Crime Roleplay is recognised as the most infamous form of depiction on SchoolRP, an act of engaging in illegal and illicit activity that entails consequences from both governmental structures and other crime...
If you had the option of 'soft-resetting' Naomi Inoue's trauma, which brings back his original mindset and rids Naomi of all trauma whilst keeping most of his more memorable memories in Karakura: i.e. meeting Matteo, would you do that?
Across the Spiderverse, definitely catches the aesthetic of the Mechanic; his sudden appearances and surprise ambushes where he goes one on one against multiple officers or hospital workers definitely has a terrific touch to it.
Hey there, Naiya/bheom/Creator of Nayao Zhuang, Riwoo Yeun/bheomie. I would like to ask.. How does it feel to have an avg. win rate of 25% against all of my characters summed up?
Gonna stop you there. In terms of funds, this server certainly profits a large margins from the daily donations made by various players— including large ones that occur on an often basis by people like cuddlesmeow & Erik Finster. The sustainability and maintenance of the server isn't degraded...
I don't believe most people who say they bought a donor rank just for the hex code and not for the other exclusivities that ranks retain. Either way, +1 to this in some cases. I agree that non-donors should be able to use the yellow colour alongside the &f hex code.
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