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  1. DoomzDreamers

    College Tag Request

    Hello, I'm requesting to get back my College Tag, as I've had it before and was sent down back to the high school role, I am requesting to go back to the college tag. Below is the screenshot from forums of my college role request, as well as (previous) staff confirmation. Another screenshot...
  2. DoomzDreamers

    Poll of the Week | 4/24/21

    conure green cheeked bird
  3. DoomzDreamers

    Poll of the Week | 4/8/21

    California rolls . .. I know it's really basic but it's really good
  4. DoomzDreamers

    Poll of the Day | 4/2/21

    fashion company store probably because ive had a long hobby of doodling outfits and selecting clothes that match or fit a theme. . also i like fashion a lot and how it connects to a person by their personality, how they act and such. but also how it creates opinions/views on how you see someone...
  5. DoomzDreamers

    looks at xxMystical_Duskxx

    looks at xxMystical_Duskxx
  6. DoomzDreamers

    [OFFICIAL] The Bouncil | Information, Rules, & More

    yo why are there background pictures of the prisoners cafeteria
  7. DoomzDreamers

    character biography but it's malachi moralez'

    you did a WHOLE GENE TABLE man
  8. DoomzDreamers


  9. DoomzDreamers


  10. DoomzDreamers


  11. DoomzDreamers

    Genko Hashirama | げんこはしらま

  12. DoomzDreamers


    I just want to mention a few things to explain why the 15 minute rule should be in placed, and the positives and negatives that come against it. First off, TOTALLY understand how frustrating it can be to kill someone, and think you got away with it until just like that you see them alive. It...
  13. DoomzDreamers

    College Role Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): DoomzDreamer WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): College-Student, (Age 19) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade-12, (Age 18) Fundraiser+ EVIDENCE:
  14. DoomzDreamers


  15. DoomzDreamers

    hi unshared

    hi unshared
  16. DoomzDreamers


  17. DoomzDreamers

    Rank Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): DoomzDreamer WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Basketball-Team IG YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): F+ Grade-12 EVIDENCE:
  18. DoomzDreamers


  19. DoomzDreamers

    LoboLibo's Police Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): LoboLibo [Going to change IGN to DoomzDreams soon, or as of reading this, I may have already changed it.] Previous bans: I have gotten one ban, in which I was banned for having possession and selling glitched items. As of now, I know that...
  20. DoomzDreamers

    hey hey

    hey hey