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  1. KyleeBugz

    Missing Purse

    Username:WifeRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: White Stallion Purse EVIDENCE: SS evidence of buying the item at auction and it being glitched from my mailbox ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My mailbox get glitched a lot i'm sorry.
  2. KyleeBugz

    Missing Items

    IGN: WifeRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Sunglasses "Blue Wave" and Butterfly Bow EVIDENCE: screenshoted evidence of buying the glasses and Bow from auction ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: When i went to my mailbox trying to get the item i couldn't even open the mailbox menu to look for my items as it just...
  3. KyleeBugz

    Vehicle Purchase Never Received w/Screen Shots

    IGN: WifeRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toyota Prius EVIDENCE: See attached screenshots for proof ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I have screen-shots of me having the money to buy the car and me purchasing it then never getting it from the NPC
  4. KyleeBugz


    had to go pick up food ill be back!