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  1. Springwood


    Oh wow- what grade are you in if I may ask? (You can answer this question in Dutch)
  2. Springwood


    Lol I had that 5 days ago.
  3. Springwood


    Aww alright that’s fair enough.
  4. Springwood


    Hey keep it clean, he didn’t say something wrong.
  5. Springwood


    That’s good to hear! I’m not trying to involve myself in any of your personal life, but I suggest you sleeping since it’s very important for your wealth
  6. Springwood


    Het is 6:16 ga slapen xd
  7. Springwood

    Good to know. :)

    Good to know. :)
  8. Springwood


    No worries. :)
  9. Springwood


    The more you go on the forums, the higher you get with the levels. Keep going and you will eventually reach your goal. :)
  10. Springwood


    Haha, that's really creative!
  11. Springwood

    connection lost

    FIX Try playing SchoolRP with the Minecraft 1.13.2 version (Use Optifine) ✦ If that doesn’t work, try other versions such as 1.14.4 or 1.15.2, I play SchoolRP on 1.14.4 (Optifine) and 1.15.2 (Optifine) ✦ In case your not using Optifine or don’t know what it is; Optifine is a sort of mod that...
  12. Springwood

    Suggestion | Subject_725

    IGN: Subject_725 DATE: 30/08/2020 (30 August 2020) WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: It would be cool if there would be more emojis added into this forum in the future. Most of the time I see really smart suggestions and stuff, and I just wish that there were more emojis in this forum to...
  13. Springwood

    Kie C. Kanakei

    I rate you. :)
  14. Springwood

    Rhyzed's Intro

    INTRODUCTION Welcome to the SchoolRP Community Rhyzed! ✦ If you are struggling with something within the SchoolRP server, or the discord server, feel free to ask for help. — In-Game - /help (Message/Complaint) Discord - #help (channel) ✦ SCHOOLRP DISCORD: ✦ If you...
  15. Springwood

    New Account

    Welcome back!
  16. Springwood

    can i wear my mask in school

    MASK IN SCHOOL Yes, you can wear a mask in school, but people who work there will tell you to take it off. ✦ It depends what disease you have, if it’s a valid and serious disease, then you can of course wear a mask. But if it’s not, then you can still wear a mask, but you have to take it off...
  17. Springwood

    Job Employment

    JOBS Here is a list of jobs you can choose on the SchoolRP server. ✦ Feel free too choose one, and apply for it! If you get denied, try applying another time. You can always apply for others jobs. ✦ Good luck! :) —— DISCORD - Subject#4191...
  18. Springwood

    NEWS REPORT | Gang Violence within Karakura

    Gang Violence within Karakura City [Lucien Maddox] Hello there dear citizens of Karakura City! This is Lucien Maddox speaking, one of your newest reporters informing you about the newest, and latest news in Karakura City...
  19. Springwood


    I to be honest don’t know what to say on this- [20][Grade-12][Journalist]Lucien Maddox Discord - Subject#4191