Hey! It seems you have posted your request in the wrong sub-section in this section. To file your report correctly, please go to the following sub-section linked:
~ https://schoolrp.net/index.php?forums/role-rank-requests.171/
Follow the format and any extra information as stated before...
Only staff members are permitted to mark threads as given 'tags' such as "RESOLVED" or "PENDING"; the thread will be marked as the respective tag accordingly shortly.
It seems that you've posted your message in the wrong part of the subsection. The following link provides you the correct section, make sure to follow the given format correctly and provide any necessary proof (a screenshot of your /grade rank) to ensure you receive the correct rank back.
It seems that you've posted your message in the wrong part of the subsection. The following link provides you with the correct section, make sure to follow the given format correctly and provide any necessary proof (a screenshot of your /grade rank) to ensure you receive the correct rank back...
It seems that you have posted this thread in the wrong section, make sure to post it in the following section, ensuring that you have correctly followed the format:
~ https://schoolrp.net/index.php?forums/item-vehicle-requests.172/
Hey! Could you possibly link your IGN? You might be experiencing this problem as a result of being banned from the server. If you can link your IGN, we could check if you're banned or not.
Thank you for your patience.
It seems that you've posted your message in the wrong part of the subsection. The following link provides you the correct section, make sure to follow the given format correctly and provide any necessary proof (a screenshot of your /grade rank) to ensure you receive the correct rank back.
There might be an issue with the grading system on your account. If you can, please do /grade and send what message it gives you there.
~ https://schoolrp.net/index.php?forums/role-rank-requests.171/
Please follow the given format before uploading your thread.
We experienced a minor security issue and it was solved. The server should be back up right now and you should be able to get back to role-play! Post anymore issues you may have in the section linked below.
~ https://schoolrp.net/index.php?forums/support.12/
Hey! Could you possibly link your IGN? You might be experiencing this problem as a result of being banned from the server. If you can link your IGN, we could check if you're banned or not.
Thank you for your patience.
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