need songs to listen to

    I'll just recommend bands - Grizzly Bear (Veckatimest and any albums after that specifically) - Department of Eagles (In Ear Park is supposedly the best album) - Radiohead - The Shins
  9. wethecreature

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Better Coffee Machines

    this is the best thing ever
  10. wethecreature

    PIZA_OP savage

    PIZA_OP savage
  11. wethecreature

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | HS Football and Cheer Teams, A Trend of Violence

    seems like a war well that's a bit ominous
  12. wethecreature

    Yūrei Gushiken O'Sullivan | 幽霊 具志堅

    add a part about Sakagami being everybody's sleep paralysis demon
  13. wethecreature

    My current time on SRP.

    Go Shu!
  14. wethecreature

    Rieums' Introduction

  15. wethecreature

    New fun item

    *falls out of the sky*
  16. wethecreature

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Clapping Back

    not sure who to believe but god damn, seems like there is a civil war coming!!
  17. wethecreature

    Chat filter and links

    /f msg allows links