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  1. Coraa

    yeah I'm sleepy again but that's pretty cool!

    yeah I'm sleepy again but that's pretty cool!
  2. Coraa

    yk when you pull an al nighter everynight....

    yk when you pull an al nighter everynight....
  3. Coraa

    Denied slumpedcora's Lore-Team Application

    IGN: slumpedcora What is your discord name and tag (name#0000)?: Cora!#0001 What is your timezone/What country are you from?: Do you have a microphone and are able to speak VIA discord?: I'm from the United States and I am in the PST timezone. Do you recognize you could be removed from the...
  4. Coraa

    Denied slumpedcora's Lore-Team Application #2

    IGN: slumpedcora What is your discord name and tag (name#0000)?: My discord is Cora!#0001 What is your timezone/What country are you from?: Do you have a microphone and are able to speak VIA discord?: My time zone is PST and I live in the United States, I do have a microphone and I am...
  5. Coraa

    Denied cXra_'s Lore-Team Application

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IGN: My main account is slumpedcora, but the account I will be applying for Lore-Team on is cXra_ What is your discord name and tag (name#0000)?: My discord name is Cora!#0001 What is your...
  6. Coraa

    College Role request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): 50am WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) [20] [College] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [17] [Grade-12] EVIDENCE:
  7. Coraa

    divinity's Police Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): diviintyy Previous bans: There was an issue with a bypasser hacking into my account and started bypassing my account, although I dmed admin about that whole situation. To make sure the bypasser couldn’t get into SRP, they banned my main...
  8. Coraa

    Denied Naoko V. Wombowski Teacher Assistant Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name: diviinityy School Employee Role you are Applying For: Teachers Assistant How often do you log onto the server?: I long on everyday, and I am very active throughout most of the day. Do you have discord? I do have discord, my discord is UnknownCora#5453. Do...
  9. Coraa

    College Role Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): _cXrA WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) [R.K] [20] College YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [R.K] [18] Grade-12 EVIDENCE: Thank you very much!